Losing The Scales!

On Sunday 6th April, I achieved my initial weight loss target of 68kgs (I wanted to get under 150lbs) and after working towards this goal since last year (when I was originally 214lbs), I am over the moon that I’m finally there. However, I’ve noticed during this journey that I’ve developed an unhealthy obsession with the scales. I was weighing myself multiple times a day (before/after every meal, every workout, the second I woke up, just before I went to bed) and even though I knew that my weight would fluctuate daily, I found any increase was a real kicker for me and often made me lose motivation and bring me down.

My final goal is to hit 60kgs and after a long hard think about how to proceed with this next target, I’ve decided that the scales HAVE to go. If I’m going to remain positive about my journey and un-distracted, then those things have gotta be given the old heave-ho. So, I have pledged to stay scale-free until the 23rd August. This is the day my hubby and I go away on holiday for our 10-year wedding anniversary and my goal date for reaching 60kgs. I figured if I get on those scales that morning and I’m at 60kgs, hooray for me and I should be proud of my efforts. If I’m not quite there, you know what, I know I did my best and at the end of the day, I’m flying to Orlando that afternoon to spend two-weeks with Mickey Mouse and his friends, so I’m not going to be disappointed for long!!

So, here’s to 134 days of scale-free weight loss. I’m going to continue logging my meals, exercising like a crazy person (which I have no problems with as I LOVE working out) and there’s no reason why I won’t have a good result if I just stick to what I’ve been doing all along so far – the only difference being is that those pesky scales won’t be sat in the bathroom to taunt me every time I walk past. I’m actually really excited about this and I think not being able to weigh myself every five minutes may even help to stay more focused, as I will have no idea how a binge-day or blow-out it’s going to affect my final result.

The ticker is gone at the bottom of my posts for now – I just have to stay faithful to what’s been successful for me so far and measure my progress based on how loose my clothes feel and what I see when I look in the mirror. And you know what, I already feel great, so even if I’m only 1lb lighter when I’m ready to go on holiday, it’s still a loss! Onwards and upwards!!


  • JaneyB311
    JaneyB311 Posts: 80 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing achievement so far, you look great :). And double well done for the healthy attitude - It is far too easy to get obsessed with the number on the scales. Good luck with losing the last 8kg and have a great holiday when the time comes.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member

    So many people are entwined with the number on the scale.

    Don't forget to ENJOY and EAT on Easter... one day of not counting calories and over eating will not hurt you. It will actually help (more calories for a more intense workout the day after)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I NEVER weigh myself. I go by how my clothes fit and how I feel. Like you I get obsessed with that dam # on the scale. Don't own a scale. When I go to the doctor I refuse to weigh, they look at me like i am nuts. Oh well, it works for me.
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    I'll definitely be enjoying Easter - in the past when I've tried to lose weight, I've always stayed away from chocolate and if people have offered to buy me an egg, I've politely declined or asked for some fruit instead. All got a bit boring - this year I'm looking forward to chowing down on a slab of choccy on Easter Sunday - which I will log, of course! LOL!
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    After years of trying to lose weight and not succeeding, I decided that the problem was so much what I was eating. The real culprit was that damn scale. On July 1, 2013, I banished the scale from my life. With the exception of an unplanned surgery at the end of November to fix a broken wrist -- had to have a pre op physical requiring me to be weighed -- I've not stepped on a scale. I've relied on the way my clothes are fitting, how I am feeling, comments from others -- and I've been successful.

    I can tell you that at the November weigh in, I refused to look at the scale and asked not to be told what I weighed in at. Curiousity did get the best of me, or perhaps it was my drugged induced state of mind -- but I did break down and ask the attendant in the recovery room what my weight was. Good thing I was laying down at the time, because I would have probably fainted when they told me what I had weighed. I had dropped 52 pounds from July 1 to November 21!!!!! It has been about 5 months since then -- still haven't stepped on a scale -- but the fact is, back on July 1, 2013 I was wearing a VERY TIGHT size 18 (with size 20 jeans hanging-in-waiting).... today I am wearing a pair of size 6 jeans, which keep slipping down :-)
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    You are really courageous. I'm too obsess with the scale. So I totally understand you. Good luck with you journey without a scale. How you going to base your weight lost on? A clothe size?...
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    This is awesome! Well done. :-)
  • MissBounceUK
    MissBounceUK Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah, just going to judge by how my clothes feel, what the tape-measure says and what I look like when I stand in front of the mirror. If I feel good in myself, then I think that's all that matters. And any weight I do lose between now and August will only be a bonus. :-)