What was your turning point?



  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I've been trying to figure out my turning point for years. I'm really not sure what started it, I've been on this journey for almost 14 years and have had many life changing events so it's like I gravitated to a healthier lifestyle over time. It could have been my wedding day or the photos fromthat, the horrible car accident, could have been a loved one becoming a quadrapalegic who would now need my care, it could have been topping out at 233 pounds, could have been the photos I had to take of the physical damage to my body from the car accident or maybe it was a combination of all of those things. All I know is whatever started me on this road is welcomed to my life. I've lost 85lbs since August of 2000, it's been a slow road but I'm grateful for that since I have learned so much about myself. I did this without drugs, without surgery, without supplements it's all come from finding healthy foods and eating them (I was a meal skipper) and movement.

    To anyone reading this thinking wow how did you stay motivated for so long? Well it isn't so much motivation as my body learning new habits and liking the extra energy, the added strength and so on.
  • LindaDee1969
    The point I knew was trying on wedding dresses. I couldn't hardly believe I allowed myself to get like this.
    Not to mention the health risks. I used to be what I thought was attractive women.
    As you can see no longer. The weight has made me into some hideous creature I don't even recognize.
    I've posted a before pic. Well kind of a before pic. I was still packing a huge amount of weight. I just totally went past some threshold. These pics are roughly three years apart.



  • Point202
    Point202 Posts: 55 Member
    For me it was looking back through old pictures. I was scrolling back through old Facebook pictures, and there are some there from about 6-7 years ago when I last successfully lost some weight. I was easily 40lbs lighter than I am now. I did a little side-by-side comparison of then versus now and was shocked at the difference in my face in particular. I think I have gotten used to how I look now. Even though I looked at current pictures of myself now and think, gee I've put on some weight, I never thought about how much. Our scale battery had died who knows how long ago. What really motivated me though to get off my butt was finally getting a new battery for it and stepping on the scale. I knew I was over 200lbs, but had no idea how far over 200lbs I was...
  • irNathaniel
    irNathaniel Posts: 178 Member
    Recent holiday photos - Clothes - Partner - Sport - Excercise

    Everyone has different motivational Goals, as soon as you find yours, it becomes easy.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    Sitting at home alone on my birthday in 2012. My birthday fell on a holiday and the office was closed. I used to love going into the office and working. Working kept my mind busy. If my mind was busy with work it didn't have time to think about how lonely and depressed I was.

    So anyway, I'm sitting at home alone with my thoughts which was never a good place to be. Incredibly depressed and lonely, I had thoughts of suicide. Back then my mind went in that direction often. I turned 37 years old that day and had been having suicidal thoughts on a near daily basis for 25 years. Suicide by cheeseburger wasn't working fast enough. I was miserable and just wanted it all to be over.

    My weight and fitness had always been at the center of my issues. Knowing this I needed to give getting fit an honest try. If I tried and failed (which I fully expected to), I could end it and feel justified doing so.

    It's been nearly two years and I'm down nearly 200 pounds. Things are going well.
  • krokus99
    krokus99 Posts: 35 Member
    Seeing some photos of myself. And then one day the scale was in my way and stepped on. 89 kilos... That was 28 days ago. That was the day I joined MFP.
    I lost 6 kilos since then.
  • RossUK88
    RossUK88 Posts: 10 Member
    This picture was my turning point.
    (I'm on the left)


    Going back to Newquay in 2 months time to retake that picture after losing around 12% body fat.
    Still not at the end of the journey and never will be but i'm well on my way :)
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    My daughter has issues with food. She is almost 6 and still fearful of trying new foods, only has a small number of foods that she will eat, and we keep seeing that list of acceptable foods get smaller. So in my journey to help her with her issues, I started seeing my own problems, not the same problems, but just as concerning. Then helping her get dressed one day I saw that she has started developing the same shape I have, with a bulge around the top her pelvis. This is thing I hate most about myself, and seeing it form on her, made me realize that not only do I need to change the way we eat, I need to change our activity levels. I'm trying my hardest to be a good role model for her, hoping that as she see's me add more activity into my daily life she will join me. And it seems to be working, we play games running around the yard, tag and races. She likes to see how fast she can run. We've added a couple new foods and condiments to her repetoire, and even managed to bring back an old favorite. While I have cut my portions to normal sizes, and added in more nutritous foods.

    She really is my biggest inspiration and motivator. And I do not want to cause her to develop the same issues that my mom did for me. We are working together for a healthier, more active life
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    I thought the idea of clothes but no, it was BURNOUT and STRESS.

    The thought of everything, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to take in control. I have to do it. I needed to be in control of my life. I love life and enjoy every bit of it.
  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
    My turning point was my last vacation when I went to the Dominican Republic. On the plane ride I was sitting in a sit where the armrest didn't come up. The entire flight the armrest was digging into my thighs. It was so painful I wanted to cry. While I was down there I met a couple and decided to go snorkeling with them. We were on a speed boat and I couldn't even pull myself in the boat. I felt like a beached whale when two men were pushing me into the boat. It was horrible and embarrassing for me. I swore I would never travel like that again. I came back determined to become a healthier person. It is all about evolving and changing bad habits. I don't think I could ever be that person again. I know I wouldn't want to. Good luck everyone. I know we can do this.
  • pmtarr91214
    I've had a couple turning points.
    1. My dr told me that I could have PCOS, I looked it up and learned that being overweight could make symptoms worse, and NOT fun. I didn't want to be dealing with that all my life. Not to mention when I stepped on the scale at the dr, she kind of gasped...
    2. Recent photos. I look at them and I don't even see myself anymore. They don't look like me and it just makes me feel terrible to look at them.
    3. My fiance. I'm getting married in September...I want to look at those photos and be proud to display them. And I want to look hot in my dress.
    4. I live in a second floor apartment..I was tired of being out of breath walking up the stairs..
    ETA 5. my mom. She's overweight and I'm hoping that if i can finally do it, it'll motivate her
  • mustlovecats
    mustlovecats Posts: 5 Member
    There have been many moments over the last 25 years that should have triggered action but you always feel that there will be time - I was too busy with life and all the stresses and I didn't take care of myself.
    I had surgery 4 months ago and while on the operating table I asked my anaethetist what my blood pressure was and she didn't want to tell me because she was worried it may make me more anxious but I insisted I wanted to know (being a student of the nursing profession - I was curious). It was scary high but I put it down to nerves over the operation.
    Anyway I hit absolute rock bottom about 2 weeks ago when my blood pressure was so high that the doctor said "this is serious, it's time for meds" - it scared the crap out of me. All my recent training about heart disease and risk factors hit home like a sledge hammer and I realised that I don't want to be on meds and I don't want those risk factors - I started being serious about my weight loss since then and being honest every day about what I eat and what exercise I do. MFP and the accountability I feel towards my MFP friends keeps me honest and on track.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Have always had weight issues. Affected my anxiety, my confidence, and my overall well-being.

    After my father passed away, I had reached an all-time high in weight. Started one of those prepared meal plans (won't mention which) and lost 40 lbs, was doing great.

    Then after landing in the hospital for 2 days, found out that my gallbladder and liver were all screwed up, and had a cholesterol level that put me into high-risk for cardiac disease. Had to give it up, and accept the weight coming back.

    Then I got back together with the man that I have been in love with for 6 years, He never felt comfortable with how uncomfortable I was in my own skin. After a particularly troubling doctor visit where I was at a new all-time weight and was chastised for it, he knew something was wrong and told me "I'm not going anywhere. We'll do what we have to, but the most important thing is that you're healthy". He then got a HUGE job opportunity that he'd been waiting 10 years for as a police officer, but had to drop out of the academy due his weight taking a toll on his knees for PT. He was told he can try again in August, but that he had to make changes.

    So we decided to do this together. Using MFP and strength training, and supporting each other. He has a deadline. I have my own personal issues. I think he would be successful with or without me, but I KNOW that he is pushing me to try that much harder. For both of us. When he has a bad week, I support him. When I have a bad week (or even just a mental meltdown about it), he picks me right back up. This is making us stronger. And healthier.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Seeing the scale go all the way around past 0 and back up to 5 ...
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    I went to a Christmas party December 2013 and saw people I only see there once a year and something sparked in my mind that this time next year when I see all these people I want them to see me 100 pounds smaller. That's what got me started but after finding out how much I love this healthy lifestyle I do it for myself. I still cant wait till that Christmas party this year, I wonder what everyone's reactions will be :)
  • rak173
    rak173 Posts: 105 Member
    In the past year and a half I had gained 15lbs. It bothered me a little but not much. Then in the course of about a month I had gained another 5lbs, which made me realize my eating habits were only getting worse. I have been overweight since I was a teenager and I had always said that once I get close to 200lbs, I would need to do something serious. At 195lbs, it was time to do something serious. Should have done it sooner. I am doing my best to view this as a lifestyle change, which makes it feel so much more positive~!
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    You'd think it was because of the joint pain I felt.
    You'd think it was because I couldn't walk upstairs without panting.
    You'd think it was because my health was suffering.

    Nope, it was because I could no longer fit into my 16 shorts. I spent the summer wearing 2 pairs of draw string shorts because I refused to by size 18 shorts and admit I was plus-sized.

    Now I keep the weight off because my joint pain is lessened (I have a disease similar to rheumatoid arthritis, so the joint pain is almost a constant in my life), I can run flights of stairs now and my health just keeps getting better!
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    My weight has fluctuated for the last six or seven years and I've had a seriously unhealthy relationship with food - I either starve myself to try and become skinny or stop caring and eat too much. I was a normal weight then decided to lose some, ended up borderline underweight, then ended up gaining a lot more a couple years later, then I dropped it again before piling almost all of it on once more.

    I was stable between 11st-10st 10lbs for the last three years or so but decided last Christmas it was time for change. I knew I wasn't overweight but I wasn't happy. I'm at a very sporty university, surrounded by gorgeous toned girls and it made me feel guilty for what I have done to myself. Now I'm on month four I realise how badly I have been eating for the last few years and I was lucky to have not gained even more than I did - I must of easily been on 3000cal a day and I'm fairly sedentary. I always blamed my metabolism and now I have lost weight I realise how high it must of been just to stay stable! Knowing this has led me to try and stick to it long term and to tone up as well. When I was borderline underweight I was still unhappy with myself and I know now it's because I was "skinny fat", so I'm dedicating myself to not worry about high impact exercise but to worry more about building muscle tone.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I just got tired of hating what I saw in the mirror and decided to do something about it. I decided that I was going to refuse to let "being a mom" be an excuse for not being the best I could be.
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I had a few...

    January 17, I hit my highest weight. Not cool. My wedding was 20 weeks away and I had gained 15 pounds in a year of being engaged. I REFUSED to let myself weigh my highest ever for wedding pics that cost thousands.

    January 19, I did a 2-hour Zumbathon with a friend and felt awful and self-conscious the whole time. I later saw myself in a pic on Facebook and thought, ugh, I hadn't realized I looked THAT bad.

    I had a dr appointment scheduled for January 20 and had been told at my last appointment 6 months earlier that I needed to lose weight...but I obviously had GAINED a few over those 6 months. I was so embarrassed by this that I called on January 19 to try to cancel my appointment, but the answering service said I would have to call again the next day because it was the weekend. I realized, wait, what am I doing? I've created this problem that I'm trying to run away from. I need to take ownership and responsibility. That was a HUGE moment that made me realize I was ready to change.

    I went to the dr the next day and it went OK, but she really stressed to me that I needed to lose weight because my high blood pressure a year ago had put me at risk for stroke and there were all these other problems stemming from that. We made another appointment for April 22 and she wanted me to lose 10 percent of my weight by then. I bought spin shoes and shorts on the way home.

    Jan. 22, I started tracking food on My Fitness Pal and loved it. It's been 11.5 weeks since I hit my highest weight and I'm now down 21 pounds - and am very much looking forward to my appointment on April 22.
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