Any Optifast users out there?



  • Just a check in.

    3.5 months (week 14) later (started December 12th). Still on full meal replacements (3 shakes 2 bars a day). But I can have some veggies for when I'm hungry. Still drinking a gallon of water. Still doing at least 30 minutes of elliptical a day. 85 lbs down 60 to go.

  • This is a follow up post from my initial report a month or so ago. I transitioned to one meal (dinner) per day a couple of weeks ago (finding and creating healthy meal creations based on healthy recipes - and enjoying the results - is a real interesting and exciting adventure), and I eat non-starchy vegetables throughout the day (3-4 times) with some soy sauce, balsamic vinaigrette, mustard, salsa, etc. (there are many, many variations that are available). I soon will be adding some fruit to the mix. All fun and good. I also consume 4 of my favorite Optifast products each day - until I add a second meal (breakfast) soon, when I will cut down to 2-3 products per day. The bars will always be a part of my healthy snack regimen in the future because I know the calories and precise nutrients that are contained per serving. I have stabilized at a 102 pound weight loss, and have found the weight loss easy to maintain at this very early stage of transition - in fact, being mindful of what I consume - I am learning a lot about my metabolism and what I need to be properly nourished. When I am bored or sad or feeling in a way that led me to mindless snacking and eating my way to what I thought would be a "better place" before losing the weight, I now turn my attention to how I feel and try to do something nice to/for myself other than grabbing an unhealthy snack - like take a short walk, call a friend/family member, grab something tasty like a Vitamin Zero Water, La Croix, Starbucks, whatever (I keep many different flavors under my desk at my downtown Chicago office, and each of my home offices in the western suburbs and southern Wisconsin (no excuses! and I am a practicing attorney - working usually in the 50 hours per week range - there always is time for good healthy practices in life)- anything in order to establish a new response and try to figure out what is triggering me at that precise moment. I encourage everyone who is posting to please stick with took a lot longer than 20 weeks to gain the weight and develop the correlative medical conditions that were the direct result of weight gain, so be patient, persistent, work the program and let the changes happen for you. Work closely with your medical team - doctors, dieticians, nutritionists, counselors/therapists - to make certain that you learn about yourself, and increase the likelihood that the benefits you earn by working the program live on well beyond the full meal replacement stage. Do some exercise - and it doesn't have to be crazy exercise at the gym or health club - just get up and move - do whatever you can tolerate, and what is enjoyable for you. Baby steps. Learn to confront and understand the issues that are most certainly there and contributed directly to the symptom of weight gain. Use this choice to lose weight as an opportunity to learn and be introspective, make changes and take advantage of what truly can be a reinvigorating moment for you. It has been for me as I turn 60 years old on Thursday! And remember, for those of you that sometimes gain an oz. or 2 here or there, or are losing weight at a pace that seems a bit to slow - we are working to achieve progress and not perfection.
  • necrascope
    necrascope Posts: 1 Member
    I am thinking of starting the OptiFast plan. Is it effective.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am thinking of starting the OptiFast plan. Is it effective.
    it's a starvation diet that a lot of morbidly obese folks are put on by doctors. If that's you in your profile pic, it wouldn't be a good fit.
  • I completely disagree.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I completely disagree.
    that's fine. You can disagree... just like I can offer my opinion.

    By design, the program is well... WELL under most recommended intakes. Each tier of shake is, at best, up to.. what.. 800 calories per day?

    The person I was responding to. Take a good look at that picture. If that's them (Which, I'm assuming it is.. but they never responded)... then do they need to go on such an extreme caloric reduction?

  • sanzza
    sanzza Posts: 60
    For future reference, I might be starting this next week for a couple of months. Want to read up on it first.
  • I am thinking of starting the OptiFast plan. Is it effective.
    it's a starvation diet that a lot of morbidly obese folks are put on by doctors. If that's you in your profile pic, it wouldn't be a good fit.

    I would suggest that you talk to your nearest Optifast Medical provider to see if it would be a good option for you and not take medical advice from Random People on the Internet. I am sure that you knew that, but it doesn't stop people from doling it out.
  • For future reference, I might be starting this next week for a couple of months. Want to read up on it first.

    I have recently started the Optifast plan with my Doctors oversight. Although the core plan starts at 800 calories a day I am on a modified 1200 calorie plan. Do you have any specific questions? There are some folks on here who might be able to offer their experience.
  • KrazyKlown75 Awesome progress and great before and after shots. Keep up the good work. How did you find being on OptiFast? Was it easy for you to stay on program? I am on my 3rd day and I am really surprised that I am not hungrier then I have been feeling. It seems like the products are spaced out just right so that I begin to get hungry about 15-20 mins before my next shake or bar. I have a bit more weight that you to lose so I am hoping for similar results. Have you been transitioning, how has that been? Makes me a little nervous but I am going to just trust the process.
  • sanzza
    sanzza Posts: 60
    For future reference, I might be starting this next week for a couple of months. Want to read up on it first.

    I have recently started the Optifast plan with my Doctors oversight. Although the core plan starts at 800 calories a day I am on a modified 1200 calorie plan. Do you have any specific questions? There are some folks on here who might be able to offer their experience.

    I haven't had time to read up on it yet , but what I have read about it being used in diets to help reverse the effects of diabetes is interesting. I will see my doctors this week to see if it is ok for me to try it.

    I will be back with questions no doubt at some point :smile:
  • lljb1984
    lljb1984 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Guys,
    I'm on week 2 of the optifast intensive program. So far I'm 3.5kg down and feeling great. I'd love to have some fellow Optifasters as friends.

    I'm Male, 29 from Sydney Australia.

    I look forward to the FR.

  • Hi LJB,

    Sounds like you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work. How have you found adjusting to the program, have you experienced much hunger? Any other side effects? I am also a male and on Day 4 and have only had very little hunger and a couple of times I felt a little light headed but nothing serious at all. I was telling my daughter last night that I am only on 1200 calories a day and she said that she would be starving like a wild animal. I think that the program does a good job of spacing out the products through the day so that hunger doesn't become too much of an issue. In Australia is the program administered through a health care provider? Mine is at a local hospital, I need to go in for weekly visits to see the Nurse and Counselors and the Doctor to make sure things are staying on track. Would you mind sharing your starting weight? I started on Saturday at 407 lbs which is about 185 Kg (that sounds so much better to me, lol). What did you mean by I look forward to the FR?

    This board is not too active and does have a couple of trolls but I think it would be a good place to share support and encouragement with each other.

    Take care,
  • Karma_888
    Karma_888 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey folks...I am on week 20 of a 26 week Optifast 900 (Canadian product=12 weeks on 4 shakes a day (900 calories), then 5 weeks transition) medically supervised WEIGHT MANAGEMENT program, I am fully transitioned to food and still losing 2.5 lbs a week on average. The easy part is taking it off, the hard part is maintaining it. And you wont be able to do that with a strong nutritional component that includes dietary and behavioural counselling - you need to retrain your brain to make a life-long commitment to doing it.

    There are people in the group who are doing the program for the second or third time, for whatever reason, but that won't be me. I am committed to keeping the weight off. You need to do what's right for you. Some people, like me, couldn't do it the "old-fashioned" way, and science is proving that some people just cant lose weight like that. Optifast, when medically supervised, is effective, but it only goes as far as your motivation and determination to succeed.


    Congratulations and best wishes on all your successes!! Keep it up!!!
  • Hi Debbie,

    I have some questions about the program if you don't mind. I am only on Day 4 but my mind keeps going to transition and beyond. I think it is amazing that you have fully transitioned now and are still losing significant weight. How did you find the experience of transitioning? Was it any harder to resist your cravings or emotional eating impulses? What is your diet like now that you are still losing 2.5 lbs a a week? Is exercise a huge component of your plan? Lastly how did you find the Optifast experience overall, was the education component helpful in preparing you to return to eating solid food? Are you still planning on attending support meetings or consuming products?

  • Karma_888
    Karma_888 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Kevin!

    we started product 3 weeks before Christmas. It was hell!!! but it DID get easier...

    My tips for newbies - (based on Optifast 900)

    WATER WATER WATER!!! The brain cannot recognise the difference between hunger and thirst!!! You are getting your nutrition from your shakes. You should be aiming for 3 litres a day and that includes the water you use for your shakes.
    use at least 16 oz to feel fuller. And you don't want to get constipated as there is not a lot of fibre in the might want to consider psylium fibre capsules - (not a laxative!!) but please talk to your doctor.

    TIMING- NO MORE THAT 4 HOURS BETWEEN SHAKES- in order to maintain ketosis, you have to keep your blood sugar level as level as possible. and drink that extra water in between

    extras - 20 calories a day max- can include milk for your coffee ( A BIT! everything counts...) diet pop, artificial flavorings for your shakes, low cal and sodium broth, but don't over do it. Follow what ever your plan recommends.

    FLAVOUR!! shakes getting boring?? throw some flavoring in!! coconut or orange flavoring in a chocolate shake will blow your mind!!! (but remember the 20 calorie cap!)

    EXCERCISE - DONT OVER DO IT RIGHT NOW - you are already shocking your body enough- worry about muscle toning later.

    DISTRACTION - GET OFF THE COUCH or PVR through those commercials....good time to clean spring clean those cubboards...break your old habits now!!!

    chew sugarless gums (watch the calories - no more that 20 cals a day)

    NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING is a must. The program I am in offers 26 weeks of weekly classes (12 weeks of full product, 5 weeks of transition, and 9 more weeks of what they call maintenance....but we are all still losing :) this is essential!! after that we have 4-6 sessions of our choice (nutritional, behavioral, or kinesthetic) over the next 6 months.

    now we also had blood work done and ECGs every 2-3 weeks (part of our program)

    TRANSITION- I will tell you about that later - there are too many peeps on her right now that are not ready to hear about food and I don't want to add to their stress....but get used to journaling on MFP because you will need to keep track of those calories anyway.

    exercise now? - walking class, aquafit, strength training and I am a nurse so I am always tearing around. Consider a activity tracking bracelet and use apps like or

    Take one day at a time - don't rely on the scale, rely on how you feel, and take measurements....

    You can do this!!!


    @sanzza - I was a non-insulin dependant diabetic and it have completely reversed with my weight loss!! My sugars and HBAIC are completely normal!!
  • Karma_888
    Karma_888 Posts: 14 Member
    Mya - the difference is in the protein and specifically the protein/fat/carb ratio. Also- look at the sodium content...
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Hi Supporters of Optifast!
    I am starting the program in 2 weeks on the advice of my doctor. I have over 120 lbs to lose. I am hopeful this will work for me. I am looking forward to the weekly nutritional counseling and support. I read all 13 pages on this thread and I am happy to read about all the success!
  • Hi Deb,

    Thanks so much for the tips I really appreciate it. I have been drinking lots and lots of water and running to the mens room at work LOL, I guess that is just part of the program. I also have limited my caffeine to 2 cups of coffee in the morning and then decaf for the rest of the day. I have been drinking at least 72 oz of water each day not counting what is in the shakes. I have been walking when it is nice or I have company but at this point I am not putting any pressure on myself, I am working on just getting adjusted to the new plan. I am also working at managing my emotions so that they don't lead to stress eating. I do eat my products on a regular schedule I worked out with the staff nutritionist. Since I am on 1200 calories I actually end up eating 6 times a day so its usually 3 hours or less between products which is working good to control the hunger right now. I am looking forward to my first counseling meeting this week and to see what if any progress I have made on weightloss.

    Take care,
  • Hi Sandy,

    Welcome to the discussion. This board has a lot of good info and some serious success stories. I know how it feels to be looking and looking for information on the program before you start. If you have any specific questions just post them and I am sure that someone will jump in and provide and answer.
