Internal Struggle

I am having a very difficult internal struggle right now. I totally just want to give up and eat whatever I want. I tend to do really well for a week or two then if I get muddled up at all I cannot get back on the wagon. Last week I had some events that made it hard to track or hard to stay in my calorie goal so I just kind of let myself go for the weekend. I started tracking again yesterday but had such bad junk food cravings that I ended up kind of able to ignore by having "lighter junk" alternatives but I still went over. Every time I have to think about what is going in my mouth or log it I am getting annoyed and wanting to just throw in the towel. I know this is a lifestyle change but how do you make the lifestyle feel like the right one rather than the pain in the butt one?


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I found that pre-planning my day worked well.
    The night before, I made my lunch and logged it, planned dinner and logged the approx amounts (gave me a good estimate of my dinner), measured & logged breakfast. This gave me, at a glance, my calorie count without snacks. From there, I could enter some snacks & fruit or, if necessary, increase my meal amounts.
    In this way, I could plan for tomorrow and be all pre-logged (except for minor tweaks throughout the day), while knowing whether my calorie count was good. It doesn't work for everyone but I found pre-logged days easier to manage than unplanned days. It seemed to give me more wiggle room.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    I don't know if this is helpful to you, but I want it....I REALLY want it. I want to he healthy, I want to lose weight, I want to get fit....I want those things so badly that it is right now overriding my want of my unhealthy lifestyle.

    Do you want it bad enough?

    To me, this lifestyle change is going to give me a better life...A life where I don't have to stop to catch my breath after a flight of stairs or I don't want to park at the back of the parking lot because it's too tiring to walk to the store.

    Think of how amazing you'll feel in 2 months....6 months....1 year. And if you go over for a few days, forget about it, and start fresh the next day! You can do it!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Girl, we've all been there. I have had days when I literally have to take it one hour at a time. I look at the clock, it's 9:15. Ok, I can do this until 10:00. And I do! Then I start over. I am my own coach. Lol And at 11:00, I am a bit bolstered because I have made it 2 hours longer than I would have if I had jumped off the wagon at 9:15 like I really wanted to. You can so do this. It all boils down to discipline. Discipline and self-love.
  • JBashkoff
    JBashkoff Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the motivation! I really like the hour by hour idea. Messing up one hour does not mean you have to mess up the rest of the day or the week.
  • ariateh
    ariateh Posts: 7 Member
    You have to take it day by day, meal by meal, bite by bite even. It's ok to have a french fry from your friend's plate if you really want one, but then the next bite should be healthy. And the rest of the meal. Don't beat yourself up over what happened in the past because you really really can't change it.
    The key to making it a lifestyle change is consistency. If you stick to it to the best of your abilities, without letting go every time you slip up slightly, eventually it'll just be your default way of life. Have patience and keep at it, you're capable of anything!
  • alcrisp93
    alcrisp93 Posts: 70
    I always try to be my own best cheer leader, if that makes sense. It's hard to make progress with anything if all you do is beat yourself up over mistakes. A lot of the time, our "failures" aren't even as big a deal as we've made them to be in our heads. Sometimes you're going to eat junk food. That's okay! Just make sure that most of what you eat is healthy, and congratulate yourself for every good choice you make. Let yourself feel good about them. And when you slip, remind yourself that it's still okay.