Soda addiction



  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    I stopped drinking soda, and it has made a big difference in losing weight and how I feel. I was drinking one large a day - I first stopped having them on weekdays. I teach and felt so much better. Now, very rarely do I have one on the weekend. I drink mainly water. Make yourself a reasonalbe goal and keep at it. You will feel so much better. It took me about 2 months to totally quit. I still have my coffee in the morning, but that's it. AND I would rather have the calories for something else.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I've found almost every other vice easy to cut out except this! I get a bit sad even thinking about it. Anybody else struggle with this? How do you make it work? I know i should just have it in moderation, but it's something I really look forward to everyday.

    Yeah, switch to diet if you haven't already. You'll lose weight nicely. I have the same addiction. I alternate between tea, coffee, and water to give it a break, but I don't worry about it. Diet sodas can act as meal replacements.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i love you people saying your addicted and drink 3 cans a day. pfft...i used to drink 64oz per sitting 2 or 3 times a day

    :drops mic:
  • luschy60
    luschy60 Posts: 6
    Wow! Well done...I also loooove coke and sprite etc. I used to have about a liter a day when I was pregnant - cus it was hot and pregnant women get thirsty. At least I drank a lot of water too. When hubby and I realized we are consuming too much cold drinks, we just stopped buying it everyday, and only had some every other day. Now its much better, we will have sprite only once a week.
    This may sound controversial but I told myself that im not going to stop having the things I like, but I will have much less of it. I have tried cold turkey just like you and it didn't work - only led to that im mentally inspired by the actual results of healthier eating, I can say 'no' much easier. Willpower is not always my strongest point but eventually it kicks in..good luck on your weight loss journey, I wish you all the best.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I used to love regular coke/pepsi and never thought I would switch to diet - thought it was nasty. I then switched to diet and eventually loved it and became a diet coke addict. I knew diet soda has its drawbacks too and I knew I had to drink more water so I slowly weaned off diet soda. Terrible headaches at first but I actually began to enjoy water more. Going pee pee all day at work has a good mental affect as I visualize the toxins leaving my body. Also burn some more calories getting up and walking to the potty. I feel so much better drinking water with meals as I don't feel as bloated.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I logged food for one week not paying attention to the soda calories (just to see how much I really consumed) IT WAS SHOCKING! I tried a diet soda- didnt work out for me YUCK.

    I realized I would be able to have a soda but fit it into my calorie intake. I started to cut in half the amount I consumed. That was my initial goal. Once that was a success I realized calories of a soda werent worth it and I eventually phased out soda all together. It wasnt because I said NO MORE SODA. It was because I realized my goals and soda didnt work...for me I found that made all the diffrence.
  • I have the same problem as it is one of my main contributors to the weight I have attained and I don't want diabetes/ concerned about my teeth. I feel that it is an addiction for me, people say just give it up, it'll be easy. So, I do and they see me go through withdrawal symptoms, become a horrible person and have to go out to the shop at stupid times to buy a can of coke. I know it's utterly ridiculous but so are other addictions.
    My first attempt was 1 can a day, then oj for the sugar and water for the rest of time. However, I missed the gulpness of cola. I'm down to 1 a day now and feel terrible but someone just recommended trying to switch it out with elderflower and soda water as for some reason it has the same taste and bubbles. I'll let you know if it works.
  • LaLaLovely76
    LaLaLovely76 Posts: 73 Member
    I just quit...and who knows how long it will last...but it's been a few weeks. I drank coke 2-3 a day for at least 20 years. I had headaches for about a week because I decided not to replace the caffeine, but my main problem was that I craved sugar. I don't even like sweets, but all I wanted to eat was sweet stuff. I started making smoothies using Shakeology to curb the sugar craving. One for breakfast and one for late afternoon. It has made a world of difference! You could try just regular, healthy smoothies and see if it helps. Good luck!

    I did the same thing...As of February 1st of this year I stopped cold turkey..I now only drink water. I actually had a soda this past Sunday and it didn't even taste the same....
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
    The biggest problem I had was with caffeine withdraw. After a day of nasty headaches and a week of being a grump I was able to begin making a change and get rid of pop and coffee! Once the daily habit was broken I could go back to enjoying a pop every once in a while but all the time intaking more water than anything else.

    This is me!!
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    We all like those addictive fizzy drinks, and I think diet drinks still make you fat.

    For me, I just stopped drinking them all together and drink WATER! Water is the way to go, just be done with them all.

    Water, Water, Water, Water, got it?
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    When I cut soda, I started with just cutting down the amount I drank each day. I was an all-day soda drinker (Mt. Dew) and barely drank anything else. I kept cutting back until I was only drinking 1 can of soda in the morning each day, then I started skipping days. Now I occasionally have a soda, but have a hard time drinking a lot because they taste so syrupy to me.
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    I love my soda stream - i make fizzy water which I then use to stretch out fruit juice or white wine
    I sometime put angostura bitters in the fizzy water
    and often drink it on its own

    I have a 0.5l bottle by my desk at work and during hte day it's full of water, when it runs out - I get up and re-fill it - when i go to the loo - i refil it

    i also drink coffee, try to limit it and mix in decaff, i drink all my coffe black at work and white on sunday mornings (i was really supprised how much milk went into my coffee when i measured it)

    it can help ti have a galss that you always use - whose volume you have measured so that you can track your intake easier
  • VanessaRudden
    VanessaRudden Posts: 198 Member
    Try Soda Water - its got the kick without the calories.
  • BillyJan1992
    BillyJan1992 Posts: 171 Member
    I have cut soda out completely after it started to cause problems with my stomach so I no longer drink soda. only water, juice, milk
  • I switched to coffee and drinking water with small sips of 5 hour energy throughout the day. Try to nail down what causes the addiction, the need for caffine or fizz. If fizz, substitute with club soda and a splash of diet cranberry/grape and lil bit of 5 hour energy. Then just reduce the amount of 5 hour energy. One bottle of 5 hour energy lasts me 2-3 days.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Get a soda stream. The syrups don't contain aspertame like regular diet sodas. I don't even use the syrups anymore I just drink the carbonated water now. Or u can buy flavored carbonated water.

    I was extremely addicted to diet coke until about a year ago. I absolutely NEEDED it every single day. A year ago, I went a week without soda (couldn't find coke that was kosher for passover). To substitute for the coke, I bought a soda stream. I never bought any of the syrups (beyond the samples it came with). I pretty much drink the sparkling water with a bit of orange or grape juice and occasionally with a bit of iced tea. The day after passover I had my first cup and it tasted very sweet. I remember thinking to myself that after a few cups I'll get used to it. Then it hit me that now is the time to cut it out. Since then, I very rarely drink any diet coke. When I do (pretty much when I get it in my lunch special), I never even finish a can.

    Bottom line, I think after you cut it out for a week or so, you'll have a much easier time living without it.
  • I was drinking Diet Pepsi all day and all evening. I started drinking water all day instead and just having pop/soda/whatever you call it with dinner and in the evening. I'm hoping to stop it all together.
  • tators19
    tators19 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm trying to quit soda too. I purchased caffeine in pill form to avoid the intense withdrawal headaches, and am now down from 3 cans a day to one can a day. My next goal is to start skipping days. I've found that sipping a little gatorade helps, as it has the sugar and sodium I'm craving, but I'm consuming it in smaller portions so I'm not ruining my calories for the day.
  • ZimmerFly
    ZimmerFly Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same problem! I get up at 6 a.m. and by the time 10 a.m. is here, I'm hearing the fabulous click-swish of my little Dr. Pepper can popping open. I have tried numerous times on quitting or switching over to diet (is it truly any better for you?), but it's the one thing I can't kick. I have heard over and over it's mind over matter. It's all about how bad you want to be healthy! I guess I just haven't wanted it that bad so far!
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Diet Mt. Dew is my addiction. About 5 years ago I use to drink at least 2 - 2liters a day. I went cold turkey was miserable for able 2 weeks. For about 2 years I didn't drink anything but water, then I started dating a lady who was a pop addict and so I started back drinking Diet Mt Dew. I am not as bad as I was, but I still have to stop by the Circle K on the way to work every day and get my 44oz diet mt. dew. I then drink water the rest of the day at work, but when I get home, I will drink probably another 20 to 40oz of pop. I keep telling myself I need to cut back, if not give it up completely, but I don't want the headaches or the grouchiness that I know will happen. (and I sure none of those around me want to deal with it either). Actually reading through this thread has me thinking about weaning myself off of the pop rather than cold turkey.