Willing to ask for help


I know these boards are notoriously unhelpful, however I've reached the end of my thither regarding what to do with myself.

I haven't had a loss (on the scale, through measurements, clothes getting bigger) in 2 years. My anxiety over this made me stop tracking and I'm still in a love/hate relationship with it so my tracking has been sporadic at best. I WILL TRACK AGAIN AND MORE CONSISTENTLY BECAUSE I WANT CHANGE.

I have a plethora of food restrictions (listed in my profile with my workout routine). I have to be low carb (ALL CARBS)/Low Sugar, no red meat, no soy, no dried fruits, no avocados, no sweet potatoes, no raw onion, no raw tomatoes, no sundered tomatoes, etc. I did lose a lot of weight once when I was running but my doctor has advised me to stop running. I slowly gained back all I lost despite being more diversely active - kickboxing, pilates, etc.

In addition to my food allergies, I work 60 hour weeks between 2 jobs. I have trouble finding the time to portion out my food and/or meal plan since on top of the 60 hours I spend working I also go to the gym/workout 10 hours a week and then there are house chores/grocery shopping/errands/life. My husband is almost consistently out of town during the week to help with all the aforementioned things.

I want to be strong. Help me figure out how. What should I be doing? What can I do to where some part of me is losing (measurements, scale, clothes fitting better)?

Thank You in Advance.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Do you have underlying health issues?

    Were I you, I'd start by tracking everything as exactly as possible. If you're not tracking honestly and accurately, there's very little way to know if you're eating at a caloric deficit.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    As mentioned, I said I would start tracking. Although my diet is very set due to my restrictions (unless I cheat which i end up paying for in doctor visits). I ALREADY KNOW TRACKING IS SOMETHING I NEED TO START DOING AGAIN.

    I have PCOS and an overproduction of yeast and I'm flat footed.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    As mentioned, I said I would start tracking. Although my diet is very set due to my restrictions (unless I cheat which i end up paying for in doctor visits). I ALREADY KNOW TRACKING IS SOMETHING I NEED TO START DOING AGAIN.

    I have PCOS and an overproduction of yeast and I'm flat footed.

    Perhaps, All Caps yelling at people is not the best way to get someone to offer you advice.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Want help.. open your diary and let us see what your eating.. most likely with all your restrictions your not getting enough protein, your probably not eating enough..

    why are you in the gym 10 hours a week????
    What do you do when your at the gym?

  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Saying "these boards are notoriously unhelpful" isn't going to make people want to help you. Just saying.
  • maureencmiller
    maureencmiller Posts: 3 Member
    I feel your frustration! You have a full plate. You already know what you need to do because your very best friend put it in all caps in your post. In this crazy weight game it seems like I'm either working out OR tracking but the fact is that we have to do both.

    Wish I had advice instead of encouragement, but there it is.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I have PCOS and an overproduction of yeast and I'm flat footed.

    So why did your doctor tell you to stop running? Try to not get offended, I'm just asking a very basic question.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    My workout routine is posted in my profile. I walk my dogs 30-40 minutes every morning monday through Friday, I do an hour of kickboxing and an hour of pilates Monday and Wednesday, I do strength training 30minutes-1hour Tuesday and Thursday/Friday. I do an hour of pilates Tuesday. Saturdays I do an hour of Pilates, an hour of Tahitian and an hour of hula dancing.

    My diary will not be made public. As I've said my tracking has been sporadic at best so you will not learn much from it at this juncture. I do promise to start tracking more. I guarantee you I'm not eating enough but I don't have a lot of options with food.

    I do apologize if I've been coming off rude. I've posted these questions before and have gotten nothing but snide remarks and unhelpful jabs so I'm precarious about even asking for help again but I need it. I do not appreciate the I'm-A-Big-Rude-Meanie comments. They are in CAPS because I can't bold them but feel they are important points to make. I'm not yelling. This is the internet. Calm down and help if you can. Thank You.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    But why did your doctor tell you to stop running? I'm still unclear about that.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I have PCOS and an overproduction of yeast and I'm flat footed.

    So why did your doctor tell you to stop running? Try to not get offended, I'm just asking a very basic question.

    I'm not offended at all I just put it in caps to make a point not to "yell." I know my main issue is I've stopped tracking, I promise to start doing it more.

    I'm flat footed and went through many months of therapy for my knee pain. The therapy/exercises/strengthening the muscles didn't help with the pain from running. The inserts, shoes, custom orthopedics didn't help with the pain. So my doctor asked me to stop running.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I'm not offended at all I just put it in caps to make a point not to "yell." I know my main issue is I've stopped tracking, I promise to start doing it more.

    Then it looks like you already know your answer. You seem very active, and relatively healthy. So is it that you're looking for a meal plan based around your food restrictions? Or were you hoping someone here would give you better advice than "Be sure to track calories in and calories out accurately"?
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    Honestly, I'll take anything. If you have food suggestions i'll take it. Is my workout routine all wrong? Is there an alternative to running? Is there something else I can try? Is anyone else low-carb low-sugar and struggling with physical limitations? Any and all advice is welcomed.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Why don't you lift weights?
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    Why don't you lift weights?

    I do twice a week as part of my strength training regiment. Although I can't do weighted squats because of my knees. Even with a trainer and proper form my knees get tweaked with too much weight when I squat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have found these boards to be notoriously healthy when you have an open mind and are willing to listen to the advice of people who've been exceedingly successful.

    That said, with all of your food restrictions I wouldn't have a clue where to start here...and frankly, I've known people with PCOS who don't have nearly the kind of food restrictions you have listed.

    For others to be helpful generally requires the individual asking for help to be willing to accept help. Usually people who do not find these forums helpful are the ones that ask for help with something and then just shoot down every single post save for ones that agree strictly with their philosophy or whatever...and then they just think everyone else is mean and unsuportive.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    My food restrictions are mostly due to food allergies not just my PCOS/Yeast overgrowth. The low carb/low sugar is mostly for the yeast overgrowth not necessarily for the PCOS.

    I'm willing to do whatever to see some form of change in my body but I don't know where to start and as I said I got shot down a lot in previous posts, so my disgruntled attitude with the boards is from personal past experiences.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    As mentioned, I said I would start tracking. Although my diet is very set due to my restrictions (unless I cheat which i end up paying for in doctor visits). I ALREADY KNOW TRACKING IS SOMETHING I NEED TO START DOING AGAIN.

    I have PCOS and an overproduction of yeast and I'm flat footed.

    Pretty much the ONLY thing you need to be doing to lose weight.