Pregnant and not know it...what are your thoughts?



  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    I worked with a girl who was fat around the middle and went into hospital with tummy pains, she collapsed at work. She was being treated for infertility at the time and had a pregnancy test every few weeks, each one was negative and they were really disheartened about it..
    The emergency Dr ordered a scan, suspected a tumour, and found an 8 month pregnancy, the baby arrived four weeks later in perfect health.

    this girl had treatment week in, week out from various specialists and none of the tests showed she was pregnant and because the baby was pressing on her spine, she couldn't feel anything in her belly. Rare but true.

    Edited to add, I had periods for the first six months of my pregnancy with my son, he was fine and so was I, just one of those unusual things. Dr kept saying I couldn't be pregnant, but I knew I was lol.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    How do these people saying they didnt know, not feel a baby moving inside them?
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have a friend who has always been very trim and had a surprise baby. She had no idea she was pregnant, didn't gain any noticeable weight, and claims to have still had periods. This is a total mystery to me but her baby was fine and is a couple of years old now and completely healthy.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    Do people not feel the baby kicking? I had a super active baby. By 15 weeks I could feel (first baby), by 19 weeks my husband could feel. Before long, the baby would move so much it shook the bed. I thought it was weird that I was 3 weeks further along at my first scan than I though. I understand the period thing. some popele can be really irregular, but seriously, even a really large person should feel a baby inside