Help with Regaining Strength & Nutrition after Surgery

I recently had a pretty intense Sinus & Septoplasty Surgery which has wiped me out and made me really weak. I am cleared for activity as of today. Suggestions for regaining my strength other than hydration, diet and walks? My energy level is only at 50-60% but I need to start with something slowly. I am pushing myself to eat 1500 cals so I don't end up doing the diet yo-yo. (I'm 5'10 and 179 right now). Difficult to eat at times due to temporary mouth sensitivity as a result from surgery in addition to fatigue. Any thoughts on nutrition would be great too. This recovery has been much more of a challenge than I expected.



  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Could you maybe pick up where you left off at a lighter intensity?