Re-Losing weight.



  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Gained some weight back while on vacation with my family last month. Once I got back to "normal" and went back to my routine and meals, it fell off. Within days. I'm sure the same thing will happen! Good luck!
  • babyirimastar
    babyirimastar Posts: 33 Member
    Story of my life!!!
    If I've lost a million, I've gained back a million and one.

    I am currently re-losing 25 out of 40 that I lost 18 months ago. Determined this will be the last time for this nonsense!!!
    It definitely is discouraging, but also a necessity to get through it and back on track!! And it feels great to see it coming off again.
  • Ms_Taylor1
    Ms_Taylor1 Posts: 2 Member
    Last year I lost 30lbs from March to June through exercise and eating right. With starting a new job and traveling I gained almost all my weight back. It does suck. Now I am engaged and have to start all over again to lose the weight. This time around seems a lot harder than before. Stay focused and encouraged!
  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    10 Pounds isn't much! Start re-logging again and you'll notice the changes! You can do it!!! :)
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Yes it is discouraging, but if you've done it before, you can do it again!!

    Best of luck!!
  • Momof52010
    Momof52010 Posts: 48 Member
    I had lost some, then quit logging in for several months. Now I am up almost 20 pounds. I need to start logging again and I know I can do it.
  • wilsonmadison09
    Start doing again what you have done before for losing weight. It is not very difficult. so try hard.
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    yep still 8 pounds from where i was , im soooo ready to get past that and get into new territory
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    have husband go away for work another 9months, you lose the pounds again fo sure!
  • kubyshechka
    kubyshechka Posts: 75 Member
    I lost close to 30 lbs and almost reached my goal weight. Then I maintained for 10 month so I though that now I can eat anything and I will not gain weight. I stopped weighing myself and even though I did log my calories every day, i didn't really try to stay under my daily goal. Sooo.. Yes..this past winter I gained 10 lbs. When I looked at the scale, i was terrified. I don't want to gain it all back.
    So I am back to staying with my allowed calories and exercising more. The summer is just around the corner. :)
  • ZimmerFly
    ZimmerFly Posts: 18 Member
    Yep, had the same issue when my husband deployed. All came back after he returned and then some!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Yep! Right there with you. I re-gained 15 during my first full-time semester of grad school combined with working full-time. I'm working on losing it now. Mostly, I'm happy that I figured out how to not gain while going to school and working. The losing seems harder this time around, but that is probably because I'm so busy and my stress levels are high. Right now, I'm adjusting my workouts to be more realistic so I am able to be consistent instead of skipping them because I don't have time.
  • lalamoose64
    lalamoose64 Posts: 23 Member
    Im in the same boat. I'm setting a goal to re-lose my weight. Then a goal to maintain the loss with-in a 3 lb fluctuation . I'm highlighting the days in my daily calendar.On the days I stay within my fitness pal goals I get a star, after I get 10 starts that goes toward my reward of shopping spree for me. 10- stars- $100 Are you better off then you were a year ago? It's a long term life change.
  • Jump4Fitness
    Jump4Fitness Posts: 48 Member
    Same for me. Lost 20 lbs over 2 years ago only to use an injury as an excuse to allow the weight to creep back on! Now I am trying to lose 25 lbs, but like the others have said, hopefully, this time it comes off for good!
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    With about 10 lbs to go to goal, I've not really been working on losing lately and have put a couple back on. I've kept up the exercise, but eating has been way off.

    You know what? That's okay. I know what I have to do to go in the other direction. Right now, I just don't WANT to. I want to focus on other things- some fitness related (had a couple races where my priority was performance), some enjoyment related - I wanted to go on a baking spree around my birthday, and did.

    I'm monitoring it and aware that I'm not on a losing path, but working on getting more toward a maintaining path for now, then back to losing. Making sure I'm getting my protein in daily rather than a mostly free-for-all on carbs like the past couple of weeks. Some treats, some uncharted eating, but more goal oriented. For me, this is key to making it a lifestyle change- not that I'm going on another "diet."

    So there's some steps to re-trace. You've got the tools, and just like when you started, you'll find the passion when you're ready.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    With about 10 lbs to go to goal, I've not really been working on losing lately and have put a couple back on. I've kept up the exercise, but eating has been way off.

    You know what? That's okay. I know what I have to do to go in the other direction. Right now, I just don't WANT to. I want to focus on other things- some fitness related (had a couple races where my priority was performance), some enjoyment related - I wanted to go on a baking spree around my birthday, and did.

    I'm monitoring it and aware that I'm not on a losing path, but working on getting more toward a maintaining path for now, then back to losing. Making sure I'm getting my protein in daily rather than a mostly free-for-all on carbs like the past couple of weeks. Some treats, some uncharted eating, but more goal oriented. For me, this is key to making it a lifestyle change- not that I'm going on another "diet."

    So there's some steps to re-trace. You've got the tools, and just like when you started, you'll find the passion when you're ready.

    This is where I'm at right now, too. I believe that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to do, but you can't do EVERYTHING all at one time.

    I am happy that I halted my re-gain and figured out how to balance maintenance with the other things I have going on right now. Unfortunately, I do not always have the energy or the time that it takes to lose while I'm doing full-time school combined with full-time work and parenting. This is not laziness, nor lack of commitment. It's just my reality for the next 2 years (Year 1 is done!).

    One of the things that I have noticed since I returned to school is that "You've done it before, you just do the same thing again," isn't 100% true. My circumstances have changed drastically, so I have had to change some of my strategies for maintaining my weight and fitness. You may need to come up with some new strategies, OP, that work better now that your husband is home.
  • SinCityFit
    I'm a binge eater and after losing 118 lbs I re-gained 30 while still working out ~15 hours a week (training for an Ironman). This December-January I also got sick and lost most of my cardio and muscle mass. Recommitted myself, stopped binge-eating (through going sugar-free, no processed or added sugar or artificial sweetener) and lost 20 of those lbs in the last 100 days (100th day sugar- and binge-free today! Whoohoo! :)) Also regained a lot of my cardio and strength and now I'm up to 4.5 hours on the indoor bike trainer. Have an Olympic triathlon this Saturday and 100-mile bike ride on 5/3. I've regained back my athlete body!