
DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
Whenever I go to Subway, people (bigger than me) are nonstop ordering 6" subs. I'm 5'9" and 155 lbs - and a foot long doesn't even fill me up. How is this possible? Am I unusually hungry during lunch? People need to start eating more.


  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I'm 5'9" and 176 and 6 inch turkey sub fils me up just fine.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    When I hit Subway (luckily can walk there on my lunches) I get a 12 inch to take back to the office. I eat half of it and then put the other half in the fridge to consume a few hours later.

    But I tend to eat about 5-6 times (small meals) a day (which works for me).
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Maybe they're eating more during other meals.
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    Could it be that I don't get extras on mine.

    I get turkey or ham (whichever one is the 5 dollar footlong..ha) with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, olives, and spinach. No cheese and no dressings.

    Sometimes when I'm dieting I'll just eat 4 of these a day to keep things simple - with a protein shake thrown in there somewhere.
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 338 pounds, and I eat a 6" Ham with very little light mayo and red hot sauce every time I go there. It fills me up just fine.

    When I was 415+ pounds, I ordered 3 footlongs, usually steak, bacon, and extra cheese, smothered in chipotle.

    Could I eat that now? Sure. Do I want to? No....

    No more heart attacks for me at 26 years old thank you very much.

  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I have been limiting myself to a 6 inch recently just because the sub I like has over 1000 calories for a footlong. Unless its for dinner I cant justify that many calories. Or sometimes I can afford a 6 inch but not a foot long. Maybe some of the other people in the line are doing similar?
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    I like the Subway salad bowls, but if I'm going for a sub, I usually get the footlong veg patty one. Usually only go for the 6 inch as a snack.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't know. A six inch is more than enough for me. Maybe they're also getting cookies and chips and an giant drink.

    Now I want a sub. And a cookie.
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    A six-incher is all that fits........ me belly.

  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Order the 12". Only eat half of it. Put the other half in the refrigerator at the office. Wait an hour. Are you still hungry?

    If you're like me, it takes a while for my body to register that I'm full. If I eat until I'm full, it's too late. I've already overeaten. So I eat a smaller amount, and then wait an hour. If I'm still hungry, I'll eat more. But usually I find out that I'm not hungry any more.

    But the important thing is your calorie count at the end of the day. If you can eat a 12" and still stay at or under your calorie goal, go for it.
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm 5' 4 and 120 pds if they have the footlongs on sale for the $5.00 I will get a footlong and eat half for one meal and the other half either later that day or the next day. I usually have an apple or some fruit to go with it too and that's perfect for me.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    A six-incher is all that fits........

  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I ALWAYS get the 12" veggie on 9 grain oat with mustard. Only 460 cals
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    Not knocking peoples choices, just wondering how people can get filled off of so little.

    My calories are dialed in. No worries about that.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Maybe they don't want to be bigger than you? :)

    Given the choice, I'd order and eat the full size one. And with extra cheese. And meat.

    But both for calorie and financial concerns, it's usually a lowish calorie half-foot for me.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    Agreed with poedunk65 - the veggie is my sandwich and I can put away a footlong, but if I get a 6-inch then I will add cheese and be fine.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    I think it is the way you train your self to eat. I go to lunch with a friend same height as me and he is very athletic plays cricket and soccer. He gets a 6" no chips. I used to get a 12" and chips and we would both finish at the same time. He couldn't understand how I could eat so much I still cant understand how he can eat so little.
  • cassidyamymommy
    cassidyamymommy Posts: 71 Member
    usually get a 6 inch and a bag of chips and im fine...why does what other people in line ordering bother you?
  • nanakaryn
    nanakaryn Posts: 9 Member
    If you are just starting takes awhile for your body to adjust to the smaller portions and healthy eating. Give it time. Order a 6 in and drink plenty of water. Pretty soon that is all your body will need. Want no, need yes.
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'6" 216 lbs and a 6" turkey with all the veggies except cucumbers and green peppers, vinegar, and sweet onion sauce is my go-to sandwich. It fills me up just fine. I'll sometimes get whatever soup they have too if I'm super hungry.