I'm new to this today and need your best advice for sticking with a diet plan. I don't want to start today and end tomorrow and have to restart next week... It is a pattern I have gotten in! HELP


  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Get a good group of friends on here, I've honestly lost more pounds in the last three weeks with MFP then I have on my own in the last 6 years. Everyone has something different that works for them, hopefully you have luck with this site to keep the motivation going!
  • Frinkiac
    Frinkiac Posts: 19
    I can only speak for myself but I have found that just logging everything through the app or here on my comp keeps me in check. I can see the numbers go up and I can bring them back down by halving food. I check the food through the barcode or search before I prepare/cook and then add all the calories up into a meal, adding and taking away until it's nicely balanced, then I eat after cooking.

    Not sure how much help that is to you though.

    EDIT: I've made that sound like some long drawn out affair, but seriously, it really does not take long to do.
  • joanharris2014
    Thank you both! Very good! Be accountable to others and track food! sounds very good! TY
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    best advice I could give you is to drop the diet. I always looked at it as a diet but you really have to look at it as a life style.

    track everything good and bad. and be around positive people who are doing what you want to do. I have learned so much from others. and take it one day at a time. small steps add up
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    log, log, log. even the ugly stuff.

    like others have mentioned, this is not a diet, but the start of a healthier journey. the diet mentality can be so damaging and so black and white. eventually your body will crave healthier food, but don't try to overload in the beginning. if it does not feel natural, it won't stick. start with making easy changes like adding more water, limiting fast food. understand this is the rest of your life, not just a 3-month crash diet. so make it work for you.

    a great support group around here can do wonders. the community (the positive threads) are always excellent to skim through when you are struggling with motivation. if i feel a binge coming on, i will post it and my friends here work to reel me in.

    trust yourself. slowly remove the stigma that food has control over you. you are the driver, you create the map.

    and importantly, enjoy! set new goals to walk a little faster or run a little quicker. know some day you will achieve them and have a blast with your self-confidence. :)
  • DeliriumCanBeFun
    DeliriumCanBeFun Posts: 313 Member
    For me, the most important thing is planning ahead for meals and snacks but also exercise too. And second would be experimenting to see what is the right calorie goal for you and how to plan your day to best achieve that. You have to ask yourself, could I do this everyday for ever? It may take a bit to get to that point, I know it has for me. But once you find that place, it finally becomes easy to stick with it.
  • sarahbellum09
    sarahbellum09 Posts: 32 Member
    I am also new to this! Everyone on here seems really motivated and supportive of others. Good luck!!
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Everything is finally working for me so the only thing I can advise is drink your water, get a good night's sleep and move regularly. You'll get there. Find something fun you actually like doing. It makes exercising easier.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    1. Set realistic expectations.
    2. measure and weigh your food
    3. expect setbacks every now an then
    4. Drink plenty of water
    5. Set realistic expectations.
    6. Plan your schedule
    7. answer the follwoing question. Is this just a plan to lose weight for now or to be healthy for the rest of your life?
    8. Realize that you can eat in moderation
    9. Exercise

    Good Luck
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Lots of water! Don't get down on yourself if you have a "bad day". I've noticed that I'll have 3 good and one bad. Used to be that one bad would destroy my confidence and it would take a week to get back on track. And don't let your insecurities get to you. There are a lot of nice guys on here that are full of compliments. Some may turn into great friends and truly help you. Some will lead you astray unbeknownst to them and your priorities will be skewed. Keep doing this for you and you alone and don't worry what other's think and/or say/comment/like.
  • AirborneEd
    The logging of meals really helps me. Exercise too.
    It also helps to have killer evil monkeys watch your every meal, and chase you while running. :noway:
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    The logging of meals really helps me. Exercise too.
    It also helps to have killer evil monkeys watch your every meal, and chase you while running. :noway:

    Let me help you out with a visual...LOL!

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Get a digital food scale and weigh all foodz and measure liquids.
  • joanharris2014
    Thank you all! This has been so very helpful! xoxoxox Mad Men tonight!
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey I've been on here for quite a while now. For the first few days I just logged everything I ate, and was shocked by how many calories I was consuming.
    I then cut down on my carbs and only ate fruit in between meals. I cut out everything that I shouldn't eat like chocolate cakes biscuits etc for a few weeks because if I had a bit of them I would crave them.
    Also if you do eat something you shouldn't don't give up just say oh well and carry on.

    Please feel free to add me

    Jan ????
  • MrsRatfire
    MrsRatfire Posts: 102
    I have read many great posts here. I have been starting my diet tomorrow all of my life. Many times , I did that. So, I decided to start using this site. My first job was to log everything in the food diary- good or bad. I set the calories to only lose a pound a week. I was over, consistently, week one. But I was getting better. I had days that were "on" the next week, one that was under. Most were over, but it was less than the previous week.

    I have tracked for 14 days now. It is Sunday. I begin day 15 tomorrow. Guess what. I effortlessly dropped my calories off a cliff today. No strain- no hardship. Just weigh everything, measure everything. No freebies. In my food diary, I could change the names of the meals and customize. I added "before bed" and "overnight eating". If I ate over night, I logged it into day two. Over or not. No punishment, no not facing it. I knew I had to accept the psychological fact of eating- I need to measure and weigh and enter. I feel so much better today. Yes, I have had some very "over" days. I roll back now and then and now, it inspires me! I used to just give up and forget it when I failed. Now, there is no failure. If you log incessantly, you may have the same experience. I just started cutting back, and now, my food addition is under MUCH better control! This is really working for me- at last. And I am NOT miserable!
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member

    For me its about being completely honest with myself even if I go out to eat and go over my calories. I might get mad but then I realize tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to start over. Plus I also my mfp records to my nutritionist. If you have a bad day just remember you can start over at the next meal or the next day. Also don't forget to allow yourself some treats as long as its in moderation. :) Best wishes!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Don't demonize any food group. If your favorite food in life is pizza then learn to work it in. I have worked in pizza, Red Robin burgers, buffets...all with a calorie deficit.

    Start with an exercise that you will stick with. If you like to walk, then use that and then eventually add onto it. Then maybe eventually shift into running. Or if you like to take classes join a YMCA or Lifetime Fitness (or something similar) and plan to work some classes into your schedule. The more you go the more confident you will be...then eventually you are holding your own against the 19 year old on the bike next to you.

    Do not forget about life. It happens. Don't be afraid to enjoy that party or that dinner on the town. Don't freak out when the dinner served is deep dish Chicago style pizza and blackberry cobbler....just remember that one meal isn't what happened. It was the mountains of calorie surplus every day for however many years that led you meal won't derail pick back up where you left off the next day.
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member
    Horndave: This is amazing thanks for sharing :)
  • joanharris2014
    I want to QUOTE you all in my thank you... I have been tracking everything and doing some exercise, and trying not to look at this like a "diet"... choices, portion control, healthy eating and non-eating. And as you can see the first week is going well.

    I want to save this message board and read it daily!