What excuses did you give for your obesity?



  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    No excuse, just didn't do anything about it. I ate and drank too much soda.
  • dancingmuffin
    dancingmuffin Posts: 70 Member
    that i tried and failed so i couldnt loose because i most likely had pcos. I carried it well.i came from a family of big people
    i failed before because i did not know what i was doing. And i still most likely have pcos getting tested in may. I will be honest i did carry the weight wel...till i hit 300lbs . Then i just looked like a blob. And yeah a lot of people in my family are overwight, but that also have a lot of health issiues..some of which im starting to get :(.

    Needless to say im over 40lbs down :)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    That dang BMI chart - it's just nonsense!

    Funny, I never really thought about being overweight until I started trying to lose weight for health reasons. One of the reasons I know initially why I put on weight and kept it on was due to an incident that was beyond my control, and it left me not wanting to be much interest to the opposite sex :explode:

    I really thought that at this point (I'm 45, not saying I'm old but not thinking youngin's would still be interested in me :smile: ) I could handle the weight loss and all that comes with it!

    It is a long process of adjustment :wink:
  • blkane1984
    Wow, this is a thoughtful topic. I think when asked a direct question I would blame it on pregnancy and hypothyroidism. However, in recent years, I have come to realize that neither is truthful.

    I'm sure this is rooted deeply in body image formed in my childhood. Men started noticing me "not in a good way" when I was 13. I looked older for my age and was propositioned on a regular basis by men I hardly knew. I remember being completely freaked out when a 30+ stranger walked up and asked me if he could rub sun lotion on me. Then, in my teen years, my Mom had a nasty habit of following up every arguments with threats that I would turn into a *kitten* if I didn't follow her directions. If you call a boy on the phone.....If you wear that outfit.....if you style your hair that way.....It made me think that something I was doing would give people that impressions. If so, I needed to avoid drawing attention to myself.

    Anyway, all the nastiness aside, I know these were her issues not mine. I'm all grown up now and we have moved past it. But somewhere deep down, I learned to fear male attention wondering if I'm giving off vibes of being "that" kind of woman. Being overweight, helped me to feel invisible even protected. Even now that I'm in my 50's, if a man makes a innocent remark about "losing weight, you look good", I find I have to fight my inner voice screaming at me to go eat something and stay safe. It is a key derailing trigger with me.

    Emotional eating is a common problem for many people. I'm fighting on and have made it to a place where I understand and prepare to combat the triggers. I'm responsible for my obesity because I ate more calories than I burned. No other reason. Its a fact.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    No excuse either. I just loved eating and didn't want to eat less, and I was too busy playing video games to exercise.
  • youngestadult
    "My entire family is fat/overweight, so it's probably genetics. Also my really skinny friend eats a lot of crap and doesn't gain a pound, so that just adds to my theory!"
    "I'm not that big" (I was borderline obese)
    "I'm muscular!" (I am, but you couldn't see any muscle under all that blubber)
    "If years and years of eating disorder haven't done much about my weight, then I can't think of anything else that will help" (actually counting calories helped a lot!)

    Other than that, I had a difficult time caring since I was so full of self-loathing, I didn't mind if I died sooner than I would if I ate healthy and exercised a lot and aesthetically, well, I was convinced that no one would like me, ever, so I didn't see the point in becoming more conventionally attractive by losing fat.

    Not fitting into large and extra-large women's clothing anymore, though, kind of caused me to have a breakdown and research nutrition et cetera. Good decision.
  • everforever8
    everforever8 Posts: 16 Member
    Initially, it wasn't that I was making excuses for myself, other people where making excuses for me. My dad said that it was genetic, or that it was baby fat. I called bullcrap on it, but I never really thought about it.I was the biggest kid out of the five of us growing up and to this day, I'm still the biggest. I guess over time, I just reasoned that I'm tall enough (5'10") and it doesn't look that bad on me. Also, I did exercise. I seriously walked like, everywhere, but the problem is that there was no calorie deficit. Growing up, I had friends who equally enjoyed eating and for the times I wasn't walking or whatever, I was COMPLETELY lazy. I also tried to deny that I was really 'that big'. I'd see a size 10 pair of pants and think that it couldn't be 'normal' because it seemed so small for an adult human to be wearing.

    I started losing weight in 2009. My highest weight was 330 pounds. I'm still not at goal weight. The lowest weight I've been was 234 pounds, and right now I'm hovering around 290. It's frustrating, but I tell myself right now that it's hard because I'm not living at home right now (wrote a journal about it) and I'm finishing up my senior year in college while living with my fiance at my parents' house. I know what i have to do to fix it, but I've been kind of depressed and not willing to just do it I guess...
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i blamed my children. (pregnancies)
    i "carried it well"
    i couldnt afford a gym to workout
    busy life made it to hard to workout
    tried and failed so many times
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    bumpity bump bump.....
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
  • WorkInProgress323
    I blame it on my ex boyfriend :bigsmile:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Let's see I blamed it on having 3 kids at first (even though I lost all the pregnancies weight immediately after they were born and they are all over 18)

    I blamed it on having to take prednisone for my asthma (yea my asthma was made worse because I was fat)

    And if those weren't good enough the fall back of I am trying, but I can't lose weight it I must be destined to be fat... no I ate too much and didn't move enough
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I was "naturally curvy".
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    I blamed it on lack of sleep, I got into a habit of going to bed late and eating crap at night time watching television. I felt this was my time to relax and being tired I had little will power or felt I deserved a treat after a long day.

    I've been tracking my weight for 3 years and noticed I dropped weight between Easter and August but piled more weight on from Halloween to Christmas, probably due to lack of exercise with darker nights and spending more time in front of TV eating instead of being outside with my children. I realised I had the ability to get healthier but lacked willpower.

    Logging my food intake with MFP for three months now and being more conscious about getting exercise is helping. Weekends are my downfall as well as 'treats' one or two nights a week after a long day. Small changes are helping me and realising what my crutches/invalid excuses were/are.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    My excuses to myself were "Well I'm not THAT big really!" Then when I saw some side by side comparison pics after losing quite a bit, I realised just how big I actually was.


    Looking back at my before picture.. I cant believe I didnt see myself the way I was!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    My excuse was that I looked like an average american male and that normal meant okay. Not everything the crowd does is good, but unfortunately average was a fair statement. I am now below the obese mark and about to get sized out of my new workplace's uniforms for losing too much weight... and I just started there.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Oh poor me, I'm an emotional eater. You see what happens is I get upset and that forces me to drown my emotions in food - I really have no control over it. It's my pesky runaway never to be challenged emotions MAKING me eat all the foods.........

    I'm not saying emotional eating isn't a 'thing' - I AM saying that I gave up responsibility, put a label on my bad habits, didn't challenge them and let go.
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    I never made excuses. I loved food and didn't exercise. I figured I was on my feet all day that was enough exercise for me. Now that I log everything, I can see why I was fat. I ate way too much. I tell my wife it is her fault. When we met I was 180 lbs and my starting weight here was 274 lbs. It has kind of been our little joke, because she would say it was all of her good cooking. I was a fat man living with a bunch of skinny people. My wife doesn't gain an ounce and neither does anyone of my sons. I am on my way though.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I didn't have any excuse, I was in complete denial so for me to have an excuse would mean I'd have to admit being fat in the 1st place.

    Now my excuse WAS....lazy & eating more than I should. Same as everyone else I guess.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Oh poor me, I'm an emotional eater. You see what happens is I get upset and that forces me to drown my emotions in food - I really have no control over it. It's my pesky runaway never to be challenged emotions MAKING me eat all the foods.........

    I'm not saying emotional eating isn't a 'thing' - I AM saying that I gave up responsibility, put a label on my bad habits, didn't challenge them and let go.

    Well put!!!