My Medication causes weight gain

I've been on a weight gaining medication for 9 years. Trying to get off it. I feel like I have no control over what I eat, and the weight keeps piling on. Anyone else up against a medication that they need but it causes weight gain? My doctor says they don't even prescribe it anymore due to the weight gain. It's very hard to get off, it causes insomnia with withdrawals. Every other part of the medication I love - except the weight gain. It allows me to sleep well, concentrate, function well day to day. However the side effect of weight gain is no longer welcome. I'm doing everything I can to get off it, and onto another weight neutral medication. (It's for a long existing psychiatric condition). I am giving it another kick at the bucket and trying to get off it with the withdrawals. Anyone else up against such a problem?


  • Hi kimsterama,
    I'm new here and haven't posted before but saw your post and had to reply as I'm in a very similar position. I take anti psychotics and anti depressants for a long standing psychiatric condition. I have gained weight due to the medication about 100lbs altogether. I also find my condition and medication leaves me feeling very demotivated and I struggle to exercise and stick to diets. However I have now been put on medication for Type 2 diabetes and have also recently developed gall stones which has given me a bit of a wake up call. I have to stick to a low fat diet to avoid gall bladder attacks and would like to take control of my blood sugar and weight too. I'm a very honest and open person and would be glad if you would like to add me as a friend, but please bear in mind that I'm new to posting and not very clued up on computers. Thanks
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    I know what you've gone through---from experience. With medicine like that, you have to really get in a committed exercise routine. It also helps out your symptoms too, like no medicine can do. I know it's hard when you gain so much weight from just being medicated like your Dr. wants. But, YOU CAN lose weight. Know it is possible. You just have to try much harder than the average person has to. You have to exercise more and more---and it takes more exercise than what works for other people that aren't on all these medications. This is VERY TRUE. You also have to learn to eat very low calorie (within healthy ranges), and be very diligent about what you choose to eat. Go for the basics with the "good" things you need to eat. Don't try to overly complicate things, or things will easily get overwhelming, lots more so than for other people that don't have these types of problems. Above all, stay in close contact with your psychiatrist and talk with them and so they can help you find ways to do things you need to do to solve your weight loss. A good psychiatrist is very resourceful. They can also help you learn to handle ways of being able to handle being around more people, in activities that you could use to help lose weight .
  • I've been told by many health professionals that exercise can really help with mental health issues but I suppose I've been lazy and complacent. I haven't exercised for many years so I think I will start small with walking and easy You Tube routines. I don't believe in making too many changes at once as I've done this before and always failed which is very disheartening. I hope to make small but permanent changes one at a time. I'd be more than happy to have friends join my journey and give mutual support advice and motivation. If there are other people out there with similar problems or outlook feel free to add me as a friend.