

  • I did Level 1, Day 3, tonight! Feeling sore still, but not nearly as bad after Day 1. I can keep up pretty well, except my pushups stink (I can't go down very far), and I've modified the jumping jacks to jump in place since otherwise it seems to really strain my knees. I do find I really have to concentrate on form, and even then I'm not sure I do everything 100% correct. Anxious to see how I feel/look after the 30 days... Just in time for our beach vacation and a bikini! ;)
  • I'm in!!

    Started Monday, had to give it a miss yesterday as was way too sore! Still sore today but I'll give it a go this evening!!

    It's more high impact than I'm used to so guess it'll take a while to get used to it. At the moment my legs hate me!! :D