Huge Dilemma :(

So, I am a college student and I usually find it really easy to go out and get a salad or something healthy to eat because there are TONS of places around that offer great choices for me. Unfortunately, I am home for Christmas break, where my family keeps snack foods all around the house and my own mother believes I'm being stupid about trying to find stuff around the house to make a salad for dinner. She continuously says that I should just "eat the pizza" that she bought for us all to have for dinner when I personally know that if I give in, I probably won't allow myself one small slice. Please help! Are there any easy, inexpensive solutions for meals I can make myself? And is there anyway to get my mother to be more supportive of me trying to lose weight? :(


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Try to be firm. Let her know how important losing weight and eating healthy is to you, and how hurtful it is that she doesn't support you on this. See if you can get her to make some compromises and meet you in the middle on some healthy food. If that doesn't work, see how many meals you can mooch at a friend's house who has a family that takes healthy eating more seriously. And shop around in the grocery store to find cheap alternatives you can make yourself. Usually you can get fruits and vegetables for pretty cheap.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I've learned not to talk about it for the first little while. I know when I go to my folks house I can help myself, so that's what I do. I help her get the "main meal" set up and then take 5 minutes to whip me up something. By the time she's figured out I'm doing something, it's done. My family has never really backed me up in the weight lose department, until I told them I've lost 11lbs since spring. Then they figured out I've been working hard. So now it's a little easier. Good Luck!
  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    I think I would try and offer a compromise, like I will eat one slice of pizza but I want a salad on the side that way you can account for it daily and wont be as bad. Or I like the whole wheat tortilla's with pre-cooked chicken slices. Then I take fat free cheese and some salsa. All this for about 10 bucks and you get around 6 meals out of it. I also like the light bread and egg beaters like 4 dollars and you get many breakfasts out of those. Good Luck eating around un-supportive people is hard.:happy:
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    These days I'm all about the Lean Cuisine's. That might be an option.

    I augment them with frozen vegetables. It's a ton of food for not many calories.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    So, I am a college student and I usually find it really easy to go out and get a salad or something healthy to eat because there are TONS of places around that offer great choices for me. Unfortunately, I am home for Christmas break, where my family keeps snack foods all around the house and my own mother believes I'm being stupid about trying to find stuff around the house to make a salad for dinner. She continuously says that I should just "eat the pizza" that she bought for us all to have for dinner when I personally know that if I give in, I probably won't allow myself one small slice. Please help! Are there any easy, inexpensive solutions for meals I can make myself? And is there anyway to get my mother to be more supportive of me trying to lose weight? :(

    same problem lol except im also working at my dads pizza place during the holidays lol um most i can say is just try and exercise self control my eatings been up the past few days but not over my goal :) good luck
  • timarii
    timarii Posts: 36 Member
    One of my most favorite quick, easy and inexpensive meals is Something we call taco nachos!

    1lb Ground Turkey (I get the free range, hormone free natural ground turkey you cant even tell its not ground hamburger meat) .
    1 Jar Organic or all natural salsa (I use Publix brand)
    All Natural low sodium Tortilla Chips
    Salsa Con Queso dip

    Cook up the Turkey meat with some Worschestire sauce, Mrs Dash and Ground Red Pepper. Add the Whole jar of salsa and throw in some corn. Let it warm up and dish out a serving. Dip a tortilla chip in the queso (small amount, only eat the 2 tbsp serving) and spoon on a big heap of meat and enjoy!! ITs so good and if you only have the right portion its very reasonable in calories! YUM!

    I also make some 250 calorie/serving (large portion) Turkey Shepherd's Pie and it is to DIE for! Let me know if you want the recipe, makes 4 servings, really good as leftovers and its quick and easy to make as well!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I agree - I can't stop at one slice! And even well intentioned people are inadvertently unsupportive this time of year - "come on its just one day. you've been doing good, give yourself a treat".

    I make myself a vegetable chili that everyone can enjoy if they want and brown rice. Fills me up well and its cheap - you can find recipes on

    I'm a big fan of Tuna & 100 calorie sandwich thins.

    I also make sure I have lots of fruit around - apples & bananas are my saviors.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Yikes..... that's so annoying to be around unsupportive people! :grumble: :noway:
    Especially family! Sheeeesh....... but I know the routine only too well. :brokenheart:

    I have found in my years of eating mostly different from others, the less said the better.
    Most people really don't care and it only makes them feel bad about themselves.
    Hence the slogan "Misery Loves Company!" :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Make a few general comments about your healthy habits but don't get into any big explanations
    unless someone is really interested and asks. Then do your best to stay on track......
    Great suggestions from others! :drinker: :heart:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    sometimes saying "But I LIKE salads" works a little.
  • SyreetaJayne1
    One of my most favorite quick, easy and inexpensive meals is Something we call taco nachos!

    1lb Ground Turkey (I get the free range, hormone free natural ground turkey you cant even tell its not ground hamburger meat) .
    1 Jar Organic or all natural salsa (I use Publix brand)
    All Natural low sodium Tortilla Chips
    Salsa Con Queso dip

    Cook up the Turkey meat with some Worschestire sauce, Mrs Dash and Ground Red Pepper. Add the Whole jar of salsa and throw in some corn. Let it warm up and dish out a serving. Dip a tortilla chip in the queso (small amount, only eat the 2 tbsp serving) and spoon on a big heap of meat and enjoy!! ITs so good and if you only have the right portion its very reasonable in calories! YUM!

    I also make some 250 calorie/serving (large portion) Turkey Shepherd's Pie and it is to DIE for! Let me know if you want the recipe, makes 4 servings, really good as leftovers and its quick and easy to make as well!

    My husband loves shepherd pie! can you send me the recipe? Thanks so much!!!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My daughter and I are at my moms...and I feel your pain. I picked up some food at the store for myself prior to getting to her house. I just knew that I'd be subjected to junk and fried foods (I am in the South, lol). So I picked up my greek yogurt, some oatmeal, tofu, veggies, fruits, and some veg. alterative products for me to eat while everyone else eats meat. So far it's been working. But as mother is still trying to force junk and meat down my throat. All I can do is say 'mom...I don't eat meat...I never have, why are you still pushing this? I'm 25, I'm not a child, I have a child of my own.".
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    If I get into chips or pizza I CANNOT STOP. I know, everything in moderation...but, I also have accepted certain foods are like CRACK to me and I lose all self control. I have this stuff around me having elementary school kids and going to school, cub scouts, etc. functions and I just have to pump the brakes and AVOID it.

    It is REALLY tough when you are staying at someone else's house.

    If it were me, I would say Mom, I love you, but I have to do this for myself. Grab the keys and run to the store. Some ideas -

    Hit the salad bar and make a few tasty salads to keep in the fridge.
    Buy some chicken breasts and some bagged salad and whatever other veggies you like. Saute up the chicken in a little olive oil and spices of your preference and make some salad with these ingredients.
    Go to some lean cuisines, or kashi frozen meals or the like. Though these are usually kind of high in sodium at least you can control the caloric intake.

    There will always be someone trying to push foods on you - whether it be your mom, a coworker, a room-mate, etc. You just really have to make yourself a priority and get through the situation.

    Keep chugging cold water - fills you up and cold water actually requires your body to burn some calories to warm it up ;-).

  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    My daughter and I are at my moms...and I feel your pain. I picked up some food at the store for myself prior to getting to her house. I just knew that I'd be subjected to junk and fried foods (I am in the South, lol). So I picked up my greek yogurt, some oatmeal, tofu, veggies, fruits, and some veg. alterative products for me to eat while everyone else eats meat. So far it's been working. But as mother is still trying to force junk and meat down my throat. All I can do is say 'mom...I don't eat meat...I never have, why are you still pushing this? I'm 25, I'm not a child, I have a child of my own.".

    These are GREAT ideas - all good and FILLING foods! Greek yogurt, oatmeal and apples are amongst my mainstay FILLING snack items!!!