SAHM 12/20 to 12/26

Welcome! We are a great SAHM group that supports each other with weight loss and the journies of being mom's. We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! The last few days before the big holiday for most of us. How are you planning on staying in chck ofr the holiday?

    Stacey- I am sorry for sounding dumb, but did Hannukah start yet?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~I am going to try to keep some gum on the ready if I think I am getting out of hand. The hubby has been trying to help remind me too. Plus the thought of having to log it on here (my diary is open to view not sure if it is just for friends or everyone) but that helps keep me on track too because then I feel guilty when I have a bunch of junk and go way over. :smile: I agree that it is hard to get people to come to the parties because they feel like if they come they are obligated to buy something.:noway:

    Well I hoping that I will be burning some serious calories this week. I am helping a friend move tomorrow plus I plan on getting some exercise in and another week filled with laundry. I was very much behind and with my size family that means some time to get caught back up BUT I am over halfway there. I also need to start making everyone's scarves and finish the hubby's.
  • HRgoldenlife
    HRgoldenlife Posts: 53 Member

    I am a SAHM, although I am also a WAHM part-time as well trying to launch my business.

    Anyway, I have been on this journey for 2 weeks and am 2.5 pounds down.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I can't believe the holidays are just around the corner and the new year is sneaking up on us. Well, hubby and I are just planning on doing what we've been doing, esp since the end of Nov beginning of this month, he was in the hospital for heart problems and his dr finally put him on a 2000 calorie diet (which is more calories than I'm set on here for) but we're doing it pretty good and he's been doing better than me, I've been going over on my calories, but have been under 2000, so little by little, we're getting there. Otherwise, nothing too special.

    Hope everyone's holidays are merry!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi. just tagging.
    only saw your q nicole--you're not dumb!
    chanukah started and ended already. it was kinda early this year.
    in any case, no worries. :)

    hope your gift making is coming along. :)

    later chicas
  • mamato4boys1girl
    I'm down 5lbs, Woohoo!!
    I know it's only coming off so easy cause it's baby weight but it's still nice to see. Well after a week with 2 Christmas parties and my DS's 3rd birthday the fact that the scale stayed down when I got on it this morning was exciting. I only got to the gym twice last week & will probably only make it twice this week with the holidays but that is better than not at all. I did order the "Slim in 6" workout dvds that were suggested to me by a few different people plus they were by the same people that did P90X which my DH did and lost 20lb really quick. I am hopeing that it will be just the thing to help me get more exercise since I will be able to do it at home.

    Welcome hcprichardson, great job on the weight loss already!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hello ladies :) Again I fell off the map...I don't know why I can't stay motivated to keep up on here. I guess I've gotten to the point where the number on the scale doesn't matter. I've come to the conclusion that my body is happy between 141-145 since this is where I have been since April. I have decided that I'm in the best shape of my life and I want to stop focusing on that goal of 135 and just try and be happy with where I am at. I was able to run a half marathon for cryin out loud! I've been focusing more on my activity and exercise than the eating...but I know I need to eat better too. And lately, the exercise has fallen to the back burner as well.

    And what I really need is a swift kick in the butt of motivation to help me keep on, keepin on! Who's gonna give it to me?? :)
  • blessdmomof4
    Kat I'll give it to you if you give me one back lol! Get on out there girl and get movin'
    I've been feeling very similar to you. My weight stayed about the same since April at 170ish and I have 5 lbs to go to hit my goal of 165. I can run 5 miles on a regular basis now which is a miracle and at my cousin's christmas party the other day I actually wore leggings and my cousins all complimented my toned legs lol. These are things I NEVER thought would happen.

    Nicole- congrats on the healthy BMI!!! I can't wait to reach that goal.

    Stacey- you're doing an awesome job burning the cals! I see you posts in my feed. Keep it up!

    I'm trying to get (and stay) motivated to kick of these last 5 lbs and not gain over the holidays.
    I still really want to lose that last 5 to get into the healthy BMI range. Idealy I would like to lose 10-15 more but I'll focus on 5 to reach my initial goal set almost a year ago. I would love to hit it before January 18th which is my MFP 1 year anniversary.

    it was ironic that I got compliments at my cousin's christmas party b/c it was the pictures from that party last year that motivated me to finally lose the weight! Nice feeling this year :happy: :bigsmile:

    I'm pretty certain I have never lost weight between thanksgiving and christmas in my life but I actually have this year! I was back up to 173 at Thanskgiving and I am now back down to 170 and hoping to drop 1 more lb before Christmas. My system has been to just eat fruits and veggies for breakfast and lunch and then have a "sensible dinner" Trying to avoid the sweets but not always winning that battle. I've been at the gym more lately though and torching between 600-900 calories in an hour on the TM so sometimes I have the extra calories :wink:

    I hope you are all doing well!

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Christi~way to go on the loss!

    Katie~that is awesome that you ran a half marathon! I don't have room to talk on the logging I have just got back into it myself but it sure does feel better to do it. As far as the exercise moving just makes you feel better.

    Melissa~I hear you on the wanting to get int the healthy BMI range and then go from there. I have to get to below 141 to be at a healthy BMI I am at 155. I am so close to it but I gave up for a few months. So I can't expect it to come off with out the work.

    Not much new to post. I do have a Dr appt for my lil one tomorrow morning to get him checked out for possible allergy to milk. I am really hoping that he doesn't have one but it is not looking too promising right now. got to go we are having a late lunch since we helped some friends move this morning and just got done.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    So I brought my Core Secrets dvds back out last night & put the exercise ball to use. Unfortunatly I tried it while DH was at scouts with DS#1 and the other 3 just were not having it, my 1 year old kept kicking the ball, my 3 year old was whinning about something and the baby started getting mad. So I did get through it but just not a good of a job as I would of liked, on the plus side my arms are kind of sore this morning so I must have done something!! I am hopeing the Slim in 6 gets here soon because I am going to start that after the first of the year, just going to have to do it when they boys are napping or in the evening after they have gone to bed. I just can't seem to get to the gym as much as I would like so I am trying to find alternatives instead.
    On another note all together DS#2 turns 3 years old today! It still amazes me how fast they seem to grow up, I swear it seems like it was him I just brought home. Before I know it my baby will be that big, just makes me want to have another. Haha!! DH says I better get over that cause we can't keep having babies forever!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's great to see you Katie and Melissa! We can definitely kick your butts into gear!

    KatieM- How's your little guy?

    Still not close to being done with the presents, our neighbors dog attacked our chickens the other day so it has been crazy. Fortunately we just lost some tail feathers...phew....I have to start baking for the nieghbors and Christmas...and here I sit on the computer!:laugh:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Just got back from the allergist. The verdict is NOT a major allergy to milk. WOOHOO!!! Just an intolerance to it and they suggest to slowly start to give him milk to have it be where his tummy gets used to it. If it happens to be where he starts to have diarrhea again then I stop and try again in 6 mo -1 yr. I am glad that it is not a major allergy so this means that he will more than likely "grow" out of it. Well I got to go because I need get up and go make some Christmas goodies for the neighbors.

    Nicole~What are you making for your neighbors?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    KatieM- That is good news about your kiddo. I dont' wish food allergies on anyone! I have enough for everyone!

    I am making Monkey Bread for my neighbors. What are you making?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~what allergies do you have? I am making oreo cookies, chocolate chip, brownies, caramels, fudge and suckers. So far I am done with the oreo cookies and caramels. I have a long way to go. :tongue: To answer the ? ahead of time the hubby likes to give to LOTS of people (this year there is 39 families on the list). So that is why I am making soooo many different things.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am allergic to Gluten, Corn and Soy. Wow Katie! You are busy! They sound yummy though!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    quiet week with everyone getting ready for Christmas! I have more baking to I'd better get cracking!
  • blessdmomof4
    KatieM- I have two that were intolerant to milk. I have found that chewable probiotics on a daily basis really helped. I am especially fond of Acidophikidz. I usually order from Vitamin Shoppe. My youngest will be going gluten free after the holidays b/c he is having so many skin issues. He has always had Keratosis Pilaris (rough bumps on upper arms and legs) sometimes eczema (more now than ever) he's just started w/ psoriasis on his elbows (I think) and he also has some viral rash that is so yucky. He's only 5. I feel so bad for him. We've gone dairy free for awhile for digestive issues but it didn't help the skin so I'm thinking it may be gluten. Not going to be easy (or cheap!!).

    Have a little wrapping and baking to do tonight and then I'm ready for Christmas!!

    As for gym- haven't made it in the last 3 days
    Food- could be better, could be worse, too many goodies...
    water--a little behind but not too bad.

    I hope you all have blessed holidays!!

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~How is your gift making going?

    Melissa~Have you tried using vaseline on your son's skin? My lil guy who is 2 has eczema and his Dr. told me to use vaseline and man it works like a miracle! That is sad that he has that many problems I hope that it works for him to go gluten free. I will have to look into the probiotics. I think that is a good idea for him and me.

    So today my dd2 turned 7. We went sledding as a family and had a BLAST! However before I go again I need to get some snow pants. My back side was an ice cube by the time we were done it still is cold. My hubby was joking saying "honey did you pee your pants?" Well my 2 yr old says "mommy pee pawnts?" Yeah how do you undo that one when daddy says it and mommys pants are soaking wet?! :laugh:
  • benbidder
    Howdy! Can anyone join this group? :) Is it just for people with young kids? I stay home with my kids but have my own business as well. I am new here, so am trying to figure it all out. :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    benbidder- welcome! It's ok no matter how old your kids are or if you do a business from home!
    I have 2 teenagers

    Katie- Baking is going great, the sewing projects are not. I am going to wrap them as is and tell them They will get them when I am finished... Oh man! You bum had to have been freezing! I bet you had a blast though!