Scientifically proven method: food porn?!?

There is a lot of scientific information below, if you want an easier jist summary of it, just scroll to the bottom

I thought I'd browse some scholarly articles in an academic journals and websites and this is what I found. My college gave us keys so not sure if it is available to public but here it is:: (from Ghent University)
A decrease in its subsequent intake through habituation-ie—a decrease in one’s responsiveness to the food and motivation to obtain it. We demonstrated that habituation to a food item can occur even when its consumption is merely imagined. Five experiments showed that people who repeatedly imagined eating a food (such as cheese) many times subsequently consumed less of the imagined food than did people who repeatedly imagined eating that food fewer times, imagined eating a different food (such as candy), or did not imagine eating a food. They did so because they desired to eat it less, not because they considered it less palatable. These results suggest that mental representation alone can engender habituation to a stimulus.

& here's another scientific source proving the same fact: (from the University of Minnesota) Proceedings Vol 39.pdf (this is available to all)

and here's my abstract quotes from it:

Research on mental imagery suggests that the processes of mental imagery are similar to the processes involved in the perception of actual stimuli. Mental imagery of an experience has been found to engage similar physiological (e.g., Huber and Krist, 2004) and neurological processes (Kosslyn, Ganis, and Thompson 2001), and to similarly affect behavioral responses (e.g., Wohldmann, Healy, and Bourne 2007) as the actual consumption experience. More recently, Morewedge, Huh, and Vosgerau (2010) demonstrated that imagined consumption of a food engenders habituation to the food as does the actual consumption. Imagined consumption can act as a substitute for the sensory experience of consuming a food. Across three studies we test this proposition.......The results suggest that imagining eating foods does not increase the subsequent consumption.......Two psychological processes appear to regulate food intake (Berridge 2007). One process is food liking or palatability (i.e., the pleasure derived from eating a given food), and the other is food wanting or appetite (i.e., motivation to obtain a food). This is consistent with the findings by Morewedge et al. (2010) that imagined food consumption engenders habituation to a food (decrease in wanting) but does not affect liking of the food. The present investigation attests to the importance of top-down processes that regulate food consumption.

So some helpful advice to eat less(if you struggle with overeating), go watch you some food porn ladies (and gents) *and the studies say to imagine eating it (maybe w/or w/o visual aid)

There's all sorts of sources for food porn, here is my own two favorites, feel free to add to it

Your thoughts? (please by nice this is my First post on the forums)
