Any other PCOS sufferers?

I just started restricting my food intake a couple weeks ago, after my PCOS meds started kicking in, and I've been blown away by the difference in my hunger levels. Before, I was eating huge meals twice a day...I'm talking plates upon plates of french fries with ranch, pizza, pasta, chicken, AND dessert...and then around 10pm like clockwork I would be sitting in my room thinking "I am so hungry, I need to eat right now or I don't even know what I will do with myself." I'd try to fight it off but inevitably my willpower would break down and I would go to the sandwich place on campus and eat another full meal just because I was inexplicably starving.

Now, I have been on Metformin for about a month and a half and I have successfully stayed under 1200 calories (minus one day when I went to the movies to see Captain America) for almost two weeks with minimal hunger. Apparently my feelings of hunger were caused by insulin resistance, so even after I had eaten everything in the dining hall my brain wasn't totally able to recognize or use the glucose. My meds have totally turned that around and I feel so much more happy and in control. I still feel hungry sometimes, but it is so much less powerful and long-lasting than before, and now I can satiate myself with half a bagel and some yogurt instead of needing to eat a giant bowl of pasta and two slices of pizza.

Being overweight is both a symptom of my PCOS and a cause of other PCOS symptoms, so I am seriously looking forward to all the other positive health changes that will come along with losing this weight :)


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I believe there is a whole separate group dedicated to PCOS. Under "Community" in your top tabs, go to "Groups" and search for PCOS.
  • Casistrophic
    Casistrophic Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks! Still finding my way around :)