binged really bad.

Well, today I had my first binge ever. For so long I built up a strong resistance to binging. I also never had a cheat day before. Tonight I binged on peanut butter. Not once but twice. Well the second time was to finish the jar so I don't binge on it again. I didn't kill a whole jar of peanut butter or anything, more like a 1/4th. Will this binge effect me? Or will it actually help my metabolism? I mean they say you should have a cheat day once a week.

What should I do tomorrow? I wanted to eat less and do a lot of cardio.


  • kaylammi
    kaylammi Posts: 8 Member
    1/4th a jar of peanut butter? i'd hardly call that a binge. sounds like you just went over on your calories. it's not going to make a difference in the long-term.

    slip ups happen. it's a normal part of the journey.

    tomorrow is a new day. drink some tea, relax, go to bed.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Its not that serious. You ate 1/4 of a jar of peanut butter. I do not see how that is a binge.

    I'm pretty sure it will not affect your progress. Did you go over maintenance ? Are you going over maintenance everyday?

    You said you been "good" up until now. Think about it. It takes 3500 calories to gain 1 lb. Stop stressing and move on and keep it pushing.
  • lol yesterday i ate 1500+ calories in under 5 minutes, :glasses:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    lol. 1/4 jar of PB. that's cute.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    That's not a binge!!!! Your body is just telling you to probably up your normal day to day calories!

    If you eat too little or restrict everyday - This could cause binges. If you add say 100 or 200 more to your daily allowance, you will be fuller for longer : )

    Or maybe you eating the peanut butter... Could be a sign you need more protein in your diet, Try and listen to your body : )
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    How big is a jar?
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    How big is a jar?

    excellent question! :D
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    yeah it is a binge because i'm a small girl who only eats about 1500 a day, so eating about 7 servings of peanut butter is about 1260 more calories then normal. i gained 15 pounds of water weight over night.
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    16 oz.
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    a fourth of a jar is 1260 calories.. so....
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yeah it is a binge because i'm a small girl who only eats about 1500 a day, so eating about 7 servings of peanut butter is about 1260 more calories then normal. i gained 15 pounds of water weight over night.

    15lbs? were you eating peanut butter or salt?!
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    cookie nookie peanut butter.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    15lbs overnight? I call BS.
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    it's what my scale said, obviously it's water weight.
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    Yeah I didn't even attempt to log it either!
    Funny thing is, i woke up and was like wow my stomach is so flat that I was like hm.. let's just see the damage and i was shocked to see 15 pounds of water weight! I'm just going to drink a lot of water and do some extra cardio today after work!

    But hey great minds think alike when it comes to binging on peanut butter :p

    good luck to you as well!
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Ways to cope after a binge:

    1) Try not to berate yourself or feel guilty. That doesn't achieve anything.
    2) Don't overcompensate the following day by starving yourself or over-exercising. This risks setting up a binge/restrict cycle.
    3) The following day get back to your normal routine and continue with a slight deficit. The binge will set you back a few days but it isn't the end of the world.
    4) Figure out what triggered the binge and make a strategy to prevent it next time.

    ETA: You should try and log your binges as accurately as possible. This will help you have a more realistic understanding of what you've done. Anyway, even if you don't log it your body definitely will :wink:
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Worry not we all do this sometimes and the bloat is temporary, your body sometimes just needs a break from the restriction, I've done this with peanut butter before it's very easy and don't worry it's just a slip (I think people are getting defensive about the term binge as it's a chronic eating disorder and are upset you're calling a one off overeating sesh a binge). But to not develop this into disordered eating whatever you do don't over restrict today to make up for it, just carry on as normal, otherwise you may crack again and get into a restrict binge cycle xxx
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I think you need a new scale.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I think you need a new scale.

    ^^ This! haha

    Oooooor there something else going on in that body of yours. Never ever heard of a 15lb wt gain overnight. But that doesn't matter. I hope it was good, you enjoyed it and leave it at that!! :)

    Have a great (and probably peanut butter-less) day!
    No worries girl!
  • ohheyyitsrenee
    ohheyyitsrenee Posts: 111 Member
    Worry not we all do this sometimes and the bloat is temporary, your body sometimes just needs a break from the restriction, I've done this with peanut butter before it's very easy and don't worry it's just a slip (I think people are getting defensive about the term binge as it's a chronic eating disorder and are upset you're calling a one off overeating sesh a binge). But to not develop this into disordered eating whatever you do don't over restrict today to make up for it, just carry on as normal, otherwise you may crack again and get into a restrict binge cycle xxx

    Yeah I see that people get defensive and to be honest It made me a little upset because what people don't know is that I do have disordered eating and I do have an eating disorder and I am my third month of recovery. So me calling it a binge is acceptable and me freaking out about it is very acceptable. Coming from a girl who used to only eat 900 calories a day and is now eating 1500, of course I will freak out when I eat way over that. But like you said, It's normal and not to worry about. So I won't!