What was your turning point?



  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I was too fat for lane bryant clothing store. I was bulging out of a 28/30 women's plus size pants. It was the last good styled clothes for big girls I could find. I didn't want to settle for moo-moo's.

    This speaks to my soul! When I moved to Chicago I discovered a massive plus-size department at Macys and I thought I was in heaven!! But when I reached 320 pounds, I was starting to size out of their 3X stuff.
  • kezzie88
    kezzie88 Posts: 5
    Big turning point recently after 3 years of yo-yo-ing - thinking a wouldn't have any problems finding a pretty dress to wear to an event - dragged my poor baby boy around the shops all day and couldn't find anything that fitted besides something a 'fat person' would wear.... So disgusted and in denial of how I had let myself go I almost didn't go just because of that..But I did end up going and wore the fat dress and now look at the horrible pictures to keep me motivated lol

    Also, a:noway: fter spending the last 15 years having babies and putting their needs first the realisation that im 42 and heading towards 50 - that seems unreal to me.... i want to get my body back stat!!!!!! :cry: :cry:
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I was sick of being the overweight, alcoholic that I was. I wanted to be healthy.
    I'm almost 100 pounds less now and when I have a beer it's one and not a case.
  • When I left college I was completely in denial, and I didn't gain much. My weight fluctuated due to stress and a lot of running around. I think the weight put on when it was my senior year because I was in my room doing homework and not being as active. .....but not being able to fit into your favorite things can be so depressing! I had seen a pic of me and I had enough. This past winter was extremely brutal, and I had a horrible, HORRIBLE case of cabin fever, but when it finally warmed up, I put my foot down. I said no to the soda, and started drinking water. It's been a month for me on here, and I've hit the gym more since I have more free time, and I've also started really paying attention to what I eat. I've lost about 10 so far, and it feels great getting a few things back on rather than them feeling snug. I stopped complaining and feeling sorry for myself when I finally realized if other people could lose the weight, so can I.
  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    Mine was 5 weeks after having my second son, looked in the mirror at the 'wreakage' and was gutted, id previously been very fit and active, I had handfuls of rolls on my hips and everything jiggled, clothes didnt fit. I decided that day if this was gonna be a happy household I was gonna have to make an effort,
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member
    My turning point was my PCOS. It stopped me from having my "monthly" and is still currently keeping me from having it. I can't get pregnant right now because of it and have no clue if I even can at this point. The best way to combat it is weight loss so I'm going to lose weight because I want to be a mother. And when I become a mother I want to keep up with my kids. Also clothes, I love clothes and I want to be skinny enough to get the cute clothes I want!

    I want to be active and healthy for myself and my future family, and I'm sure my boyfriend will appreciate my new body one day too ;)
  • KittiePerry
    KittiePerry Posts: 133 Member

    I totally get this, I was 340, I'm 327 now and I'm tired of size 30 jeans Dx
    I wear moomoos all the time though, only at home! So comfy! Who needs pants ;) lol
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    A photo from my 21st birthday with my Mum in NY. I was too embarrassed to share any of the photos with family/friends because I was so fat! It was as though I had been living with my eyes closed for the past 5 years & suddenly I saw what everyone else was seeing! YUCK! :sick:
  • TTeBri
    TTeBri Posts: 4 Member
    When I was 26, I weighed 110 pounds. I read once that a woman gains an average of ten pounds every decade. I remember thinking, NOT ME! So here I am 35 years later and instead of gaining 35, I've packed on 70, 30 of those just in the last 10 years.

    Enough is enough. My best friend from high school just died from cancer last month, two weeks before I was finally able to find her on Facebook. It hit me hard. This life is a gift. I need to get healthy for my grown children, my grandchildren, and myself.
  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    My brother told me I was fat and asked me if I was going to lose any weight.

    I was really upset at the time (I was only 15), but I'm so glad he did, I'll thank him one day for being so blunt haha...
    Lost 20kg (44 pounds) now and people never believe I was overweight!

    P.S I was actually more offended recently when my best friend told me I was so thin now I look ill, she's always been a size 6 (UK) or smaller for the whole ten years I've known her so that hurt!
  • Eddieray616
    Eddieray616 Posts: 12 Member
    mine was at a wrestling seminar with Kid Kash. he showed me how out of shape I was for the wrestling industry and that if I wanted to make it to the big time I had to drop the weight. although I tried to lose weight prior to that, i was far less motivated and did so kinda half arsed. after that moment, I waited till the end of the month to start properly and haven't looked past since. now i'm far smaller (though nowhere near my goal) and it shows in the ring. I realized just how much my weight was holding me back.
  • The photo of me on the left. :blushing:
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    Getting on the scales and flying and going upto 17st (238lb) I knew I was big but a big shock and my naive 15stone that I roughly expected.. I vowed to change and now 158lb and still counting :)
  • Revolutionwithin
    Revolutionwithin Posts: 47 Member
    When I realized that I was upset over the fact that some people in my life never treated me the way that they should, and looked at myself and knew I wasn't treating myself the way I should either.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    What made you want to change course? What was it that made it enough!
    I went to visit family and had to fly to get there. The trip there, I could barely squeeze into the seats. I was SO uncomfortable and embarrassed and didn't want to say anything to my husband about it.
    My dad is getting married in May and I am flying to Florida to be in the wedding. I just wanted to be comfortable in the seats and not be squeezed in and unable to breath.
    Also I will be 40 in a year and decided I needed to make a change so I won't enter into my 40's unfit and uncomfortable.
  • boiseemily
    boiseemily Posts: 14 Member
    Hitting 200 pounds felt like a sin to me. When that number turned into the lowest point of my fluctuating weight, I said no more. Now having almost made it solidly below the 190s, I never plan on seeing that number again.
  • Oklahomared58
    Oklahomared58 Posts: 3 Member
    I am hesitant to post this… but here goes.
    July 25th, 2010 I stepped on the scales and weighted 282. 27 days later my wife of 33 years died. That day ended her 10 year battle with breast cancer and her life-long battle with obesity. Like me, she had been overweight almost all of her life, she had been 100+lbs heavy since she was a child. She had all the weight related health problems; type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems, reproductive issues, stomach problems, etc. In my heart I feel the weight kept her from beating back the cancer that eventually took her life. Met her at when I was 16, moved in at 17, married her at 18, and now she was gone. Everything we had planned and saved for, to do later in life was gone too.
    I felt that if I didn’t change something, I was next; and both of our lives would have somehow been a waste.
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    I want to thank everyone who posted in this thread. Your stories are so moving.

    For the first 20 lb., my motivation was almost hitting 200 lb. on the scale.

    Years after that, I was motivated to lose the last 20+ after seeing my college friend lose 80. I thought, if he can do it, so can I. To all of you who have lost: you never know who you are motivating, so thank you again for sharing your stories.
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    Not fitting into my clothes for work. They were tight and I had nothing else to wear and I refused to buy a larger size. That same day, someone posted a photo of me on their Facebook page and I looked awful. I vowed to stop eating all the sugary, carb foods the next day and I did. I started eating right the very next day, that was exactly 5 weeks ago..
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    Wow I'm so sorry about your wife. That is a life changer.
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