Newbie here!

Gotta lose weight! AGAIN! It's harder this time around. The lowest I ever got to was 142.... then I went and sprained my ankle and got all lazy again.... Now I'm right back up to the 160's. Combination of eating the school food (horrible idea!) and general lack of motivation after my ankle offed itself got me here. But, I'm able now so I need to get my butt into gear while I'm still young!!! I'll be going to Japan in July so I'd like to be as healthily small as an American can get in that short time!!!

So... what are you in for? lol


  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    Hey there! I was doing good over the summer then I got a horrible sinus infection that was off and on for 8 weeks and got lazy! I'm just getting back into the swing of things myself. I want to lose 40 lbs by July before I turn 31. It's hard work to stay healthy!
  • ljbouse
    ljbouse Posts: 129
    i too let myself slide back over the summer. i would get off work at 330 and come straight home to exercise but then my son would want me to come out and play. so i did not get all the cardio i needed. and bar b qs were usually brats and hotdogs or we had lunch meat sandwichs cause it was too hot for anything. so i stopped tracking my food and the next thing i knew i was back up to 190. at this realization i jumped back on the exercise track. i went a month exercising 6 days a week and wound up losing 4 pounds. then i decided to start my food journal and rejoin MFP. my goal is to lose 1lb a week until i reach 130-140. at 1 time i could squeeze into a pair of size 9's. i was 17 then, i am 36 now so i would be happy to squeeze into 12 or 14s, although a size 9 would be great!!!
  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    I know that it's hard losing weight. We are all here for different reasons. I am here for my over all health, and my family. I have faith in you. You'll get there. I have been doing the wii fit, wii fit plus, biggest loser, mj the experiance. I tend to slack in the winter, so I try to exercise a little bit longer than usual so I am not actually slacking. Keep it up, and keep your chin up!:smile:
  • dreamingneko
    I know that it's hard losing weight. We are all here for different reasons. I am here for my over all health, and my family. I have faith in you. You'll get there. I have been doing the wii fit, wii fit plus, biggest loser, mj the experiance. I tend to slack in the winter, so I try to exercise a little bit longer than usual so I am not actually slacking. Keep it up, and keep your chin up!:smile:

    All my exercise besides walking around with gigantic books and homework at school is done via video games :P Dance Dance Revolution and more recently Dance Central and Kinect Adventures. I also have a couple weights I use. I made my boyfriend promise to make me use his weights everytime I go to his house, too XD My biggest issue now is sweets... can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em... yet. Doesn't help that today is the day of cookies ;__; need some serious Jedi tricks here. "you do not neeed the cookies"