Does anyone else have anxiety?



  • 1daylate1dollarshort
    yes a mean woman I refer to as gossipy ho has anxiety she told me so herself. it is unchecked as far as I can see and causes her to irrationally fear six year olds and women an entire six inches shorter than her to the point of launching full scale campaigns against little boys that engage all her skills as an adult and an attorney. it's pepperdine versus a six year old and is shameful.

    if you have anxiety get a handle on yours before you become something you don't want to be.

    Yeah, not everyone with anxiety behaves that way at all. AT ALL.

    But it is a terrible thing to suffer from, even if you keep it to yourself. That woman had what is known as a specific phobia, and I'm not certain there would be a name for that one. So yeah, she should have gotten help, but I highly doubt that all of us panic disorder/GAD sufferers are going to go around screaming at short people. lol

    However, if it's interfering with your life then it's necessary to take some kind of action.

    I've been in therapy and on many different meds for a few conditions in the past six years. Some combinations help and some don't. I never scream at short people, however. Or really any people!

    CBT can be very helpful. Panic attacks suck. For me, they come out of nowhere at all. Some people have certain "triggers" that they can identify. The only thing that's helped those for me is medications. A lot of people get better without them and just focus on therapy.
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    I have terrible anxiety and was prescribed Xanax for it in the past because I'd have panic attacks multiple times daily. Now, I only take them as I need them (which is *very* rarely). What helps me in reducing my anxiety is listening to relaxation playlists on Youtube, doing yoga, drinking chamomile tea, cutting down on how many caffeinated drinks I have in a day (this has been so helpful!!), going out for walks in the park, and Bach's Rescue Remedy spray. The spray is made from herbal extracts (iirc) and it's been very beneficial for me.
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Since my husband died I've had really bad anxiety problems, I find the more I get my life together the less it's present.
    I use to be a bad emotional eater too, I still have my moments, but I had to go through this phase where I wouldn't eat when I was feeling over-emotional. It's not the best health wise, especially if youre over-emotional all the time. It's what got mine under control though. Now I can seperate "I'm sad" and "I'm sad, but I'm also hungry".
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    I don't ever get depressed, more like angry that I have it. I have a bad stuttering problem which is the reason why my anxiety occurs. I always ask "Why me!?"

    But then on the other side of things I should be lucky. Atleast I can talk.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I use to get it a lot and then saw a councillor that taught me a breathing technique.. think it was congnitive therapy but so long ago. I have only had a couple of very minor ones since in around 20 yrs. It worked straight away since I knew I was in control and it wasn't.
  • Kearsed
    Kearsed Posts: 70 Member
    breathing is very important (well obviously lol, but you know what I mean)
  • Heir0fFir3
    Heir0fFir3 Posts: 50 Member
    Anxiety, OCD, depression and possible bipolar. I have the opposite problem in which when I'm on a low it's a real struggle to force myself to eat. Also before I got a handle on them had frequent panic attacks and used sugar and sleep to get rid of the horrible shaky feeling. Been on and off meds for 2 years but stopped taking them because I kept forgetting to, and it was messing my body up taking them that way
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I have suffered from depression, anxiety (severe social anxiety) and OCD since I was a child. I was also an emotional/stress eater.
    The best thing I ever did was go through cognitive behavioral therapy. Breathing techniques, meditaion, regular exercise and learning to filter my feelings to allow for a better outcome in triggering situations gave me my life back. You can go online and look up cognitive behavioral techniques for anxiety and find a lot of information.

    I no longer take medications. I didn't do well while on them anyway because of side effects. I control my issues on my own now.
  • N1shka
    N1shka Posts: 4 Member
    Sure do.

    I have been clinically depressed for a very long time, and finally after 20+ years of trying, got some help.

    I am extremely lucky to live in Canada, otherwise, there is absolutely no way I would have been able to afford all the treatment(s) I've had over the past three years.

    I try not to give advice, because I haven't walked in your shoes, but I will tell you what worked for me, and do what you will with that information.

    Day Treatment was the first step in recovery, and I hated it! Monday to Friday from 10-4. Eventually I got over myself, and the day programme was immensely helpful. We did group therapy in one form or another every day. That was great, in a sense, it normalised how I was feeling. It was suddenly very clear to me that I was not alone. Little things that I thought were character flaws, were in fact very common (among the mentally ill).

    One of the things I noticed was that we were almost all, very caring and compassionate people. Never before had I met such a kind group of people.

    Once I completed day programme it was on to weekly therapy and doctor visits.

    I am seeing my doctor once a month now, and my therapist every three weeks. I know if I have rough patch Heather (my therapist) will see me more often.

    You know what? I am not all better now, and that is okay. My sleeping is frankly amazing when compared to the chronic insomnia I suffered before.

    I am working, and I haven't had a panic attack since October (I think).

    So that is what worked for me. I will give you a couple of thoughts though. Seek help, your situation isn't hopeless. Your quality of life can be greatly improved. The sooner you get help, the sooner you will feel

    By the way, I used to part board an Arab, and manage a boarding stable with 25 horses. Have you seen how many calories are burned grooming a horse?

    You are welcome to contact me if you want more details and thoughts about depression, or anxiety.

    All the Best,