I fell off track last week, and today. Now what?

This past week has been a rough week for me. Full of unhealthy choices (my worst binges I have ever experienced), this past week, including today has been among my worst. I have indulged too much, and I need to get back on track. I need motivation! Today was awful and I am still stuffed to the brim! I am at my goal weight, but may gain if this doesn't stop. Please give me some tips and motivational support. today I had a bowl of honey bunches of oats for breakfast. Lunch was some ham and cheese, a clementine, and some nuts, and then when I got home I fell apart. 5 fudge covered shortbread cookies, and tons of oreos (atleast 20+). I have to stop and I need some motivation. I am 6 foot, and around 140 pounds. I lost around 20 pounds to get here, and I need to stop. Advice?


  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Now get back in the game!! We all do it (at least I do). I am eating cinnamon gummy bears as I type and I had two servings of german chocolate cake and ice cream on Saturday. One week or one day won't undo all your hard work. It may be helpful to understand what started the binge but once you do, forgive yourself and move on with healthier choices. I know it's corny but it's simple :) Good luck!!
  • burnsjv
    burnsjv Posts: 1
    You will be amazed how many times we end up being our worse enemy. Sometimes we end up just afraid to succeed. You deserve to meet your goal. So don't beat yourself up, you know what you had to do to meet your goal, so do just that.
  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    Start fresh tomorrow. You know what to do make healthy choices. I would invest time figuring out why you are bingeing. Once you find that trigger you can then come up with a solution so that you don't do this going forward. If you need professional help get it.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    There's no need to start exactly the same thread in multiple forums. You may not be aware but it's against the forum guidelines as well.
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    So you've lost 20lb, you obviously know how to control yourself. 20 oreos is excessive though. :laugh: Anyway, don't beat yourself up over it, everyone "pigs out" occasionally. Just be good for a few days. (:
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    There's no need to start exactly the same thread in multiple forums. You may not be aware but it's against the forum guidelines as well.

    I am new to this. My apologies
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Knock it off already!!!! I come here for inspiration! You lost 20 lbs.! You know what you're doing, c'mon stop binge eating. You can do this.

    Maybe you feel because you lost a little weight you're "entitled" but everyone knows that kind of thinking will put you right back at your starting weight in no time flat.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Knock it off already!!!! I come here for inspiration! You lost 20 lbs.! You know what you're doing, c'mon stop binge eating. You can do this.

    Maybe you feel because you lost a little weight you're "entitled" but everyone knows that kind of thinking will put you right back at your starting weight in no time flat.

    Are you blind or something ?
    The op is a 6 foot male and only 140 Ibs.
  • Eleanorshak
    Eleanorshak Posts: 9 Member
    Yup, I agree with leachjg - the only thing to do is to start afresh. You know you can - as others have said, you succeeded before so you know how.

    I was in exactly the same place yesterday when I forgot to bring any food into work and ended up having bagel and jam for lunch (that's what a colleague had in the staff fridge and could give me!). It was weird, I'm usually fine with having the odd treat and not going crazy (although I guess a bagel and jam isn't much of a treat...) but this time the jam was like a sip of alcohol to an alcoholic and I went through the day and evening stuffing chocolate-covered honeycomb and raisins, chocolate cake, victoria sponge, ice-cream with stewed rhubarb (very sugary stewed rhubarb) and a glass of beer to top it all off. Oh and a stir-fry somewhere in all that so I did at least get some vitamins! That night I felt just terrible, like I had somehow put all my weight back on at once...but of course that's not true. Today I've had poached egg on brown toast for breakfast, falafel, pitta and salad for lunch and tonight I'll have a roast aubergine dish. I'll have walked 6 miles by the end of the day and EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE FINE! And it is for you too.

    I'd recommend not weighing in for four careful, low-calorie days. Someone once told me that she reckoned you always have two days 'in hand' - so that if you binge, it'll show on the scales in two days and if you diet, weight loss shows up two days later. And I noticed that really was the case with me. So I'm taking two days to neutralize the binge, two more days of being careful and I'm hoping I'll be at least back where I started, if not even slimmer!

    Best of luck!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Can't do anything about the past, log it and move on, do better tomorrow.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how many calories per day do you have MFP set to?
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    I've looked through all your recent posts, and your eating seems pretty typical for a teenager. Your unhappiness with your body, your eating and your health is not. PLEASE talk to a trusted adult about this - not us strangers on a forum. Best of luck to you on a journey to a HAPPY place.
  • pagefan
    pagefan Posts: 31 Member
    remember how good you felt without the crap in your system... take a few deep breaths, drink a lot of water, and tomorrow is a new day... :drinker:
  • Alsvic
    Alsvic Posts: 93 Member
    Hey kid enough already your 18 years old and you like Oreos. Your six feet tall and you weigh 140 pounds. Come back when you have issues.

    Oh Yea and if you want to quit eating all that junk food get off the pot, quit smoking so much weed. Its called the munchies for a reason.

    Come back when you weigh 300 pounds and you are eating a whole package of Oreos three times a day.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I love Oreos, but there are none in the house. I have greek yogurt, though, which I'm having right now!
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Pick yourself back up, learn from it and keep on going. I've learned that every day is a new day. The past is the past and we just have to keep on going. Don't beat yourself up about it! We all have bad days, weeks, even months at times.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I fell off track all last month. I'm slowly getting back into it, myself.
    First step is realizing you messed up, so you'll be fine! :flowerforyou:
  • jan3h
    jan3h Posts: 55 Member
    Don't buy it, can't eat it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    someone named Magerum had a good thread about a week long vacation inspired fall from the wagon. and the ensuing recovery. maybe a search will reveal that thread. he recovered awesomely.
  • bonoeuf
    bonoeuf Posts: 58 Member
    Start eating more protein and hit the weights. Track everything and read some articles from PT's that know what works for different people, one size fits all is not the way to go. You are not heavy so if you do the work and eat right you can look and feel really good. Have a look at guys like Phil Learny talks a lot of sense and has some free podcasts and articles to read.

    Six foot tall 140 pounds and eighteen years old; I wish.