More protein than carbs

JAVAGIRLSS Posts: 18 Member
I'm looking for recipes containing more protein than carbs- any ideas? (other than just eggs, lol)


  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    look at www.
  • Pretendplaid4
    Pretendplaid4 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat a low carb high protein diet, 1200 calories a day. I dont eat pasta, any type of flour, rice, or sugar.

    There are tons of food blogs i follow to get recipes. I've is one, and then there are a bunch of others. Paleo sites are great, because they tend to be lower carb. Subbing pasta with spiralized veggies is a way to do it too, like on or subbing cauliflower for rice and pizza crust.

    You just have to get creative!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Cobb salad. Full of protein and delicious.

    Here's how I make mine:
    cherry tomatoes
    1 hard boiled egg
    6oz grilled chicken breast
    1/4 avocado
    2 sliced uncured bacon
    1 oz blue cheese (I use shredded colby jack for hubby since he does not like blue cheese)
    2Tbsp. Litehouse yogurt dreesing

    615 calories, 61 g protein, 13 g carbs
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    This is a good list of protein sources:

    As for actual recipes, I like to just use allrecipes and search by ingredient. Skinny taste is also a good source; look for recipes that have a fair number of protein dense foods.