Take note girls...



  • roberta_atzeni80
    Any of you girls ever sat and played with your shoes?

    I do it all the time like when I wear flats they always seem to fall from my heel and balance on the end of my toes. Mainly did it as I was bored and to air my feet out as I don't wear socks with them.

    I only ask this as my two previous boyfriends liked this sort of thing.

    I tend to do it all the time now for a power trip thing...I love the fact I could be turning some guy on when im on the train to work in the mornings lol.

    I have done it a couple of times infront of some guys and even dropped my shoe onto the floor before and flexed my foot infront of them....its worked for some...and some are indifferent to it.

    I'm getting my own back on the male population as Iv had very crappy break ups :happy:

    SO take note girls try it out... it looks like foot fetish is common.

    P.S whats your goal weight and how is your diet going?

    I can't believe that I read it... wth
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    whats up with the PS..?
    what's your goal weight and how is your diet going?

    I'm confused... let's talk about feet and fetishes.. but hey, what's your goal weight and hows the diet?

    um... goal weight was 165, I'm there now.
    Diet? I don't DIET, but I do eat like a pig. I workout like a beast though, so it all balances out.

    Now... back to feet?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Um, OP, why would you be intentionally trying to turn guys on with your feet in public? That and the admission to doing as a power trip reeks of desperation.

    U r odd, OP.

    This was my thoughts also.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I have someone I would like you to meet. Headline from our local paper last year......

    "Toe-sucker' back in jail for one year"