

  • smelliott
    Hello everyone,

    Just popped in to wish those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas and hope the rest of you have a nice Saturday. We do celebrate but today will be a quiet day with just the two of us as our family day of celebration has been postponed until 29th December as my younger daughter and son both have to work today. We will be joined by my elder daughter and her husband then and will spend the day doing all the things the family traditionally do on Christmas Day, including presents and Christmas lunch :smile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I'm channeling Bill Engvall, the comedian here - You know your grandkids are getting older when you can get up make frosting for the breakfast sweet rolls and get a cup of coffee before they wake up on Christmas morning!! :huh: :noway:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • PepperD
    We thought it might be something like that, but still it doesn't seem quite fair. Oh well. Merry Christmas to all.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Merry Christmas dear ladies. To those who celebrate it have a good one. To those like me who don't, still have a stellar Saturday.

    Much love and happiness coming your way from me to you!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: Pepper, one thing I've known for a long time is to not compare anything about losing weight with a man
    there are too many factors that make it an unfair competition....my hubby and I started this weight loss journey together and he lost weight quickly and people were giving him compliments and I felt like his fat older sister standing next to him as everyone praised him.......today, many months later, I have lost the weight I wanted to lose plus some more and have kept it off successfully........the reason I have stayed so close to the women on this thread is that as much as my husband supports me and has walked this journey with me, there is something special about the connection with other women.....I hope you will stay connected to us and find the support that you need.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: we got up early this morning so my hubby could call his best friend in NYC and instead, hubby's brother (the one who never calls) called him at 7:15 and they had a fabulous conversation.........the friend in NYC will call back later......I'll take the dogs to the dog park in a few minutes then this afternoon we're going to the movies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Season's Greetings, Barbie and everyone. I'm back again. Some of you know I kind of dropped out when my Mom moved in with me in July. She struggled for the last six months and then passed away December 2nd. I don't quite have my "mojo" back yet, but I'm really hoping to find it soon and get back on track. Happy New Year and may your seasons be bright!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.

    I got the ham in the oven in time, but forgot about taking the rolls out to let them rise. =( Oh well,

    The presents are opened and I got two new sweaters in smaller sizes that fit nicely. Everyone liked what they got, so a good day so far.

    Have a great day everyone doing what ever it is you do today.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Wonderful Saturday to every single one of you!

    Make healthy choices, drink lots of water and, most of all, have a great day!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    kackie - how wonderful for your ds!!! So...how'd it go?

    Welcome Pepper! The difference in the calories is because your husband weighs more than you do.

    Had our Christmas Eve last night. You know, I'm starting to get to the point where I'm no longer going to try so hard to please Denise. I'll put my energies into an open house for the Newcomers. We had a small one this year, and I just asked that people bring 2 nonperishable items for the food pantry. Jessica was a BIG help, she's growing up so much. Without even asking, she jumped up and was helping me with the dishes, etc. Denise? Forget it. Right after dinner, she ran downstairs and stayed there until we went to midnight mass. We went to mass at another church that I used to belong to (mine doesn't have a midnight mass). They needed servers, so I figured I'd done it there (OK, I haven't done it for the last 2 years), I'm currently doing it at my church, they needed help, so I helped out. I did drink a full bottle of wine between dinner and before church. It's not that it has a lot of alcohol in it, I just needed something more. The last time I had any wine at all was Thanksgiving and then only 1/2 of a glass.

    I've been sneaky, going to get my hair colored and cut but I've waited until AFTER the holidays. This way, I'll take them a tray of cookies, everything that I want to get out of the house!

    Karlene - I'm so sorry for your mom.

    Unfortunately, Vince gave me three bags of Dove chocolates. Not sure just what I'm going to do with them, yet. He also got me 6 bottles of wine -- that should last me until next Christmas and maybe even the Christmas after that!

    Randy - my condolences to you

    Well, it's snowing. First time to something like 64 years that it's snowed on Christmas Day. I feel badly that the girls are going to leave tomorrow. The drivers down here leave A LOT to be desired when it comes to driving in the snow. And Denise doesn't like to drive at night. Hopefully, if they leave tomorrow, she'll at least spend the night at Jessica's and leave early Monday morning.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    Sounds like you had a nice dinner with your "piggies". Sometimes spending an evening with the little ones are the nicest. It's quiet, you are surrounded by them, you have a nice meal ready and it just feels comfortable. So did they get to share the meal with you too? Sounded healthy enough for them too!:happy: Maybe not the raspberry cake, but that sure sounded good to me. I love anything with raspberry. White cake, chocolate cake topped with raspberry...hmmmmm.

    I am so glad nothing happened to your puppy. Thank goodness for emergency vets!:drinker: I have done that before too, mixing up medications, except I was the one who took the puppies medicine. Whenever I have had to get a puppy to barf, I have used hydrogen peroxide. It never fails. My vet told me that trick because I was always visiting the vet and he was trying to cut me a break!:laugh:

    At any rate it all worked out good for you thankfully.

    Today my caregiver came over and brought his weenie dog to visit Boo. He was so handsome! Boo fell in love with him and was all over him, but, alas, she was unable to charm him. Sparkie, (his name) kept running between his master's legs and was afraid of Boo. I told my caregiver that Sparkie obviously didn't like dominate women.:laugh: Boo couldn't understand what the problem was. I mean she did all the right things, like sniffing his bottom. Just didn't turn him on.

    Merry Christmas Everyone!:drinker:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this holiday! We are anxiously awaiting arrival of youngest son and girlfriend around midnight, hopefully- and will celebrate with them tomorrow! (I will tell the ring story when I have more time...thankfully DS now has it at least!) We will have Christmas dinner with friends tonight. Take care, dear ladies! Kackie:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mimi7grands
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you - and hopes for a beautiful season for those who don't celebrate the holidays. :smooched:

    I had a wonderful day yesterday. starting with a call at 7:15 a.m. from my daughter (who lives about 400' away). She said, "If you want to come up for Santa Claus time, come up now. I've been holding Olivia back since 6 a.m.) If she'd called me at 6, I would have told her I'd be up later, rolled over, and gone back to sleep. But, 7:15? I could do that.

    We had such a good time. The gifts were low-key this year because budgets are tight - and that was just perfect. No frenzied tearing into one package, taking a look, then going onto the next. The kids savored each one. Most of the gifts from Suzy, Pete, and kids were homemade...snowmen ornaments made from rounds of wood cut from trees on our property, some big snowmen that stand on their own, and the gift Pete and the kids made for Suzy: a big reindeer with branches for antlers and crookedy legs for the front porch.

    Santa gave Kate and Olivia a battery-operated Jeep, big enough for the two of them to sit in. They'd been wanting one for years. Suzy got a great buy on the Jeep at a surplus store. Unfortunately, Santa didn't realize the battery needed to charge for 18 hours before using, so he left a note. The girls finally got to zip around in it, faces glowing with delight, at 3:45 p.m., just before the rain started. (By the way, by this time they'd had a chance to open my gifts and their faces were wildly made up with the makeup I gave them. Quite a picture.)

    Joe got some cool clothes and a cell phone. At 14, he's the last of his friends to get a cell phone. He is officially a teenager now! The phone came with strong cautions about number of minutes and, especially, number of text messages. He is a very good kid, so I think he'll do fine with it. It's a big step in trust though.

    Santa also brought the kids some jammies (of course!), a big stuffed tiger for Kate, and two medium-sized stuffed bears for Olivia. The stuffed bears were an afterthought, purchased (by me) early on the day of Christmas Eve. Suzy was worried about being "even" (she's a perfectionist like a couple of others I can think of, self included). Although the two bears cost the same as the tiger ($20), they didn't look as amazing.

    Suzy kept me up (all her fault!) until early Christmas morning writing a story about the two bears, who started out as lonely onlies then, after an adventure, became best friends (forever!) I liked that one bear was black and one was white. Although they'd never, ever seen a bear of a different color, it didn't matter at all.

    Later, my son, his wife, and their two boys came over and we opened their gifts and the gifts from Grandma Mimi (that's me). Breakfast (bagels, lox, cream cheese, and all the trimmings) and lots of other goodies lasted all day.

    All in all, it was a perfect day.

    What does all this have to do with food and eating? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Except that I continued what I'd been doing for the last couple of weeks and ate too much! I'd decided ahead of time not to weigh or measure over the holidays and I stuck to my decision! :laugh: :wink: :laugh: I enjoyed the eating - it wasn't fancy, but it was yummy. Now I'm bumping my head against that 200 lb marker and more than ready (yearning) to get back to weighing, measuring, and logging.

    I see so many new folks on here and lots of "old" folks. It warms my heart to see everyone. I love how we have become like family, encouraging and motivating each other (and putting up with each other's foibles from time to time!)

    I want to say an especially warm "Welcome back" to my friend, Randy. I've missed her.

    Hugs and fond wishes to everyone.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I see so many new folks on here and lots of "old" folks. It warms my heart to see everyone. I love how we have become like family, encouraging and motivating each other (and putting up with each other's foibles from time to time!)


    I like this about everyone too, Mimi. They overlook our foibles.

    It's back to the "nitty gritty" today. I have been cleaning up all morning and waiting on DH. He as this sinus "thingy" that I and everyone I know has been sick with this season.
    I had a wonderful Christmas. Was with my family and we were all able to be together. We had 7 inches of snow and it continues to be snow showers. It has been a White Christmas.

    I have eat all kinds of stuff. You get tired and you just don't have the willpower that you do when you are rested. NO excuses, because some of it I wanted to eat. Just saying...
    That's why I joined MFP was so when I "fell off the wagon" I would get back on it soon. So that is my goal between now and the first of the year ....to get back "on the wagon." :tongue:

    I hope everyone is having better times. I am sorry for the ones who have had death and sickness. A friend of mine's Grandmother was buried on Christmas Eve. That's tough.

    I love reading all your posts but today I don't have time to reply to them all.

    Have a good Sunday!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    Christmas day went very nicely, considering the changes we had to make to accommodate my mother's mobility restriction following her fall down the stairs night before Christmas Eve. We opened all presents and did brunch, buffet style in our family room. I generally decorate the dining room and have a nice sit down meal. But instead, yesterday everyone filled plates from a buffet I set out in the kitchen and ate with plates in lap so mom could remain in the middle of things in the recliner chair. It was lovely. It was so nice I suggested next year I would forego all Christmas decorating (I had already decreased decorating I did this year due to my illness). My daughter protested and said next year all the decorations will need to be out as her 7 month old son, my first grandbaby, will be old enough to enjoy a reindeer collection I have put together over the last few decades. Maybe she is right but I will wait to see what next December brings.

    So I committed to myself that I would continue to record all in over the holiday season and generally watch what I was eating and not drink any alcohol (as my liver enzymes are still floating around), but I would eat the seasonal favourites so much apart of our Christmas. Interestingly, at 53 years of age and with a fairly extensive education in health, etc. etc., I still learnt a great deal over the last few days about why I have trouble keeping weight down which I would like to record and share with you:

    Lesson # 1 - Only about 150 calories extra (a day) will keep my weight at the current level (in 5 weeks) -
    On the 23rd I was over calorie daily goal as I had a piece of gluten free matrimonial cake (matrimonial cake is a prairie favourite made with dates and oats). I have not had matrimonial cake for a few years as until recently gluten free oats have not been available here but we have a new supplier of good certified gluten free oats so we made the cake (with California medjool dates from the Costco yum). The new GF recipe looked fantastic and MFP recipe tool helped me to calculate exactly the impact of having this treat. So with this level of information (and as you can see thinking/dreaming about a slice of cake!) I decided to eat cake. It was definitely worth it! The best slice of Matrimonial Cake I have ever had. Even my Mom, the matrimonial cake expert (and at that time pre-fall and not grouchy with pain) agreed. I must admit I was a little surprised when I recorded this extra "treat" in my food diary at the end of the day and the MFP system told me a potential outcome should I continue having this amount extra for the next 5 weeks!

    Lesson #2 - Christmas Eve days my daily caloric in was over by ~250 calories: at this extra in each day the MFP system said I would be only a pound more in 5 weeks. Okay that is interesting information: only ~250 extra calories???.

    Lesson #3 - Eating an extra 1000 calories is very very easy -
    On December 25th, in addition to regular meal, I had some cookies, carrot pudding with sauce (again another prairie favourite adapted/substitution for the British Christmas plum pudding that the early prairie settlers developed with the ingredients on hand), nuts, and, eagle brand candy (a delicious recipe my grandmother developed and we have all been taught to make only at Christmas). So interestingly, even though I did generally watch what I was eating, all these prairie favourites so loaded with nostalgia and history are so incredibly calorie loaded that I had 1000 calories without really eating what I considered to be very much. This food was developed for those who needed to go out and milk the cows by hand after the meal even on Christmas Day! Honestly, I must admit, though I knew our family Christmas favourites were high calorie, I never really thought through exactly how high!

    Yesterday AM, was my usual weigh-in time: down .2 of a pound. Today after a 1000 extra calories I just wanted to see what that would mean: up 2.6 pounds. So I know besides the extra calories, yesterday was a high sodium day. I am being kind to myself about this change and plan to get back to watching the in, making sure to being just under the calorie daily goal (so I get the nice little message from MFP system) and getting my water in. With the extra care Mom is needing right now, I don't think I will get time to exercise today but I will try to incorporate exercise in the next few days as well.

    So I guess the learnings over the past few days: a little more consciousness of what I am eating and the immediate impact. I don't think I will make any big commitments to cut anything out. But I want to continue to be more conscious on a day to day basis of the in and hope this will help in making sure things don't get out of control. I also becoming more aware, that for me, what I am eating is tied to achieving or maintaining the the calmness or "not spinning" in other areas of my life that I have been thinking/writing about. Sorry, I may be waxing a little philosophical, but it is that time of year!

    Sending out health, happiness and calmness to all,
  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Hello to everyone! I just fell onto this site, and I am very excited to join! :wink:

    I have just joined the site in the last week, am doing it with my brother and mother! I am now becoming more comfortable with maneuvering around the site, and teaching my mom how to use the site once I leave Florida.

    I lost weight prior to joining, and it is a nice start to my final goal! So I am really exited to be "ahead" of the curve for the New Year's Resolution thing!!!!! :happy: :happy:

    Good luck today for everyone!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Our Christmas with "friends" did not go as planned. For the 3rd time, they came, they ate and left in less than 90 minutes. They really hurt my DD's feelings when they did that to her 16th birthday party and they really hurt all of our feelings yesterday when they rushed through dinner not wanting to wait for our last guests to get there and did not even see the deserts we baked before leaving. After all the parties, graduations, weddings for their kids we feel very cheated by their visits and that their kids don't do for ours as we did for theirs. I can honestly say this is the last time we will ever invite that group over or bring a present or contribute to their family. (If we turn the other cheek and ever see them again). We have run out of cheeks to turn. They are not honest in their intentions when they come to "visit".

    Our other friend John and his family made up for it. We sang and watched movies. We were asked to be Aunt and Uncle to the baby as he gets older. John said we were the only family he had within 400 miles. When I started to cry when the other group got snotty about why they had to leave and I was being unfair about it, John jokingly said "Here, I have a fix for that." and handed my the baby. He was right. It fixed my tears.

    I overate, overindulged and enjoyed every minute of it. Today I will get back on track and stay on it. I just had to have a piece of each of the cakes DD made. They were her first cakes!


    PS: Welcome to all newcomers. Glad to hear so many of my old friends in this forum had a great day yesterday.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    My holiday was actually christmas eve and it was lovely. great new family (my fathers girlfriend and family) great food, singing and just nice. yesterday was a bit of a downer as we are having issues with DH's family. never heard from his mother at all. she had promised things and not lived up to the promises and it hurts DH to be so disowned by the coniving Cu*t ! Yes I really dislike the woman.

    today we were able to get a ticket for youngest son( 21) to fly to the wedding in january. older son couldn't be bothered with a free trip to Vegas so he won't join us. (DH is really hurt by this too.) Mamie (Dad's girlfriend) offered to pay for both sons to attend since they couldn't afford it and we certainly can't either. DH was really excited by the fact that he would get to see his boys so he was really dissappointed by the oldest one. Today is just a typical sunday like any other. I am so glad that many of you had wonderful holidays. I have put on some pounds that I will have to work really hard to get off in the coming weeks.

    have a lovely day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I’m glad to hear from you again and sorry to hear about your mom:sad: ….take it one day at a time and you’ll get your mojo back before long.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, I love your idea about your hair appointment after Christmas so you can take the left over goodies…….I told a friend about that and she loved it….the snow sounds great but we are grateful that we don’t have any because it makes it hard for people to get where they want to go and people around here don't know how to drive in snow either

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I’m happy to be hearing from you again……I loved the saga of your grandchildren and their Christmas gifts…they are so blessed to have you in their lives…..I know you’ll be back on the healthy eating track in no time at all.

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, thank you for sharing all your lessons about holiday eating……I love that we can tell each other these long story lessons and we all want to hear them…..neither my loving husband or my dear friends around here want to listen to all my insights about food and exercise…I hope you’ll continue to share your insights…..how is your mom doing? Will you be able to go to the cabin?

    :flowerforyou: Julie, welcome to the group….besides logging all my food and exercise, one of the things that helped me the most was to become friends with the women on this thread and keep in touch with them every day.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, what a great lesson you learned with those “friends” who left early…….someone said that no one can take advantage of you without your permission……..so now it looks like those people won’t be taking advantage of you any more…….and your friend John and his family showed you how real friends behave.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We went out for Chinese food today so I guess I’ll be joining all the rest of you who are getting back on track tomorrow. It helped that I went for a walk this morning. We haven’t had the rain that seems to be everywhere else on the west coast…..I found a section of the Olympic Discovery Trail that I haven’t walked. It was level with trees and farmland on both sides and had a porta potty :bigsmile: .
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I truly despise the woman who is my mother in law.:explode: How such evil nacissistic scum :devil: came to give birth to the most wonderful man :love: on the planet is a true mystery. But she causes him such pain.:sad: it just isn't fair.

    Okay, thanks for the vent ladies. now, carry on. :happy:
  • mimi7grands
    Oh, it’s so good to be back. Thank you for the warm welcome, Barbie.

    Today was a really low-calorie day for me. Not on purpose, but I ended the day with a couple hundred calories left over. By the time I realized that, it was too late to eat. This makes a good, new start for me.

    I’m on a roll again with the fruits and veggies. If any of you look at my diary for today, you’ll laugh. Hmm…tangerine (a Cutie), mushrooms, eggplant, butternut squash, sweet potato, asparagus, mini peppers, persimmons, and tomatoes! All the veggies roasted, of course. :happy:

    If you look, you’ll also notice the chocolate!! (A Mozart marzipan – yummm.) :wink:

    Karlene, I appreciate your wise advice. Thanks for sharing (via PM) info about some websites for gluten-free cooking. Cooking for Olivia (who has celiac) can be a challenge. She’s great about sticking to her gluten-free diet even though she's envious of the other kids sometimes. It helps that she was so young when she was diagnosed.

    Julie, welcome! Good for you for getting a head start. I started losing weight on January 1 last year. It’s the first New Years’ resolution I’ve every kept. I feel much better now, and look better too. (Although my head keeps telling me I look the same!) I’m revved up now to get going again.

    Jeannie, you are such a sweetheart. I’m sorry your “friends” were so obnoxious. They really weren’t friends at all. That’s hard to realize but at least, now, you can put your energy into relationships with people you love and who love you. My older daughter, Karin, told me something she’d learned from her counselor once. Karin, like me and, I suspect, like you, wants everyone to like her. (It’s so upsetting when they don’t!) The counselor asked her why she expected everyone to like her when she didn’t like everyone! Good food for thought.

    Robin, Sometimes venting helps! I’m glad you have other nice, kind people in your life. It helps make up for the ones that plain old aren’t. Years ago, my younger daughter, for good reasons, “divorced” her father. She hasn’t looked back since. That’s a healthy thing to do when the relationship isn’t repairable. Sometimes there’s just no getting along with people. Better not to try.

    I feel a little sad about spending the day by myself after all the good company yesterday. The girls did come whizzing by in their little Jeep a couple of times and stuck their heads in to say hello. The second time, Kate came without a shirt! What a goofus she is…our little nature child.

    It’s raining again. What is this, Washington?! I can’t complain too much though. It’s a gentle rain, not a gully-washer.

    Good night all.