Pre Bariatric Surgery & looking for supportive friends!



  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    I'm about 5-6 months away from a sleeve gastrectomy ... feel free to add me!
  • LeeLynnP
    LeeLynnP Posts: 116 Member
    I had my initial consultation yesterday... I need support tooo!
  • I was sleeved 9/3/13 and have lost about 73 pounds in the last 3 months. My only regret is not doing it sooner. I post my food diary daily and would like to be friends with others who do the same. Feel free to add me if you keep your diary open.
    Good luck in your journey! ~Autumn
  • Barbsunshine7
    Barbsunshine7 Posts: 2,693 Member
    I've been considering surgery but I'm not sure that I'll be approved through my insurance. I'm curious, what's the difference between the gastric bypass, the sleeve and the band?
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Just as some advice, a lot of people who are obese enough to get the surgery have some food-related issues. I have this problem myself, I am addicted to a lot of people are gaining the weight back, because they haven't dealt with those issues, or are turning to other forms of addiction to numb the feelings. Just be very careful, and if this is your case, then I would suggest seeing a therapist to help tackle the issues. Hope all works out for you!
  • I plan to have WLS in the near future. I am fulfilling my insurance requirements and if that goes ok I plan on late Feb or early March. I have done my research in many of my med journals and have spoken to several docs about their opinion. I feel quite certain that this the right thing for me to do. I am a bit scared as anyone would but if there is a tool out there to assist me to lose weight, ward off diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiac disease, I am all in. I love reading about others experiences please keep them coming or direct me to a message board to that has more stories, good or bad.
  • Alex729
    Alex729 Posts: 103 Member
    I am finishing up my 6 month appts and I hope to have surgery scheduled Feb/March. I will be incorporating liquid meal replacements soon in order to prepare for what is to come. Please feel free to send me a friend request so that we can support each other on this journey!
  • I'm just starting my 6 months need all kinds of friends please help in PA or flies to pa
  • Hi im from india and got my surgery done in jan 2014.... I was 137 kgs and now almost 106 kgs lost 30 kgs in just 100 days

    Feeling much ligter and much younger.....plz feel free to add me as friend
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Did you all have to lose a certain amount of weight before the surgery?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Did you all have to lose a certain amount of weight before the surgery?

    Usually you have to demonstrate you can control your appetite, as surgery is just a way of enforcing better eating behaviours.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    One of my co-workers got the Lap-band last year. Her doctor told her she had to first lose 60lbs. I didn't know if it applied to all of those type of weight loss methods.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    They are always keen to reduce the risk of the operation and anaesthetic, and to make it physically easier to carry out by getting some weight loss in advance. The procedures I've seen on TV of various sorts always involved losing weight first to demonstrate you could control your appetite but this may vary by provider and procedure.

    Recent research carried out in America found that on average:
    People with a gastric band will lose around half their excess body weight.
    People with a gastric bypass will lose around two-thirds of their excess body weight.

    The operations have a risk of failure including death. These vary by procedure.
  • Hi there! I haven't had the surgery myself but work in a bariatric surgery center! Maybe I'll be good for a few tips here and there :) Good for you for taking this step! It's certainly not an "easy way out" as the media portrays it to be.
  • ScoutingMomRosnick
    ScoutingMomRosnick Posts: 11 Member
    I am in the process of my 12 week pre-surgery classes for surgery this summer. I need to try to lose 10% of my body weight prior to surgery. I am learning to eat more protein, get more activity, and learn about what it will be like after surgery. I am trying hard to lose the weight first as they say it is better on your system, your liver shrinks, and your recovery is faster. I hope there are others out there that can relate and we can go through this thing together.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    How do you and your doctor decide which surgery is best? My daughter-law has about 200 lbs to lose. Will she need RNY? Or, does the gastric band help with such a large amount?
    When is the sleeve or RNY a better option?
    I was a medical resident back in the late 90s and saw some terrible complications from malnutrition with the bypass surgery being used back then. A lot of awful infections, abdominal abscesses and even heart failure. Two of my patients were on a ventilator for about 4-6 months.
    I'm assuming things are much better,now?
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I don't know how actve this thread is so I am starting another.