Insanity - Too Many Calories?

So I've been interested in starting Insanity for a while but I've been hesitant about following the eating plan... I know it's all backed up by research and science and all that, but I've been eating approximately 1420 calories like MyFitnessPal has been telling me for a while and I'm really nervous about increasing it to the 2000 calories that Insanity suggests. I've been in a plateau for a while it seems, I haven't weighed myself or taken measurements in almost a year because I didn't want to get discouraged so I don't know if any of my efforts these last 9 months have made a difference. I've been trying to judge my progress based on how my clothes fit and unfortunately I think I am finding them tighter than when I bought them in September. I eat clean and work out every day and it's frustrating not to see results... I want to try something like Insanity to see if I can finally beat this plateau but I'm just not convinced that eating 2000 calories is the way to do it. Any advice/tips on this subject would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance :)


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If you're truly eating 1420 calories and your clothes are getting tighter, increasing a further 580 calories isn't going to solve many problems. Then again, if you haven't weighed or measured in almost a year then it's pretty hard to give advice based off of no known results. Do you weigh, measure and then log ALL of your food? That's probably the first place to start. And start tracking some level of progress so you're not in the dark, data-wise.
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm about to finish Insanity in a week!! Yay! I'm 5'3.5", female, and I eat about 1500 calories while doing Insanity. I don't follow their meal plan either. I think a lot of people don't when doing Insanity and seem to get good results. I've lost about 12 pounds and over 10 inches so far (measurements last done about 10 days ago). I would start Insanity and keep up with your current calories. Just pay attention to how you feel and if you need to you can add 100 calories a week until you find where you should be at.
  • Pintado
    Pintado Posts: 33 Member
    Maybe you should check out the Eat More 2 Weigh Less group. Find out your BMR (how many calories your body needs just to be alive every day) and then your TDEE (how many calories you burn each day, including BMR and any activity you do). I was trying to eat 1200-1400 calories for a while, and it was so difficult – I was hungry all the time and found it hard to maintain weight loss. Being able to eat more without gaining weight – actually, losing weight, albeit slowly! – was a huge relief for me. It was amazing to be excited about food again! It's entirely possible that your body can handle eating 2000 calories a day, and would thrive on it.
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Hey there! I've just started insanity. I'm on day 8. I'm not following the meal plan as I wanted to stick to my calories- but in saying that I've also increased my calorie consumption cause I was starving! I used to not eat back a lot of my calories but after the last week I'm eating back every single one! I would definitely give it a go- it's a good motivator! Add me as a friend if you wanna push through it together :)
  • samvuetibau
    samvuetibau Posts: 7 Member
    Starting insanity on Monday but not following the diet plan although I will be eating back my calories.