Any other pregnant ladies??

Is anyone here pregnant and looking for a few friends? I am 18 weeks and could use a few friends that understand what is happening here! I am not trying to lose weight (obviously) but I am trying to make sure I don't gain like crazy either...I gained 40 pounds with each of my other two kids and is not something I would like to repeat if I can help it!

That said, I do still give into cravings without guilt. Cookies, cake, candy, etc...if I want it I will eat it if it fits into my calorie goals....


  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    No one eh?
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Hey! I'm not pregnant now (my son is 8-weeks old) but I can still totally relate so feel free to add me!
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    Hey! I'm not pregnant now (my son is 8-weeks old) but I can still totally relate so feel free to add me!

    Added you!
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    Hey! I'm 16 weeks! I'm also just trying to make sure that I don't become a monster! lol This is my first baby :)
  • Rouko
    Rouko Posts: 8 Member
    Im pregnant with my first and Im 33 weeks. Ive gained 35lbs.... I have a feeling I'll gain 40 or so, which is a little disheartening because I've been trying to not overindulge and havent had any seriously bad or fattening cravings. What makes me so on edge now (even though I am trying VERY hard not to stress about it), is that I was roughly 40lbs overweight when I got pregnant :-(
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    Added you guys too!
  • acook1679
    acook1679 Posts: 30 Member
    I posted a topic regarding weight gain during pregnancy after weight loss. It is very consuming and you try not to dwell but its so hard. You can add me. I am now just over 6 months pregnant and as of today I have gained 19 pounds and I feel if I continue this way it will be 28 at birth. I have recently found myself seeing other pregnant girls just gaining belly or just having their baby and saying I am already pre pregnancy weight (within a week) and I know for me it won't be that way. Im trying not to over concern myself.
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    I posted a topic regarding weight gain during pregnancy after weight loss. It is very consuming and you try not to dwell but its so hard. You can add me. I am now just over 6 months pregnant and as of today I have gained 19 pounds and I feel if I continue this way it will be 28 at birth. I have recently found myself seeing other pregnant girls just gaining belly or just having their baby and saying I am already pre pregnancy weight (within a week) and I know for me it won't be that way. Im trying not to over concern myself.

    FYI: My daughter is almost two now, but I was obese when I got pregnant (250 lbs). I only gained 30 lbs with her, just trying to make the best choices possible while pregnant, and I was within 5 lbs of pre-pregnancy weight by 2 weeks post partum, so don't get discouraged. I believe that if you eat reasonably while pregnant, your body will gain what it needs to gain during the pregnancy and then you will go back to what you were before you were pregnant (+ some random pounds from boobs filled with milk). I wouldn't be too concerned about it. :)
  • acook1679
    acook1679 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you:) The support and hearing others stories really helps to get through this. I know its a wonderful time but on the otherhand its a scarey time.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Please add me! I am only 7 weeks and already feel puffy! I cant button my top button but I dont feel like I am eating more. I want to work out but my chest hurts so I walk instead of run.
  • Brangwen12
    Ten weeks here... very happy to see other pregnant women on this board! I had gestational diabetes with my son, who is 13 months now, and just received a diagnosis that I have it with this pregnancy already. I wouldn't be using the site except that I have to track everything I eat carefully to make sure I'm not having too many carbs at one time. 30 weeks of a diabetic diet ahead of me, and not being able to indulge pregnancy cravings, is such a downer.

    I halfway wish there was a "pregnancy" setting for the site so I wouldn't have that "0 lbs lost" notification taunting me every time I log in. :) I know I will lose the weight with breastfeeding -- I dropped down to my pre-pregnancy weight and then lost another 12 lbs when breastfeeding my son, only to put most of it back on again when we slowed down to twice a day nursing (from nursing and pumping every 2-3 hours all day and night).
  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    I am not currently pregnant, but we are trying for #2. I gained a lot with #1 and I gave in to all my cravings which included way too much chocolate ice cream. I have lost all my baby weight and then some since having #1. I am more fit now than I was before, but I am scared of gaining too much again when I do get pregnant. My goal this time is to definitely eat healthier and make better choices and to continue exercising as long as it is safe.
  • Soulflwr
    Soulflwr Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, I just found out I was pregnant last week. I'm only about 5 weeks though, and I cried a little when I realized my weight loss goal had to be put on hold. lol (silly me)

    My mother is an OB/GYN and told me that the best way to keep the pounds down ( and even lose a little in my first trimester since I'm already overweight) is to eat super healthy and exercise everyday. .....That's all she gave me.
  • Chrysy87
    Chrysy87 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey I'm pregnant too. 14 weeks with my first. Feel free to add me too. :D
  • SummerOBX8
    I posted a topic regarding weight gain during pregnancy after weight loss. It is very consuming and you try not to dwell but its so hard. You can add me. I am now just over 6 months pregnant and as of today I have gained 19 pounds and I feel if I continue this way it will be 28 at birth. I have recently found myself seeing other pregnant girls just gaining belly or just having their baby and saying I am already pre pregnancy weight (within a week) and I know for me it won't be that way. Im trying not to over concern myself.

    FYI: My daughter is almost two now, but I was obese when I got pregnant (250 lbs). I only gained 30 lbs with her, just trying to make the best choices possible while pregnant, and I was within 5 lbs of pre-pregnancy weight by 2 weeks post partum, so don't get discouraged. I believe that if you eat reasonably while pregnant, your body will gain what it needs to gain during the pregnancy and then you will go back to what you were before you were pregnant (+ some random pounds from boobs filled with milk). I wouldn't be too concerned about it. :)

    I have an almost 2 year old too. I started my pregnancy at 235 lbs and delivered at 253 lbs. So 18 lbs gained. Even though I was obese, they wanted me to gain to 25 lbs for the health of the baby and was concerned I was not. Believe me I ate whatever I wanted, and too much sugar which I almost failed my glucose test over. But when I first stepped on the scale I was after giving birth, I was 227 lbs. And lost a little more through breastfeeding before I started here (I was starving and eating all the time while BF).

    My point is really don't worry so much about the numbers on the scale. Just eat as healthy as you can. The only thing I wished I would have done differently, is eating more healthy foods and walking more often.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    Hi mums or hope-to-be-mums! Isnt it hard when you've lost weight then get pregnant knowing that you will have to put some back on. Of course its all for the greater good and healthy of the baby but it takes a little while to come to grips with it. For the first time in my life I actually needed to lose some weight (not much) and over the last 6 months I've done really well and reached goal weight. Then guess what? pregnant again (2 years after baby #1, currently 7 weeks along). We were trying but after trying for a while and focusing on how my body is looking so much better, I'm a bit torn between baby and body. Luckily over the last 6 months I've improved my fitness drastically. I just worry that when I get too pregnant I wont be able to run and do the cardio I've finally become to enjoy. Last time I started 5kg heavier and gained 20kg total. I stopped calorie counting at the start of the new year and haven't gained any back. I prefer not to count now as I feel its a bit pedantic. But I know that by second semester I'll feel like a hungry beast if its anything like last time.

    Anyone else tor between their new body and the inevitability of weight gain for pregnancy?
  • Razorbackgirl729
    I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. My first baby just turned 2 in January and I gained over 50 lbs with her cause I'd quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant.

    I joined myfitnesspal shortly after I had her and along with nursing, I was able to lose 74 lbs. however, in January of this year I got sick of logging and I deleted me account. Worst decision ever! Then I found out last month that I was pregnant so here I am back again!

    I'm due November 19th. Anyone feel free to add me!

    I'm Leslie by the way!
  • Danasusann
    Danasusann Posts: 11 Member
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    After losing 90lbs... Got pregnant. Currently 18.5 weeks and up about 10lbs... Need friends for support!
  • bestmeicanbe84
    bestmeicanbe84 Posts: 58 Member
    Please feel free to add me. Just when we had decided to stop trying and focus on school and career, we get pregnant. I am beyond thrilled even though it was quite a shock.