Great healthy movie snack help ?!

I would usually buy a bag of popcorn and a bag of choc or crumble and custard when me and hubby watch a film indoors on a Saturday night, what healthy snacks ( that don't take too much prep ) can we have instead that's satisfying ?!



  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Buy popcorn, just don't put anything on it.
    Or, sneak your own spices in :)
  • What about strawberries or grapes?
  • The popcorn I usually buy is the pre bagged cinema sweet style, shops don't really sell plain popcorn round here.

    I was going to have cut up fruit pieces with a healthy yoghurt, guess I might just stick to that.

    Snacks are so difficult .. thanks lovelies! X
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Cuddle up instead of snacking?? Just a suggestion :wink:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I like raw cauliflower or broccoli cut up in tiny florets. It's crunchy.
  • I am glad I am not the only one that likes raw broccoli and cauli x
  • wait...raw broccoli? I didn't know that broccoli can be eaten raw
  • I'm not sure if its advised, but it tastes nice. It's like when people say eating raw cabbage can give you worms, I don't know if its true or an 'old wives tale' x
  • tinychuck
    tinychuck Posts: 19 Member
    frozen grapes are great because they're sweet and you can't eat too too many because they're frozen! Or try sugar free lollipops? For savoury things, plain air popped popcorn, rice crackers, or some pickles!
  • kellyj5201
    kellyj5201 Posts: 57 Member
    wait...raw broccoli? I didn't know that broccoli can be eaten raw

    i have eaten broccoli and cabbage raw since i was a child and have never gotten worms.
    my favorite is broccoli and cauliflower salad made with olive oil, viniger and italian seasoning! mmmm yummy:love:
  • I make sure to have a drink like water flavored with lemon. I also like fruits like sliced apples or grapes. Popcorn is yummy too, but movie theater popcorn is really high calorie. I enjoy it as a treat once in a while, but popcorn air popped at home is a much lower calorie alternative.
  • I LOVE frozen grapes! I eat them anywhere and anytime I can.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    Popcorn really isn't that bad. It's a pretty healthy snack in my opinion, even pre-seasoned/buttery ones. And hey, maybe it's not the best, but I think it's worth the treat if you like it!

    That said, a bowl of yogurt with granola and fruit and some honey is good. Or some apple slices sprinkled with a teensy bit of sugar (I like the texture and it makes it a bit more of a treat).
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Edamame!!! Salty and packed with protein and fiber. Or bag of frozen sugar snap peas, just let thaw 10 min or so. 1 bag per person!! Just go crazy. Or , lightly stir fry snow pea pods til tender crisp, season with light soy and few drops of toasted sesame oil, let cool, munch away. Or any raw veg and Kroger private selection yogurt dip(6 tbsp only 90 cals)!!!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    When I go to the movies I cut up an apple and put the slices in a zip lock bag; put the bag in a bog purse. ...takes care of a nice crunchy healthy snack.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    I am cheap. In theaters, movie snacks are grossly over priced. This has stopped me from making a link between movies and snacks.
    You can try substitutes but I would suggest that instead you eat a meal first and then tell yourself the rest is nonsense.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Edamame!!! Salty and packed with protein and fiber. Or bag of frozen sugar snap peas, just let thaw 10 min or so. 1 bag per person!! Just go crazy. Or , lightly stir fry snow pea pods til tender crisp, season with light soy and few drops of toasted sesame oil, let cool, munch away. Or any raw veg and Kroger private selection yogurt dip(6 tbsp only 90 cals)!!!

    That sounds so amazing.... Thank you