Need Motivation, Friends & Ideas!!

Hey Everyone,

This is the first time I ever write on a forum. That is a big step for me! Anyway, I need some motivation and advice. I weigh 226 pounds. I workout 5 days a week for about an hour to an hour an a half. I can run anywhere between 2-3 miles depending on the day and I do 25 minutes on the step master. I sometimes switch up and take maybe 2 classes of Intense cardio or body sculpting classes for 45 minutes. I've lost 13 pounds, but I can't seem to loose anymore weight. I eat smaller portions and I try not to drink soda. Why can't I loose anymore weight?


  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    Make your diary public so we can take a look and give advice.
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    How do I make it public? I'm not good at using this app.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Hi!!!Maybe you have hit a plateau like me!!!! But with all that exercise and eating smaller portions you are bound to lose weight. Are you tracking your calories? I've noticed that the food I eat makes a big difference, Like I can eat twice as much as some foods and still stay within my calorie goal for the stay. You're doing the right things just keep it up and it will pay off!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. Have a wonderful day!
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Hi!!!Maybe you have hit a plateau like me!!!! But with all that exercise and eating smaller portions you are bound to lose weight. Are you tracking your calories? I've noticed that the food I eat makes a big difference, Like I can eat twice as much as some foods and still stay within my calorie goal for the stay. You're doing the right things just keep it up and it will pay off!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. Have a wonderful day!
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    go to settings and there should be a place to make your diary public. It's at the top of the page between help and log out. then go to diary setting and there's options for private, public, friends only etc and select which one you want to use and that's it!!!
  • JPlus_86
    JPlus_86 Posts: 6
    Hi Everyone! I logged back in to myfitnesspal for the first time in over a year and since I last logged on I had put on 3 stone! I started JuicePlus 3 weeks ago and I have lost a stone so far. Is anyone else doing JuicePlus? I love it! I also workout 5 times a week. Determined to get to 10 stone!
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not really tracking what I'm eating. I sometimes forget to write down what I eat for the day. So I don't even bother. I eat about 2 times a day. I' a student, so I don't have time to make 6 small meals like some people do. I've been working out really hard since december 2013 and Ive tried all kinds of excursuses. I've done Insanity, Kick boxing, running, zumba and my body is getting tight, but the weight is still the same. My next option is starving myself.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I really believe in tracking daily, that's the only thing that's worked for me.:happy:
  • homankristin
    homankristin Posts: 2 Member
    You might be doing too much too soon. I was in a similar situation two years ago....working out for 1-2 hours a day doing intense cardio classes....and although I was getting in good shape fitness-ability wise, I stopped losing weight. It was extremely frustrating. I stopped working out intensely for about a month or two...I let my fitness level drop. Then I started again SLOWLY.

    Our bodies are built to adapt. If you start off working out intensely for an hour or two everyday - sure, you'll see results. But eventually you will get used to doing that and you'll have to step it up if you want to keep seeing weight loss results.

    I lost 75 lbs, only about 20 were lost before I hit a plateau and realized I was doing too much too soon.
  • It sounds like you're building muscle faster than losing weight, which isn't a bad thing but, you probably won't see a difference in the scale, but try and pay attention to how your body feels and the difference in your clothing. I bet you'll see those results quicker than on the scale which, by the way, will reflect your good results eventually.

    I know it might be easier said than done but, try to wake up earlier to prepare meals/snacks. On sundays, dedicate part of your day to making a snack/meal plan for the following week and shop for those items that day. You don't have to follow the book and do every single day or complete/prepare every single thing you wrote down, but this approach was the first step for me and I have been getting better at following my meal/food list. I am also a mother of a 4 year old, a 6 month old and I work part time, volunteer at my daughter's school twice (if not more) a month, try to do zumba at LEAST 4 days a week and I have a strict schedule on how I clean and run my household. So, with that being said, I am very busy too, but you have to make it happen!! Only you can. If I can do it, you can do it. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!!! :)
  • JPlus_86
    JPlus_86 Posts: 6
    Maybe it's because you are only eating 2 times a day? What sort of stuff do you eat/drink?
  • JPlus_86
    JPlus_86 Posts: 6
    Definitely take your measurements every 2 weeks as well as that will show if you are losing weight. Measure your tummy, arms, legs and bum. I've lost 6cm from my stomach in 2 weeks :)
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    if you don't track you won't know how much you're eating

    if you've stopped loosing weight it implies that:
    your calories in = your calories out

    so you should either increase one or decrease the other, but untill you track regularly you won't know
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Your right! I'm doing too much. To the point that my body is hurting. I'm having knee pain, back pain and my foot is always on fire. I'm actually on a break. Haven't been to the gym in 4 days.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    I'm not really tracking what I'm eating. I sometimes forget to write down what I eat for the day. So I don't even bother. I eat about 2 times a day. I' a student, so I don't have time to make 6 small meals like some people do. I've been working out really hard since december 2013 and Ive tried all kinds of excursuses. I've done Insanity, Kick boxing, running, zumba and my body is getting tight, but the weight is still the same. My next option is starving myself.

    You need to weigh and measure your foods and log accurately. When you eat doesn't matter but you do need to keep track, you may be eating more than you think or not enough. Invest in a food scale (you only need to spend about $10) a digital one that weighs in grams and ounces.

    Properly figure out your BMR and set up your account with your weight loss goals. Make sure you log your exercise and eat back some of those calories (MFP will set your calorie goal at a deficit)
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    I will start tracking what I eat.
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Hey!!! Try upping your weight training - that will def speed up fat loss and build muscles as well. Feel free to add me as well! I will help motivate you!!!
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for the advice. Starting tomorrow, I will try to make time to set up my meals. I actually do see a difference in my clothes, but what bothers me is that I'm still big. I'm getting toned and solid, but that's not what I want. I'm trying to get slim.
  • morena1982
    morena1982 Posts: 9 Member
    I will start tracking what I'm eating. I don't think I'm going over my calories. I went on a sushi diet for 3 weeks. I only ate about 2 times a day. I don't like breakfast. I usually drink 1 glass of orange juice everyday. For lunch I will have a rainbow roll and for dinner a chicken salad or soup. I did that for like 3 weeks, and I still didn't loose weight. Then I went back to eating normal food, but in small portions, for example: a piece of chicken thigh with half a serving size spoon with rice. sometimes I won't even eat rice, I would just eat salad with chicken, and same result.
  • fireant7777
    fireant7777 Posts: 1 Member
    From what it sounds like you need to be eating more calories. It doesn't matter that you only eat 2 meals a day. You just need to:get more calories in those meals. A piece of chicken and some rice is maybe 300 calories. And soup is anywhere from 100-300. So from what it looks like you are under eating and over training. Reevaluate your goals and go from there. Start adding in more heavy lifting to your training. And more calories to your 2 meals a day (if that's all your going to eat) track your food for the next few weeks so you have an idea of what you are eating and all the macro nutrients.
    You are going to have a different outcome on the scale or in the mirror depending on what kind of calories you are eating. If 70% of your calories and are coming from carbs or fat, than your not gonna be getting the results you want.

    I have:my macros set at 40c/30f/30p

    This seems to work well for me. Just try and make sure you are at least getting 1 gram or protein per pound of weight. So a 120lb person should be getting at least 120g of protein per day and then carbs and fat can fall:in place.

    Just take one thing at a time. I know you can reach your goal and get the body you want. This fitness lifestyle is all about trial and error.

    Good luck!