Acne Breakouts?



  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Use a gentler cleanser.
    Use a flannel to wash your face with.
    Always moisturise your skin after washing it, with SPF if possible.

    I started doing these three things and they calmed my skin down in a major way.

    ETA: Oh yeah. And change your pillowcases regularly & sleep with your hair tied back from your face. I don't buy the whole 'toxin' business - I think the sweat is just causing irritation and perhaps scrubbing with hot water (use warm or tepid) is increasing that irritation and causing more spots.
  • trinity5703
    Gentle cleanser and make sure you put a good moisturizer (with at least SPF 15) on religiously.
    I waited until I was in my 50's to take care of my skin... dont wait that long.

    Checkout Paula's Choice products. Very gentle stuff, nothing in them that can cause irritation, and they make your skin feel awesome.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    My guess is that perhaps sweat is blocking your pores and causing breakouts (assuming you don't get acne for hormonal reasons and it's only happening since you started working out). To remedy this exfoliate regularly and drink loads of water. Your body should adapt over time. It's great like that.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I was thinking about this the other day. Obviously the "sweating is toxins escaping your body" is absolute rubbish, but I thought a pretty good explanation would be that when you sweat your pores open up and lets all the muck get in.
  • gem__gem
    gem__gem Posts: 3
    I've been dealing with bad acne for at least 13 years. (I get the hard under skin acne that hurts like a mother...) And more gym time made mine worse bc of the extra sweat bacteria in my pores. I actually got more discouraged and stopped going for a while.:(

    I've done prescription (epiduo was the closest to anything that worked but it burned so bad) I've used everything at the face wash isle. But what has actually worked for me was Clinique Mild cleanser, Clinique toner, and Clinique 12 hour moisture surge. I wash my face with a sterile gauze pad. Wash cloths have too many oils on them that never entirely go away.

    And the most important part is.....DONT TOUCH YOUR FACE!!!!!!! I could never leave mine alone! I was always thinking if I just get this blackhead out it will be better. But I realized all my friends and my husband who have GREAT skin never mess with their face. I now maybe get 1 or 2 a month when I'm PMSing.

    Oh and I know clique is expensive but they do full returns on anything of theirs that you do not like or that does not work for you.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    I drink mostly water, So thats good.
    And I suppose I should up my, face cleaning, game xD

    Is Johnson & Johnson baby lotion too oily for the face?

    baby lotion may not be the best - I use Nivea products - it doesn't have a lot of perfume or scent in it (which I found to be an issue with a lot of products) Cost wise Nivea products aren't bad also.
  • havenoenvyonlylove
    havenoenvyonlylove Posts: 31 Member
    Try a tablespoon of molasses in the morning. I've been struggling with acne for the last 1.5 years since I've moved to MN until I tried that. Reducing dairy, eating blueberries and avocado also helps. It's amazing how what you eat matters so much more thanx te sin products you use!
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    I have suffered with horrible skin for years and *FINALLY* It's mostly over with thanks to exercise and getting a good routine down.

    First off, if you exercise with any makeup on (foundation wise- eyeliner/lipstick all that is fine)- make sure you take it off first. The silicones in that stuff legit trap all your oil and sweat and dead skin in there and make it damn near impossible to get out (water doesn't remove silicones, only manual exfoliation and oils will break it down) I teach Zumba and sadly right after I teach my fitness class, I have an academic class for 3 hours and keep my nasty makeup on- you IMMEDIATELY see a difference in what I have to deal with in the morning after that UGH

    Secondly, I'm sorry but sweating does rid toxins out of your body. I don't know why anyone is trying to reject that notion. In addition, if you are REALLY sweating (like hours of cardio sweat) you can even accumulate a salt layer on your skin that feels almost grainy. Granted, this is after HARDCORE exercise, but it does happen and can make your skin feel funky.

    You're definitely doing it right with getting in the shower and washing your face right after. I'm a SUPER sweater when I exercise and I've noticed that exercising then showering is the best method of clearing my skin. It gets the junk out, then I wash it off. The biggest concern at this point is what you cleanse with and what you put on your skin afterwards. If I don't have a big, sweaty workout for a few days, my pores get clogged. Maybe it's just me...but it's working so I'm not complaining!

    So, lastly- like others have said, definitely exfoliate daily. Make sure it's gentle (as much as I love St. Ives Apricot Scrub, it is NOT gentle *and it clogs the drain in my shower!*) I'd say go with one by Clean and Clear or Neutrogena. Also, Aveeno makes some good ones if you're sensitive. And IMHO, I don't think Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion is the best for your skin. With acne prone skin, silicones (like dimethicone/ cyclopentasiloxane/methicone)can be irritating to some people, as well as the possibility of oils in there. Some silicones bother me, others don't. It's a trial and error type of thing, as they are all listed as "non-comedogenic" which is bull-poop. Since babies need so much moisture and aren't all hormonal like us, they can tolerate all the extra stuff in there to keep them soft. Sadly, we usually can't (not on our faces at least)

    I recommend applying a good toner/moisturizer/treatment with salicylic acid (2%) as the active ingredient afterwards. You imply that you are dry, so I'd probably go with the moisturizer afterwards (Neutrogena makes a great one called RapidClear acne treatment moisturizer--it actually does treat AND moisturize! WIN!!) When I had hit my first round of workout breakouts, I grabbed this stuff and applied it after my shower religiously. My skin was AMAZING! Fixed all the nonsense (and it works at visibly reducing breakouts in 8 hours!)

    Now, I have prescription creams because they ended up being cheaper for me in the long run- but I still use the moisturizer some days and wash my face/body with a salicylic acid wash in the shower. It's the only way- prescriptions or not- to keep my skin clear!

    Sorry for being so crazy long- but I know how difficult it can be to experience this! It's like, why have a great body if my face feels hideous?? But trust me, everyone deals with it at some point and I'm sure you will be past this rough patch soon!
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    So first off, all the cleansers in the world will most likely not solve your issue. The surface of your skin isn't the problem, Acne is an internal issue. You need to find that cause of it... it could be an allergic reaction or more often then not a hormonal response to your new habits.

    For the people claiming sweat removes toxins? Unfortunately, science says, "Wrong". Though sweat from the apocrine glands may contain a few extra additives, such as proteins and fatty acids, but in general, all sweat contains the same primary ingredients: mostly water, some sodium and chloride, and to a lesser extent, potassium. Though you do lose electrolytes when you sweat, perspiration contains only trace amounts of any type of toxins.

    If you really want to detoxify your system, you'd be better served by making sure your liver and kidneys are operating in tip-top shape, since it's these key organs -- not your sweat glands -- that are mainly responsible for filtering any toxins from your blood.
    if you are REALLY sweating (like hours of cardio sweat) you can even accumulate a salt layer on your skin that feels almost grainy.

    Considering your body is made up of water and sodium... this is kind of a no brainer. Salt =/= toxin however, sorry guys science wins this debate. Feel free to use the google-ness to verify if you wish.

    To solve your acne problem:

    1. DO NOT use a series of OTC harsh chemicals that contain salicylic acids or peroxides. This tends to aggravate your skin and dry it out which then leads to more clogging from dead skin flakes. Things like Proactive are a joke and often stop working just as quickly as they start.

    2. Take an allergy test. Rule out aversions to things like Wheat and Dairy.

    3. Get your Hormones tested. If you have PCOS or abnormal Androgen levels your body might be producing excess sebum. This can be controlled with pills to normalize your hormones.

    4. Inexpensive, gentle, and natural things you can use on your face:

    Honey + Baking Soda (antibiotic/exfoliant)
    Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Toner/Antibiotic)
    Fresh Lemon (Toner/Hyper-pigmentation lightener)
    Mango (Antioxidant)
    Egg White (Tightens skin)

    I also like to use a natural Alpha Hydroxy cream every night and bi-weekly moisturizing mask of 1/2 castor oil 1/2 Sunflower oil + a few drops of Tee Tree Oil. You mix the three together, apply to face, then with a super warm wash cloth let the oils loosen the build up in your pores by holding the cloth to parts of your face. It won't make you break out and leaves your skin super moist.

    I do the above and am taking a few pills to normalize my hormones....I went from dozens of deep skin pimples and such to only one or two around my period. Even those are sparse.

    As for make-up... I stick to mineral based items. Nothing you can buy at Walgreens though. Brands like Covergirl and Maybelline are garbage for your skin. I tend to shop at Sephora ot Ulta for higher end natural products, however I do occasionally love ELF (Target) for their inexpensive brushes and eye make-ups.

    All that said? Try to put as few heavy things on your skin as possible. Nix the brand named moisturizers, the OTC cleansers Especially the ones "formulated for acne", the silly toners that dry you out, etc. Just treat your skin gently and with love, it'll not only cost you less but you'll be less frustrated with it.

    OH and DON'T get severe prescriptions from a dermatologist that come with a laundry list of side effects... there is no need to put your body through that if you can control it without chemicals and potentially toxic ingestion.

    Feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk about it more... =D
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    This might sound really weird but try using lemon juice just cut a piece of lemon and rub it in over your face, it does sting a bit but it clears it up
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    It will pass. It's your body ridding itself of toxins. make sure you're washing your face twice a day and moisturizing. If it does not clear up in a few weeks visit your doctor or dermatologist.

    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.

    Not this^^^^^
  • xfitbeach
    Suffered from Acne in my early years. I now suffer with Rosacea. It presents itself the same as Acne. It is treated differently than Acne. Working out can be a trigger. Dermatologist manage symptoms. Goggle for more information. Just a thought.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    It will pass. It's your body ridding itself of toxins. make sure you're washing your face twice a day and moisturizing. If it does not clear up in a few weeks visit your doctor or dermatologist.

    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.

    Not this^^^^^

    No, DrFlave is correct sweating does not remove toxins because.. Science.

    And second... Washing your face twice a day + moisturizing is suggestion a topical solution to an internal issue... see a problem here? I won't argue that your particular case may be related to internal toxicity, as I said above... one step of many is to get tested for food allergies. (A cheaper but more lengthy option is to eliminate known triggers like Red meat, Dairy products, Processed foods, Wheat and wheat products, Refined sugar (sweets, white sugar etc) High fat foods, or Yeasty foods, Caffeine, or Alcohol... then reintroduce them slowly to see what might be your trigger. Getting tested is faster though.) BUT most acne is Hormonal.

    I would talk to a doctor, not a dermatologist. Doctors are able to test you for issues beneath the skin vs. prescribing randomness that only affects the top layer of your problem and does NOTHING for what's causing it. It's like painting a wall to hide the mold beneath it... if you don't address the epicenter? The mold will seep through.

    This also goes for "Acne Fighting OTC" crap like Clean and Clear or Neutrogena whatever (and the notion that washing your face twice a day will just "clear it right up")... if that actually worked, no one would have acne. I promise you, people with this problem wash their face plenty. Infact they cause MORE acne because they are aggravating their skin with all of the washing. I only wash my face before I go to bed and before I put on make-up and I splash warm water after workouts. Days where I stay home? I don't touch it... there is no need. You gotta let your skin do what it's built to do.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I don't buy the 'toxins' thing... Just doesn't sit right with me. I haven't researched it, I could be wrong and y'all can feel free to make your own minds up, but it just sounds all too holistic to my mind.

    Acne - proper acne, not just the odd spot - is usually hormonal. Exercise can drastically affect your hormone balance, particularly testosterone, estrogen, cortisol & the various endogenous morphine peptides - the first two in particular can have a big effect on your skin.

    My top tip that helped me have a mostly acne free adolescence? Use a fresh towel each time you shower. Buy 7 towels and never use the same one for more than a day. May or may not help, but it helped me...

    Good luck!

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    It will pass. It's your body ridding itself of toxins. make sure you're washing your face twice a day and moisturizing. If it does not clear up in a few weeks visit your doctor or dermatologist.

    Sweating does not remove toxins from your body. That is a silly myth.

    Not this^^^^^

    No, DrFlave is correct sweating does not remove toxins because.. Science.
    Wow, who can argue with that incredibly well thought out science based argument. JTFC, dude. You make me laugh. :flowerforyou:
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    use a mild cleanser
    gently exfoliate once a week
    use a moisturizer

    and if it does not clear up in a couple weeks go to the doctor

    ^^ This!
    I had to switch birth control and get a prescription to clear it up initially because nothing worked.
    After that I switched to cetaphil cleanser and Cera Ve moisturizers and rarely wear makeup, and never wear makeup to the gym. I haven't had an issue since. Hope that helps
  • brittany2188
    Make sure you're not wearing make up when you work out. That + sweating will clog your pores and cause breakouts. Also, washing with a cleanser too many times a day can strip your skin of natural oils and can cause over production of oils, causing breakouts. Too much exfoliation can cause breakouts. Warm water and a soft cloth can do wonders for your skin.
  • dodochoga
    dodochoga Posts: 33
    i would say more than "toxins", your body is changing in a hormonal way since you started doing the workouts. it might be best to see a dermatologist, because if your body reacts like this to exercise, it isn't going to go away.
  • Fitiny
    Fitiny Posts: 24 Member
    I noticed I starting breaking out really bad when I started insanity. I also started eating new foods. Couldn't figure out what was causing it then thought the main thing I had introduced was peanut butter. Read up on it and turns out a lot of of other people have found it causes acne. Stopped eating it and instantly skin improved. Are you eating a lot of peanut butter? Or for some people dairy can cause it

    I never thought of that but you must be right! I started eating peanut butter with apples as a snack, a lot. But now I'm not eating it anymore because I've noticed it messes up my stomach. And some how the acne thing is going away! I already scheduled an appointment with a dermatologist!
    Thanks for the thought!
  • its_about_the_journey
    One more suggestion from an acne "pro"- changing your towels and pillowcases more frequently may help. Try changing your pillow case every night, and using a new towel every time you wash your face. Moist towel + body residue = bacteria (and bacteria = breakouts).
    It will make for a lot of laundry but it does the trick for me when I NEED to have clear skin for an event or something. Give it at least a week before you judge- your skin takes that long to respond to changes.