Scale hasn't moved all week - what do I need to change?



  • shellykmfp
    Weight loss usually goes pretty fast at first then slows way down when you get closer to your ideal weight. Some weeks you won't lose at all even tho you are still eating less, etc. Then one day you will weigh and whoosh a couple pounds gone...but remember weight fluctuates, so it will go up and down, especially when you are close to goal weight. Don't worry about it too much unless it's creeping up, then you need to look more closely at your calories, making sure everything is accurate and you aren't underestimating something. Change up your exercise once in a while seems to help too. Just keep at it and if you are burning more than you consume you will eventually lose. :) Good luck!

    Thanks for the support :) I love how helpful everyone is here!
  • shellykmfp
    In order for me to see the scale move I had to cut down on my carbs. It has worked so far, the progress is slow, but it is there. :) good luck OP

    I always seem to go a little over on carbs and sugar. They are so yummy :( I'll keep that in mind and try to reduce their levels. Thanks!