Eating at the hospital.

Hi. My mother has been in the hospital since Mar 11 and will be in the hospital for 3 to 6 more weeks.

I'm spending all my lunches and most of my supers at the hospital. Hospital food for patients might be healthy, but there isn't many healthy options for visitors. Each day I get buy from the visitor cafe. It's small and offers the following : soup of the day, salad of the day, hotdogs, hamburger and chilli. It's not bad for the first week, but after 31 days it's extremely tiring. Not only that, I don't know how healthy it is either. It's all short order stuff - really. I have no idea how many calories are in it, and have no idea how to even fill out something like MFP calorie counting on days like that.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can eat healthier, and count calories as well as eat better things while visiting my mother in the hospital?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Can you bring in your own food? Maybe for at least one meal - so you're only eating one meal a day of the hospital food? I know you probably have a lot of stress and time pressure with Mom in the hospital, but if you could pack a cooler with some snacks and easy healthy meals to counterbalance the hospital food that's what I'd suggest.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Any grocery stores near the hospital? You may have to go elsewhere to get some better food.
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    FortWildernessLoopy Posts: 62 Member
    I suppose it's different for every hospital, but I was in the hospital for a week and my husband was allowed to order the same food as me, to the room and he just paid when they brought it (kind of like room service). You may want to see if they have that option.
  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your input. FortWilderness I'll ask about ordering hospital food. Robola there isn't any grocery stores, but that was a good idea. Ready2Rock206 buying a cooler and packing it with food is a good idea. I'll add those things to my grocery list right now.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Can you see if there are places nearby that offer healthier options for you or at least things you can track? I work in a hospital and lots of places will deliver to them - it'll usually mean you have to go to the lobby to pick it up. Every one I've worked at has had a menu book on the unit - food is a big deal to us nurses :drinker: I'd check with the nurses and see if they have a book of menus or can make suggestions. Hope your Mom feels better soon.
  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks kar328. I'll look into it.
  • lnt_helent
    lnt_helent Posts: 13 Member
    If you have some spare time, you could cook up a huge stew/chili or something similar that can sit in the fridge for a week. Take portions in with you. It would be repetitive eating, but at least you'd know what was in it and aside from the initial cooking bit, would be totally stress free.
  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member

    That's a great idea