Benifts of Exercise



  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    um yeah, exercise. it does a mind and body good.
    this for sure..cardio,,really intense cardio is my go to stress yesterday,,I actually NEEDED the 22 mile bike ride for the stress mile 12 I was feeling better.
  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everybody who posted. It all sounds good, and yesterday I really did think I would start today, but now…. I'm undecided.
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    Cycling is my best de-stresser, then running comes second. Try whatever works for you. Exercise is linked to good mental health. You're in no way being selfish taking a little time to get out of your head. Just being out in the fresh air makes me feel better, even if the weather is rotten. It's actually quite fun to run in the rain. Get some music on and go out for a brisk walk. Try not to think too much just listen to the music and pound the ground!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    It puts me in a better, more positive mood when I have things on my mind :)
    sometimes its really hard to find the motivation to do it in times of emotional stress, but I never regret it afterwards when I come home and feel better.

    The other day I was struggling emotionally when I was exercising. I was feeling angry, depressed and flat and (as silly as this sounds) I tried to just visualise myself letting go of the problems and the pain and sadness behind me as long, grey ribbon type things floating off in the wind as I zoomed downhill on my bike.
    Told myself they had to be gone from my mind after that. I don't know when it happened, but when I got home a few hours later, none of that was on my mind anymore, I could let it go for a little while and deal with things a little better.

    While you can't forget what is happening in the reality of your life, having a break from that is really beneficial to your state of mind, relationships with those around you, and of course your health.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member

    Because right now, my focus is getting my mother better - I'll get myself looking trim and fit later - much later. Right now I just want to do what's best for my health, and if people really do feel healthier and less stress exercising I'll try it. If not, it will have to wait, like a whole bunch of other things.

    Our body's were made to move, that's exercise. When we don't take care of ourselves, the other problems creep in. As to your point about focusing on your mom, first. Your heart is in the right place, but not the mind. If you aren't taking care of yourself then you will be less adequate to take care of your mom. You'll think clearer, be stronger and be much more help for your mother if you take care of you as you take care of your mom. Very seldom does, "I'll get myself looking trim and fit later" take place because in life there are always other things to take its place.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Are you a doctor? Is there something in that hospital that only you can do that no trained medical professional can do that she will otherwise get worse from?... Sorry that sounded really harsh, but still.

    I personally can say that whenever I'm having a bad day, or I'm really stressed out about something I DO NOT want to go to the gym... But I DO. And you know what? I always feel a million times better when I'm done getting my sweat on.
    It's just a time to work hard and do something good for your body, and clear your mind. I think adding a little exercise into your life will make a huge change for you.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thank you everybody. I'll give it a try for one week. If at the end of that week I feel better, than I'll continue. If not then I won't.

    Thanks so much for your input and telling me how exercise relieves your stress.

    Right now I'm anything for relieving stress.
    Exercise is a huge part of my life primarily for the benefits to my mental health. I mean, yes, I care about the physical benefits, and it helps with losing/maintaining weight, but what gets me out there day after day is that I know how much it helps me manage depression, anxiety and stress. For me, it is very beneficial. I have to say though, that it took longer than a week for those benefits to really kick in. In fact, is was several months for me to really notice the difference. So, if you don't see a huge difference after a week, please give it a bit longer!

    That said, you're under a lot of stress right now. don't beat yourself up if it's not happening. Yes, exercise will likely help you cope with what's going on, but at the same time, actually fitting exercise in right now might add more stress than you need. Given that you're talking about a very specific limited time frame for your mother being in the hospital, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you leave it until she comes out. Do give it a try though. Remember it's not just about being "trim and fit". The better shape (mentally) you're in, the better you can care for your mother, and I expect she'll need you even more once she's out of hospital. Take care of yourself now and she'll benefit from that too.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hope your mum gets well soon. Exercise hater here, one year later still hate it but i have got to tell you that 1. it clears my mind and makes me feel good mentally and 2 its also helped shape up my body and i am really pleased. I am faster than i was last year and do not get out of breath so fast after just walking a little. For some people they have found what they love doing and if you can do that, it will make it easier for you. You tube has loads of stuff you can do, so has fitness blender. 30 mins goes so fast. Thats all i do. Good luck. you really will not regret it. start tomorrow. x
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You limit yourself and your well being by stipulating a one week improvement via exercise. Reducing stress via exercise doesn't work on a time line like that. If you are at the hospital, you can take periodic breaks from your mom's bedside with a walk around the main entrance area or ask at the nurse's station if they can recommend a good quick walk nearby for you. You can also include meditation (it takes time to "quiet" your mind, but even 5 minute intervals are refreshing). Please don't burden yourself with the "if this doesn't work in a week, I'm dropping exercise" approach.
  • Dregg
    Dregg Posts: 66 Member
    Just like everyone has mentioned, exercise helps with stress. Do you need to go crazy? A brisk walk, slow jog, or even a few yoga poses will benefit you.
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    My perspective comes from that of the patient. I hope it helps you :flowerforyou:

    I understand wanting to be there for your mum, the best thing you can do for BOTH of you is to look after yourself FIRST.

    I spent alot of time in hospital critically ill (6 months) and my father spent a great deal of time with me in hospital, TOO much time. It led to him being unable to cope with the stress of the situation and in the end his highly anxious mental state made my situation MUCH worse than if he had spent less time with me in a calm and healthy manner. :flowerforyou:

    You are right to support your mum, being a calming presence reflecting good health and vitality, is better for both of you.
  • cali_flower
    cali_flower Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone. I found something I can do. Wheelchair pushing… I discovered that the hospital has a walking route that goes through all the offices and "non-patient" parts of the hospital. It's measured at being 1/3 of a km if you follow it. There are clearly marked signs. It's for staff who want to keep fit (it's even called the Fit Walking Track). I'm going to ask on Monday if I can use it, or if it goes through the parts of the hospital that only staff can go through. Then I can take my mother in her wheel chair a couple of times through the Fit Walking Track. Get some exercise and do some visiting.
  • Gwennie9476
    Gwennie9476 Posts: 45 Member
    The benefits of exercise are beyond the fact that you will get fit. The stress relief of exercise is incredible. Even 30 to 40 minutes a day is an amazing benefit to you. Stress on the other hand not only stresses your heart, but all of your organs, messes with sleep, interrupts brain function, and keeps you holding weight around your stomach.

    Go find time to exercise and you will find that you can take care of all those other things in your life with much more ease.