Hectic few weeks coming up - advice welcomed

Between now and 4th may there is only one full day when I am home.

This afternoon I go away for two nights for work... then I go home to visit family for five days... then away for work for four days... and then a trip to Majorca for six nights :)

But this will certainly be a challenge MFP wise...

so far I've identified that my biggest challenges are when I'm tired or emotional, but also when I'm away from home and have no routine and less access to healthier choices etc...

Majorca will be a challenge because there will be no way I can cook anything myself, and it is all inclusive, and I won't know how they will cook it... but I'm not too worried about this... as it's my first holiday abroad in years, and I already know that I just want to focus on relaxing and enjoying myself... plus the resort has a gym, a climbing wall etc, will do what I can to exercise as well. But my priority will be relaxing.

But the rest of it is a concern. I know what helps is that it ends with time in Majorca, and I want to feel good in a bikini... so that's a good focus...

My biggest challenge will be when I'm home visiting family, and my mum's cooking. Not the healthiest, and big portions, but also tastest amazing. I want to go out walking each day while I'm there, and if I can find zumba classes and can fit it into other stuff I need to do while home I will.

There will be a lot of travelling too... and I realise also that when I'm travelling it's harder to be good also.... and when staying in hotels etc for work...

Next two nights I'm in a hostel and I actually find that this works a little better foodwise as I have access to the hostel kitchen.

I am thinking of making a list of the things that I can do to still stay on track. I don't want to mess this up. So any ideas anybody might have, greatly welcomed.

Thank you :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Maintain for a few weeks and enjoy your trips away. That's what I would do!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You are on the right track with planning ahead as much as possible. There will be times when you just won't know the calories in food, eat in moderation and track as best you can. Stay on top of your exercise and water but by all means enjoy yourself. You could always make any adjustments when you are back to a normal schedule.
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    Maintain for a few weeks and enjoy your trips away. That's what I would do!

    Thanks :)

    I don't want to maintain though, I want to continue losing 1 - 2 lbs a week... Majorca is a trip to be enjoyed... the rest are not for pleasure... so I'm not of the thinking that I should stop my weight loss just because I am in a different location... and also I will enjoy Majorca even more if regardless of maintaining or losing if I am more toned by the time my holiday comes round.
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    You are on the right track with planning ahead as much as possible. There will be times when you just won't know the calories in food, eat in moderation and track as best you can. Stay on top of your exercise and water but by all means enjoy yourself. You could always make any adjustments when you are back to a normal schedule.

    I definitely agree that planning is a big part of it.

    I will definitely do my best to enjoy myself on all of the trips... MFP is a lifestyle change for me, not a diet, so I should still enjoy myself as I still would ;)

    The point about eating in moderation is really important, as I really can't be asking my family to make anything different for me, but it made me remember how because the home cooking is so amazingly delicious I often go for seconds just cos it tastes so good, but that's something that I just don't think would be in my nature now anyhow.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I do quite a lot of travel for work, for instance I have a 3 day residential in a hotel at the end of the month. I am not sure how much choice there will be, but I plan to make the best choice with what is available. If that means smaller portions then I will do that. A couple of tools I use:

    1. If you cannot weigh or measure - a piece of meat should be about the size of your palm, and carbs no more than a clenched fist
    2. When travelling, pack water, fruit, seeds and nuts for snacks. I also used to make up a grilled chicken salad if i was travelling a long way

    All the best
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    I do quite a lot of travel for work, for instance I have a 3 day residential in a hotel at the end of the month. I am not sure how much choice there will be, but I plan to make the best choice with what is available. If that means smaller portions then I will do that. A couple of tools I use:

    1. If you cannot weigh or measure - a piece of meat should be about the size of your palm, and carbs no more than a clenched fist
    2. When travelling, pack water, fruit, seeds and nuts for snacks. I also used to make up a grilled chicken salad if i was travelling a long way

    All the best

    That's really useful thank you :)

    Travelling for work is tougher than I thought it would be.

    I'm self employed so at least I have some flexiblity over stuff, but still... not a big fan of nuts at all, but will stock up on fruit for travelling, and there's some other healthy little things I can too... I actually love the tesco small containers of salad so could easily take one of those on the go
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I have found quest bars very helpful. I can't go too long between meals so these are great and hold you over when events keep your day off schedule. Sometimes i only need a third or half at a time. Very filling and even take off the sweet edge.
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    I have found quest bars very helpful. I can't go too long between meals so these are great and hold you over when events keep your day off schedule. Sometimes i only need a third or half at a time. Very filling and even take off the sweet edge.

    Thanks. I'd not heard of quest bars before.Will google them now :)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I often go for seconds just cos it tastes so good, but that's something that I just don't think would be in my nature now anyhow.

    I know about those second helpings. LOL!

    Now, I drink water before each meal to avoid the seconds and it's a life saver for me.
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    I often go for seconds just cos it tastes so good, but that's something that I just don't think would be in my nature now anyhow.

    I know about those second helpings. LOL!

    Now, I drink water before each meal to avoid the seconds and it's a life saver for me.

    Oooh yes, that could work.. thank you :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Maintenance is your friend in this situation. Enjoy!
  • amanda_oc
    amanda_oc Posts: 39 Member
    Maintenance is your friend in this situation. Enjoy!

    Thanks, but I don't want to maintain..... hence asking for advice... and see no reason not to aim to continue with what I have been doing is working well and makes me feel good.