


  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Best way to lose belly fat ... a reasonable calorie deficit. That fat will eventually go .. but depending on how much fat you have elsewhere it may take time .. sometimes a long time. And yes .. you cannot spot tone.. by doing endless ab exercises.

    I personally have lost 8.5 inches of abdominal fat in the last 8 months and about 2 inches to go. So .. it can be done.

    But .. really just eat at a reasonable deficit to burn the fat .. and do lots of leg exercises (best way to burn that ab fat). Doing crunches bla bla bla .. will get you maybe more abdominal muscle but you really need to burn off that fat on top to be able to see the muscle below.

    Good luck.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    I seriously think people need to stop pandering to this sort of post. You "can't stand" 1/10th of an inch of fat on your stomach? That screams of psychological issues, not physical ones. You are female... you are biologically programmed to lay down fat so that when you get pregnant your body has some stored fuel for the baby. Part of the problem is that we have unrealistic ideas of what the female body CAN look like - mostly from women who can spend all their time working out, eat in a ridiculous manner, or are photo-shopped halfway to hell. But popular images of women are not the only issue ... telling people that they can change their diet or change their exercise regime and achieve the "body of their dreams" is problematic as well! How about we focus a bit on being a fully functional human being, not obsessing over minute details that don't matter and drag us down, and accepting our biological predisposition (including - and I hate this one as much as the next woman - having enough body fat that we maintain consistent menstruation)!!!

    ^^^THIS. Without knowing your height we can't calculate your BMI - but at 115lbs it sounds like you're skinny-fat, i.e. have a high body fat percentage at a low, overall weight. At this stage the only thing you can do is recomping. By lifting heavy.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    For what is is worth, I too have a 'pot belly'. At 5'5/5'6" and 112lbs it is there. When I got ill and lost down to 90lbs it was still there. No amount of calorie deficit would ever shift it. I get asked 'when is the baby due?' depressingly often.

    I have a strong core, can do crunches/situps/planks all day, and I regularly lift respectable weights.

    I am just stuck with it, and don't like it, but it is the way I am made and just hope that continued lifting will help. :wink:
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You "do not wish to do weights"? Mind sharing why? Lifting weights is the easiest ans most effective way to lose excess body fat. That cardio and useless pilates will get you nowhere. Best of luck.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Unfortunately it's impossible to spot reduce :/ You have fat on your mid section because that's where your genetics have decided you will have extra fat. Try trimming down the fat and carbs in your diet and see if that helps :]

    This is wrong. Dietary fat and carbs have nothing to do with fat loss.
  • peekaxoo
    peekaxoo Posts: 1
    BELLY FAT has almost zero to do with the exercise you're doing...what are you eating?
    ****abs are made in the KITCHEN****
    I didn't believe this for the longest time. I spent hours a week in the gym on the Arc Trainer and lifting heavy weight (squats/DLs) and built muscle, got great arms and legs...with a little fat pooch on my belly to go with it. My problem? FOOD!
    If your typical meal looks like this: whole grain pasta, low fat yogurt,'re just asking for the belly fat to stay on and for your blood sugar to be out of control. Cut out grains COMPLETELY and add full-fat yogurt, lots of lean meats, and coconut oil to everything. Yes, I said completely (not saying go low-carb: just get them from fruits and veggies). Sure there are lots of people with flat abs who eat loads of pasta and what-have-you...doesn't mean it's healthy and if it's not genetics keeping them from outwardly showing the effects of a high-grain diet (I'd bet my bottom dollar their insides and blood work show a different story), it's lifting heavy weights (which is necessary for anyone seriously looking to be fit, but the immediate goal of a flat tummy NEEDS to be achieved through food).
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Two things: Cut sugar and grains out of your diet and do squats. If you say you don't want to do something that works, then you don't really want what you originally asked for. You know the answer, yet you are dismissing it.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    At 115 lbs, you would have to be something like 4'9" to even make it out of the healthy weight range, which means you should not need to lose weight. It is true there is no such thing as spot reduction, if you are an apple shape, you will be a small apple even if you lost more fat. With that said, switching to a 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat intake plan can reduce to bloated abdomen that can come with eating larger amounts of carbs. That may help you feel smaller around the belly area. Also, if abdominal muscles are long, they can't hold all your internal organs in as well - which produces a pot belly appearance. This isn't fat, it's just a need to tighten up the core to hold everything in place - some of this may be posture related, standing with a sway back rather than a straight spine. Being conscious of having the spine straight while sitting, standing and walking will naturally tighten the abs in time if you don't want to do any weight training.

    Sorry but that first part of your comment is incorrect. I am 4 feet 11 and I my weight is 102lbs, much lower than the OP's and my BMI is 20.6. Right in the healthy range, so let's not assume that low weight equals unhealthy BMI.

    The OP had two children, so after pregnancies getting a flat stomach, even at a healthy wts is not easy. Probably doable but not something that will happen overnight.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I second everyone else who's recommending weights. Losing more weight won't help you. Staying the same weight and doing more yoga, pilates etc won't help you (no reason to stop these, they're good for flexibility, posture, etc and if you enjoy them then that's reason enough to keep doing them, and they'll burn some extra calories)......... what's going to make a difference is doing weights.

    You said you didn't want to do them because you're afraid you'll get hurt.... why? You're just as capable as everyone else. Why do you think that you're not? I understand that if you grew up with people telling you that you can't do something, it takes a while to get your head around the idea of doing it. But it's probably one of the most liberating things you can do. Even if you're not physically very strong, that doesn't matter. Everyone who does weights needs to gear the weight they're using to their current level of strength. No-one should be lifting anything that's too heavy for them. The more you do weight training, the heavier weights you can lift, and you end up being really strong and having a fit, firm, toned body.

    Here's a pic of Marylin Monroe doing bench presses:


    and I think this one is her too:


    fact is that all the movie stars are doing weight training, and a lot of models as well.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I second everyone else who's recommending weights. Losing more weight won't help you. Staying the same weight and doing more yoga, pilates etc won't help you (no reason to stop these, they're good for flexibility, posture, etc and if you enjoy them then that's reason enough to keep doing them, and they'll burn some extra calories)......... what's going to make a difference is doing weights.

    You said you didn't want to do them because you're afraid you'll get hurt.... why? You're just as capable as everyone else. Why do you think that you're not? I understand that if you grew up with people telling you that you can't do something, it takes a while to get your head around the idea of doing it. But it's probably one of the most liberating things you can do. Even if you're not physically very strong, that doesn't matter. Everyone who does weights needs to gear the weight they're using to their current level of strength. No-one should be lifting anything that's too heavy for them. The more you do weight training, the heavier weights you can lift, and you end up being really strong and having a fit, firm, toned body.

    Here's a pic of Marylin Monroe doing bench presses:


    and I think this one is her too:


    fact is that all the movie stars are doing weight training, and a lot of models as well.

    MR doing bench press in releve, really? Where is the bench? It looks more like an OHP exercise to me. I agree with the weight training part, but having Marilyn as an example is not really a good thing.

    Edited because I can't spell well on Sundays.
  • amberrenee813
    amberrenee813 Posts: 395 Member
    You can lose belly fat by eating healthy and making sure the fats you consume are mono-saturated fats. For ex. olive oil, almonds, avocados.
  • CreekFisher
    CreekFisher Posts: 12 Member
    One reply said you don't have weights and you're uncomfortable about learning to use them. If you have a kitchen and cook anything, you have weights (canned goods, bags of frozen veggies, frying pan). Most free weight exercises tone arms and legs, if you either don't want to, or can't join a gym, then the resistance machines are not available to you.
    Several suggestions:
    1. Walking, jogging, running, bicycling, hiking, swimming: all will eventually trim the middle, it just takes a really long time.
    2. Genetics rule: not every woman will have an hour glass figure with a flat belly. The fashion used to be that people with flat bellys were considered malnourished and sickly. Look at some of the "old masters" nudes and semi-nudes. All the desireable women had noticeable bellys.
    3. Become a belly dancer, or take up Tahitian style polynesian dancing. They don't have flat bellys between the waist and hips, they have muscles, very strong muscles.

    See if you can find a photo of a relative you resemble from the 1920s - 1940s, those were lean years. If they looked healthy, but were a little thick in the middle, then you may not be able to get the American Dream shape. I'm speaking from experience. During the Vietnam war I was 30# underweight, but still had a protruding belly. In our family it's either that or saddle bags for thighs. I'll live with the belly.
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    Dumb Q's here as I know nothing about good vs 'bad' carbs: With reference to cutting out grains, what about oats? I can't live without my porridge! Are oats are a better choice than veg like potato as a fuel source?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I second everyone else who's recommending weights. Losing more weight won't help you. Staying the same weight and doing more yoga, pilates etc won't help you (no reason to stop these, they're good for flexibility, posture, etc and if you enjoy them then that's reason enough to keep doing them, and they'll burn some extra calories)......... what's going to make a difference is doing weights.

    You said you didn't want to do them because you're afraid you'll get hurt.... why? You're just as capable as everyone else. Why do you think that you're not? I understand that if you grew up with people telling you that you can't do something, it takes a while to get your head around the idea of doing it. But it's probably one of the most liberating things you can do. Even if you're not physically very strong, that doesn't matter. Everyone who does weights needs to gear the weight they're using to their current level of strength. No-one should be lifting anything that's too heavy for them. The more you do weight training, the heavier weights you can lift, and you end up being really strong and having a fit, firm, toned body.

    Here's a pic of Marylin Monroe doing bench presses:


    and I think this one is her too:


    fact is that all the movie stars are doing weight training, and a lot of models as well.

    MR doing bench press in releve, really? Where is the bench? It looks more like an OHP exercise to me. I agree with the weight training part, but having Marilyn as an example is not really a good thing.

    Edited because I can't spell well on Sundays.

    There's two pics - maybe the first one didn't show up (sometimes they don't on all browsers, although I can see it) the 2nd one is OHP. the first one is a bench press and you can clearly see the bench.

    why is marilyn monroe such a bad example? point is that lots of actresses etc do weights in the gym, and a lot of people don't realise that - they think it's due to these celeb diets that get promoted.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Not doing weights is your choice of course, but it seems strange to dismiss such a large tool in your box. However, it's not necessary, but you should develop some strength training that progresses so that you are always challenged. Here's a beginning workout.

    queue immature giggle now!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    As many have mentioned, this is more a calorie deficit issue than an exercise issue. But I'd still add some weights in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • karmaheart
    karmaheart Posts: 75 Member
    I am 36yo at 5'4' with two little girls. I do not expect to look like a 25 year old, nor do I want to. I do not care how others view me. My family has a history of illnesses and I only want to maintain a healthy weight. To look fit and not just skinny is my goal. Thanks to all the responses on here. It really does help and I appreciate everyone's feedback. I am going to start using weights!
    I seriously think people need to stop pandering to this sort of post. You "can't stand" 1/10th of an inch of fat on your stomach? That screams of psychological issues, not physical ones. You are female... you are biologically programmed to lay down fat so that when you get pregnant your body has some stored fuel for the baby. Part of the problem is that we have unrealistic ideas of what the female body CAN look like - mostly from women who can spend all their time working out, eat in a ridiculous manner, or are photo-shopped halfway to hell. But popular images of women are not the only issue ... telling people that they can change their diet or change their exercise regime and achieve the "body of their dreams" is problematic as well! How about we focus a bit on being a fully functional human being, not obsessing over minute details that don't matter and drag us down, and accepting our biological predisposition (including - and I hate this one as much as the next woman - having enough body fat that we maintain consistent menstruation)!!!

    ^^^THIS. Without knowing your height we can't calculate your BMI - but at 115lbs it sounds like you're skinny-fat, i.e. have a high body fat percentage at a low, overall weight. At this stage the only thing you can do is recomping. By lifting heavy.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    I am 36yo at 5'4' with two little girls. I do not expect to look like a 25 year old, nor do I want to. I do not care how others view me. My family has a history of illnesses and I only want to maintain a healthy weight. To look fit and not just skinny is my goal. Thanks to all the responses on here. It really does help and I appreciate everyone's feedback. I am going to start using weights!
    I seriously think people need to stop pandering to this sort of post. You "can't stand" 1/10th of an inch of fat on your stomach? That screams of psychological issues, not physical ones. You are female... you are biologically programmed to lay down fat so that when you get pregnant your body has some stored fuel for the baby. Part of the problem is that we have unrealistic ideas of what the female body CAN look like - mostly from women who can spend all their time working out, eat in a ridiculous manner, or are photo-shopped halfway to hell. But popular images of women are not the only issue ... telling people that they can change their diet or change their exercise regime and achieve the "body of their dreams" is problematic as well! How about we focus a bit on being a fully functional human being, not obsessing over minute details that don't matter and drag us down, and accepting our biological predisposition (including - and I hate this one as much as the next woman - having enough body fat that we maintain consistent menstruation)!!!

    ^^^THIS. Without knowing your height we can't calculate your BMI - but at 115lbs it sounds like you're skinny-fat, i.e. have a high body fat percentage at a low, overall weight. At this stage the only thing you can do is recomping. By lifting heavy.

    You're actually at the low end of the healthy weight range with a BMI of 19.7. I'm the same height, and close to you in age, and have a BMI of 22.7 ('healthy' is 18.5 - 25). You have nothing to worry about in terms of 'maintaining a healthy weight'. Have a look at my progress pics on my profile if you like. I'm 132lbs and have a bit of a tubby belly, but you're 17lbs lighter so I wonder how bad it is... Anyway, glad you're going to try weights!
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    Two things: Cut sugar and grains out of your diet and do squats. If you say you don't want to do something that works, then you don't really want what you originally asked for. You know the answer, yet you are dismissing it.

    Added sugar or all sugar?