Gaining weight?!?! :(



  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    Thank you, I will start paying more attention to that
    Watch your sodium.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    - It's only been 2 weeks. Weight loss is meant to be slow.

    - Not logging accurately. Invest in a food scale.

    - Lots of prepackaged, preprepared and guesstimate foods. You can eat anything and lose weight as long as you're in a deficit, but watch the sodium and additives.

    Food scales are fairly inexpensive. If you can, I would strongly suggest investing in one. It doesn't need to be fancy. I was SHOCKED at how much I was over estimating on my food portions once I got one. You could just be retaining water, but I would strongly suggest weighing your food first.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    If you are not losing weight, the answer is not that you aren't eating enough. A calorie deficit will result in weight loss, whether or not it's healthy. Since you are not losing, there is probably a discrepancy in what you think you are eating and in what you are.

    Do you pre-log? If I don't plan my day ahead of time, I find myself forgetting to log tons of food at the end of the day. Are you using measuring cups since you don't have a scale?

    Stop the current exercising if your feet hurt and your shoes are falling apart. You are risking chronic pain and injury. There are things you can do like pilates, situps, pushups, stuff like that.
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    You know the story, men lose pounds quicker than women. Not sure why, but you cannot compare your weight loss rate to your husband's, that will discourage you.
    Keep logging everything you eat, the sodium from the frozen Lean Cuisine, and Healthy Choice frozen meals could cause you to retain fluids. Just by being aware what you are eating, you have started this journey.
    Keep making good choices, stay honest with yourself when you log your food, you will get there.
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    If you are not losing weight, the answer is not that you aren't eating enough. A calorie deficit will result in weight loss, whether or not it's healthy. Since you are not losing, there is probably a discrepancy in what you think you are eating and in what you are.

    Do you pre-log? If I don't plan my day ahead of time, I find myself forgetting to log tons of food at the end of the day. Are you using measuring cups since you don't have a scale?

    Stop the current exercising if your feet hurt and your shoes are falling apart. You are risking chronic pain and injury. There are things you can do like pilates, situps, pushups, stuff like that.

    It was before I saw her diary. I take it back, overeating does look like a problem.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah I have it on my next amazon order, is this one ok?
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    - It's only been 2 weeks. Weight loss is meant to be slow.

    - Not logging accurately. Invest in a food scale.

    - Lots of prepackaged, preprepared and guesstimate foods. You can eat anything and lose weight as long as you're in a deficit, but watch the sodium and additives.

    Food scales are fairly inexpensive. If you can, I would strongly suggest investing in one. It doesn't need to be fancy. I was SHOCKED at how much I was over estimating on my food portions once I got one. You could just be retaining water, but I would strongly suggest weighing your food first.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    I prelog a bit like once I have decided what I am doing for dinner (I buy weekly lists, just choosing which dinner) then I log it typically... I measure my ceereal and what I can in measuring cups. Obviously I cant measure a chicken breast so I am doing what I can with what I have
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    If you are not losing weight, the answer is not that you aren't eating enough. A calorie deficit will result in weight loss, whether or not it's healthy. Since you are not losing, there is probably a discrepancy in what you think you are eating and in what you are.

    Do you pre-log? If I don't plan my day ahead of time, I find myself forgetting to log tons of food at the end of the day. Are you using measuring cups since you don't have a scale?

    Stop the current exercising if your feet hurt and your shoes are falling apart. You are risking chronic pain and injury. There are things you can do like pilates, situps, pushups, stuff like that.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    thank you!
    You know the story, men lose pounds quicker than women. Not sure why, but you cannot compare your weight loss rate to your husband's, that will discourage you.
    Keep logging everything you eat, the sodium from the frozen Lean Cuisine, and Healthy Choice frozen meals could cause you to retain fluids. Just by being aware what you are eating, you have started this journey.
    Keep making good choices, stay honest with yourself when you log your food, you will get there.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It takes time. When I first started, I didn't lose for 8 weeks!! But then after I got the hang of everything, it happened. My body was holding on to water, I just started exercising, and so on. But it will happen, it just takes time. After you get your scale, just weigh and measure everything and you'll be fine. :-) good luck!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I prelog a bit like once I have decided what I am doing for dinner (I buy weekly lists, just choosing which dinner) then I log it typically... I measure my ceereal and what I can in measuring cups. Obviously I cant measure a chicken breast so I am doing what I can with what I have

    The good news is that this is probably your problem, if you are eyeballing portions. While you are waiting for your food scale, try using measuring cups to dish out food for portion control. There are guides online telling you the portion sizes for things like meat when you have to rely on eyeballing.

    I don't personally use food scales. Like you said, work with what you have.
  • Xaudelle
    Xaudelle Posts: 122 Member
    I found one at Goodwill for like $8.

    The one I have is $20 at Target. :) Go digital and not analog, made that mistake once.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    ok, I will look that up
    I prelog a bit like once I have decided what I am doing for dinner (I buy weekly lists, just choosing which dinner) then I log it typically... I measure my ceereal and what I can in measuring cups. Obviously I cant measure a chicken breast so I am doing what I can with what I have

    The good news is that this is probably your problem, if you are eyeballing portions. While you are waiting for your food scale, try using measuring cups to dish out food for portion control. There are guides online telling you the portion sizes for things like meat when you have to rely on eyeballing.

    I don't personally use food scales. Like you said, work with what you have.
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    ok, I will keep that in mind
    I found one at Goodwill for like $8.

    The one I have is $20 at Target. :) Go digital and not analog, made that mistake once.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You may want to try a more filling and nutritional breakfast. Dry cereal is basically carbs and sugar. Try dating protein like eggs or protein shake. It will fill you up better and give you a better start to your day. Also try more fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Sometimes I gain a pound or two for what feels like no reason and it is fluid. If I eat to much sodium, I retain fluid. I retain fluid at certain points in my cycle. The fluid thing happens at least once a month for me. Adjust your sodium and keep on keeping on. :) For me - I promised myself I would not freak out or worry to much until I hit 21 days of no movement on the scale. I hit 17 days once and then a magical one pound loss ;) Then the next two weeks all kinds of weight came off. I blame my fluid retaining ankles, Chinese buffet, and bloating :) Sometimes I gain weight because I eat to much and that is logged so it is no mystery, lol.

    One thing I'm doing differently this time around is not to over think things. I used to get so crazy about analyzing this pound, a specific diet, what I'm eating, the perfect exercise plan. OMG. I'd make myself nuts and was spinning in circles doing nothing but thinking and eventually quit everything (or never start). This time I decided to look for a good workout plan but in the mean time I'm going to grab the DVD on my shelf and just do it even if it was the worst on the market. It burns more calories than reading reviews on all the others ;) This time - I just started logging and eating at a deficit (or making that my goal) and I'll learn about better choices as I go. It has been so much easier this time around.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    Just to give you some advice, if you don't have a food scale yet, a portion of lean protein is about the size of your closed fist or your palm. I don't remember where I saw this but it had a list of foods in relation to parts of your hand so you knew their portion size.

    Drink plenty of water too. I'm not sure I've seen this suggested. It helps with reducing the amount of sodium you intake because sodium makes you bloat and that has been a major problem for me lately so I've upped my water intake.

    I've noticed people have mentioned logging coffee and tea and things like that, but also think about the little things. Did you taste dinner as it was cooking? Did you steal a bite off your husband's plate? Things like this add up. So log the little things.

    Try just adding logging the little things, upping your water intake if you can, and using your hands for portion sizes. It helps when your in a pinch if you don't have a food scale.

    The recipe builder is great too.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Yeah I have it on my next amazon order, is this one ok?
    I am trying to get a scale, I was not really prepared for all of this so I am having to buy a lot of stuff and we are not rolling in money. I have to get some shows because right now I am exercising in converse and my feet are hurting and they are falling apart anyways and a scale is on my list as well
    - Not eating enough.

    - It's only been 2 weeks. Weight loss is meant to be slow.

    - Not logging accurately. Invest in a food scale.

    - Lots of prepackaged, preprepared and guesstimate foods. You can eat anything and lose weight as long as you're in a deficit, but watch the sodium and additives.

    Food scales are fairly inexpensive. If you can, I would strongly suggest investing in one. It doesn't need to be fancy. I was SHOCKED at how much I was over estimating on my food portions once I got one. You could just be retaining water, but I would strongly suggest weighing your food first.

    That looks fantastic! Digital ones are great, but even that is not necessary. My mom used to have a plain old kitchen scale that wasn't digital. I have no idea where she got it, and it was a bit hard to read, but it worked. I bought mine 2 years ago from Amazon. I don't remember how much I paid, but I was a student at the time, so it couldn't have been much. It's digital and it's still ticking!
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    Ok, I will try that, thanks
    You may want to try a more filling and nutritional breakfast. Dry cereal is basically carbs and sugar. Try dating protein like eggs or protein shake. It will fill you up better and give you a better start to your day. Also try more fresh fruits and veggies.
  • sunseeker43
    I am a stay at home Mom and my husband works 60 + hrs /wk and 3 of those 12 hr shifts are nights which means he is sleeping during the day. I am not a gym person so I got a dog that requires exercise which in turn is my motivation. She throws her ball at me when she NEEDS the walk. Before the dog, I would make a point of exercising during the commercials when I watched tv. That would easily be 15 mins over a one hour show..marching on the spot, twisting, elbow bends etc. It helps and it is in small pieces so you aren't getting sore or too tired. Water is a better choice then the crystal light that you mentioned you drink. I believe I read somewhere recently that aspartame is a component of the hazards of that crap! People the drink diet sodas do not necessarily lose weight. Add lemons or lime to water, or drink some club soda but make sure it is low sodium. Water(over club soda) should still be main source of fluid....and decaf green tea would be another option, I try to eat a homemade soup or salad for lunch or dinner as all the extra veggies help fill me up. Look for recipes with veggies or beans in them so they are full of fiber. Aim to walk or dance or what ever for a total of 30 mins minimum per day....but break it up in to smaller amounts at a time if you need to. I haven't looked at your diary but try to really increase the amount of fibre you eat. You can set your settings so that you can see the amount of fibre you have eaten that day.
    Patience! don't give up!!!
  • socialdchic
    socialdchic Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks you! Where we live we cannot have dogs though :( I am a stay at home mom too. I will try the gym once my son starts school this fall but we are new to this area and I am his prime caregiver and the only close gym doesnt have a kids area....

    I do not want to be drinking crystal lite but I am coming off of drinking 5-6 sodas a day since I was a kid daily and I have to have something flavored when I eat and the lemon in water never worked for me because it tastes like watered down (if you get what I mean). I hate drinking it and I know it is awful (I wont even let my son touch it)

    I am really really bad at this and I have no guidance. I have not met anyone here so I have no one in real life and people treat me like I am an idiot when it comes to a lot of the questions I ask but this is the first time I have done this, my husband used to cook so I am learning to do that alone on top of all of this... (single mom raised me and was never home growing up). I just dont want to be unhealthy and fat anymore and I just dont know how to do it on the budget and skills and restrictions I have :(
    I am a stay at home Mom and my husband works 60 + hrs /wk and 3 of those 12 hr shifts are nights which means he is sleeping during the day. I am not a gym person so I got a dog that requires exercise which in turn is my motivation. She throws her ball at me when she NEEDS the walk. Before the dog, I would make a point of exercising during the commercials when I watched tv. That would easily be 15 mins over a one hour show..marching on the spot, twisting, elbow bends etc. It helps and it is in small pieces so you aren't getting sore or too tired. Water is a better choice then the crystal light that you mentioned you drink. I believe I read somewhere recently that aspartame is a component of the hazards of that crap! People the drink diet sodas do not necessarily lose weight. Add lemons or lime to water, or drink some club soda but make sure it is low sodium. Water(over club soda) should still be main source of fluid....and decaf green tea would be another option, I try to eat a homemade soup or salad for lunch or dinner as all the extra veggies help fill me up. Look for recipes with veggies or beans in them so they are full of fiber. Aim to walk or dance or what ever for a total of 30 mins minimum per day....but break it up in to smaller amounts at a time if you need to. I haven't looked at your diary but try to really increase the amount of fibre you eat. You can set your settings so that you can see the amount of fibre you have eaten that day.
    Patience! don't give up!!!