Macro Help PLEASE!

I have the biggest headache from trying to figure out what my macro's should be set at. I was encouraged by a friend to do a low carb diet and I have done it for a few days but it is just not for me. So I'm 157 lbs trying to get down to 130, 5'5", 27% body fat, eating about 1,400 calories a day, though it has been changing a lot lately as i cannot figure out what i really need. I lost about 10 lbs on the initial setting MFP gave me and then haven't lost a thing for about 2 months. Please help me figure out my macros for weight loss.
Right now I have it set at 40c 30p and 30f, which makes 140 grams Carbs 105 grams Protein and 47 grams Fat. This is just based off a few calculations ive found online.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    your current macro setting is pretty standard and that is the same one that I use.

    Basically it is going to boil down to your calorie deficit, if you are not losing weight, then you are not in a calorie deficit, period. Unless of course you have some kind of medical condition that you did not list in your post..

    Do you have a food scale? Weigh measure log everything? If the answer is no, then that is probably your problem right there.

    After you lost some weight, did you readjust MFP based on your new weight? If not, you may want to do that as your calorie needs will change as the weight goes down.
    what kind of work out routine do you do?
  • maddieice
    maddieice Posts: 1 Member
    join iifym women on facebook. they will help you a lot. the first thing they are going to say is that you should be eating more.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food.

    Read this:

    As for macros, I'm less hungry when I use MFP's protein & fiber goals as minimums, and ignore fat & carbs. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    your current macro setting is pretty standard and that is the same one that I use.

    Basically it is going to boil down to your calorie deficit, if you are not losing weight, then you are not in a calorie deficit, period. Unless of course you have some kind of medical condition that you did not list in your post..

    Do you have a food scale? Weigh measure log everything? If the answer is no, then that is probably your problem right there.

    After you lost some weight, did you readjust MFP based on your new weight? If not, you may want to do that as your calorie needs will change as the weight goes down.
    what kind of work out routine do you do?

    This ^ and this :
  • jennah8
    jennah8 Posts: 5 Member
    I did adjust it to my new weight and I do have a scale. I would say that i use it for almost everything, except for any processed foods I may eat such as Luna bars and pre packaged things of that sort. I started out with a 1200 calorie limit given to me by MFP and lost weight but I was assuming it was because I went from maybe 2000+ calories a day before I counted to 1200. Ive read SO many things saying its bad to eat only 1200 calories so Ive tried eating more to lose more. Most of the calculations Ive done come to a minimum of 1570 calories so I set it to 1400. Should I possibly go back to 1200 calories? I have no medical conditions, I run 2 to 3 miles 3x a week, if i run at the gym I always lift weights afterwards and I will do 1 or 2 days of just lifting weights. I end up working out 4 or 5 times a week for an hour. When I do weights I focus on a different part of my body each day.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    According to your ticker, you have 21 lb. to lose. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient.

    Read the Sexypants link:
  • jennah8
    jennah8 Posts: 5 Member
    Well for the next 4 weeks I'm going to be extremely impatient because I am going to Australia in May and I have been trying to lose 20 - 30 lbs since January. After I get back I will start being patient. Im getting pretty frustrated! Thank you everyone for you input! Maybe i can lose 10 more by the time I leave.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If you have 30 lbs. to lose, set your goal no higher than 1 lb. per week. The less you have to lose, the more slowly it comes off. That's just the way the human body works.

    But if you haven't lost anything in two months, then you're not eating at a deficit. You're underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burns. Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. Eat back half your exercise calories.
  • MistuhBeefMan
    You might need to shock your body. I would recommend eating an extra few hundred calories for a day or two and then go back to what you were doing. Always worked for my wife and I.
  • janetn03
    janetn03 Posts: 12 Member
    hi! check out this site to calculate your macros for fat loss
  • amyrosenberg123
    I have the same problem, i am 5,7 150lbs 16 years old and im desperate to lose bf! I workout 5 times a week 4 days strength training and 2 days cardio, i am currently eating 1800 cals eating 172g protein, 60g fat and 145 carbs. I really want to start IIFYM but i have no idea how to go about it since im pretty sure my macros are off.. Do you know any iffym women i could talk to? Would be super helpful!:) thanks x