On a journey to be 100lbs down by my honeymoon!

Hi all! I've been on Myfitnesspal for a couple years now but am just now actually using it. Its done wonders for a couple people I know and hope it will do the same for me.

On October 21st, 2015 I will be marrying the love of my life. We will be together 10years on our wedding date and he has loved me through THICK AND THIN. Literally. More-so THICK. I've struggled with weight since my late high school years when my father became ill and passed away. Food binges are a coping mechanism I've mastered over the years. I've made a pact with myself that My husband and I will enjoy our honeymoon together to the greatest extent we can. I can't do this without being healthy and at a lesser weight. I want this for the long term too. Children, Long health lives together and everything and anything else you can think of is reason enough for me. I am looking to lose roughly 100lbs by my wedding date! I am asking for the support of people who share the same goals. Add me, motivate me, inspire me! The journey will be worth it!

SW 256
CW 242
GW 140


  • emilygus
    emilygus Posts: 8
    Hi Dev!
    Your goal sounds wonderful, friend me for sure, I'd love to have motivated friends on here (I'm new/using it again) as well. I had lost most of my weight a couple years ago, then with some life changes and loss of motivation and routine, gained it back.
    I'm currently staring a healthy eating plan I can recommend with certainty if you want to join with me, and working on getting back into shape with turbofire if that interests you too :)
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    Good luck in your journey! Any advice is more than welcome as this is a fairly new journey for me! Always open to healthy eating advice!
  • emilygus
    emilygus Posts: 8
    I'm reading and doing the Eat to Live lifestyle by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It's a great book, you can pick one up on Amazon, or B&N... lots of great info and motivation for changing how you eat and how you "diet."!