Evening Snackers?

Okay, so I am a big evening snacker (after my day's calories have been used up, usually!). Once I've sat down to watch TV, I want to indulge in whatever we have. We don't have much in the house snack-wise right now, so I was hoping I could set a goal for myself to go one week (until Easter Sunday) without snacking after supper. At all. Cold turkey.

Does anyone else suffer from snackitis and want to join my quest? I'd love it if a bunch of us were in this together, we could keep each other motivated and share tips/tricks that we come across :)

I will be posting again before bed with my first night's results!


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I did this like a month ago because evening snacking for me was the worst. After a week of not snacking at night, it was amazing, I felt free having control over eating only if I really wanted to or was actually hungry.

    Good luck!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Yep. I'm stressed all day at work, and usually too busy to eat a bunch of junk. Then I go home, make dinner, eat, and when TV time comes around, it's chips, cookies, ice cream, whatever we got :blushing:

    I know I do this, so I try to save calories through out the day. I'm better than I was though; I used to buy candy in the afternoons and eat it before going home, I've been skipping it the last couple of weeks.

    I think starting off slow works better for me than cold turkey. I reduce, get used to it, then reduce again. When I quit cold turkey, the cravings are usually too much to handle and I overindulge.
  • helizi
    helizi Posts: 30 Member
    It's computer/internet for me but yes, there are definite times/habits that trigger my urge to snack. I try to substitute: a glass of milk is cold, creamy and sweetish, so a bit like ice cream. If I want chocolate, I make a cup of coffee with a spoonful of cocoa. For salt, it might be crackers or celery with hummus. I have better results with substituting or delaying cravings than outright refusing them, but it's getting easier with practise.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    That's the exact reason I work out at night during the week for the most part - I'm way less tempted to snack if I just worked my butt off! XD But I did have the same issue, and still do on the days I work out in the morning or not at all. :-/
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    I will not be joining your quest but I do wish you luck! I wish I had the will to stop my evening snacking!

    For me its inevitable so I usually pre log most of my day so I can fit some evening snacks into my calorie goal for the day.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Lately this applies to me as well. I've closed my diary for today, so I'm hoping I'll not cheat myself later. That is my goal.
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Yes. I'm a boredom eater. If I'm bored watching tv, I eat. If I'm bored playing games, I eat. Almost always in the evenings too. I have found that being busy, doing something where I'm not sitting still, helps a lot.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I am doing it cold turkey because the snacks I like are 500-1000 calories worth of garbage (ice cream, chips, and once I made my husband bake me a cake lol), and I would rather have a nice big family supper instead of skimping on meals to make room for my terrible garbage habit :(

    It is partly emotional for me, and partly boredom. The boredom makes me want to eat, and then a little voice in my head says, 'you deserve this. You shouldn't have to go without. Why deprive yourself? Haven't you suffered enough?' and all I want in front of me is bad foods, nothing healthy. So I really want to beat this demon.

    I really like the tips so far, planning to exercise a little tonight, but worried that'll make me hungry! But I am hoping that having supper a little later than usual (usually we eat at 4-4.30, today it'll be closer to 6) will mean I can get through the night. May need to find some distraction if it gets bad, but we'll see!
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    I know the feeling, I've been there and done it, but you can get out of the habit. Feel free to add me ????
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Gizzy, I sent the request. And 87lbs lost, wow! Congrats! And I'm so glad other people have conquered the habit. So far it's 8pm and I am staying strong, keeping busy (staying away from the TV). I should have planned today better because I have like 400 calories left now lol. But I was over by 400-600 the past few days, so let's just say it cancels out a bad day. I have had hunger pangs since STRAIGHT after dinner (seriously, body? Come on), but I soothing them with water.

    I already closed out my diary, and I have so much willpower right now! I think I'm 1 out of 7 for this week! :D
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    I am the same way I do fine all day then 8 pm hits and I turn into a rapid dog.lol Im only exaggerating a little. I also gym at night so I dont bored eat and so Im really tired and just go to sleep.

    Ive recently been eating every two hours something small but with a taste of whatever im craving then to gym on weekdays then INSTANTLY to sleep. I also try not to buy snacky food. So if I really want it that bad id have to prepare something and Im usually just not willing to do that lol
  • Hschoon1
    Hschoon1 Posts: 20
    I have the exact same problem - I started exercising at night to prevent the overeating/snacking. It forces me to eat a lighter dinner and not snack until I've digested dinner and can go for a run without feeling sick. By the time I'm done I'm pretty much too exhausted to eat.
    Hope this helps; just be careful not to let it disrupt your sleep if you decide to try this!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    bedtime is my worst snack attacks... cookies with milk.. ice cream you name it...I have begun to beat that back by being VERY careful about my calories, not having junk in the house and exercise six nights a week... usually I now have calories left over so if I REALLY want something.. I go for a half a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain.. that will stop my cravings cold
  • I am definitely interested in pumping the breaks on my snackitis!!
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    I've been trying to get myself to stop eating later but it has been really hard to stop because I'm always hungry at night. I have started breaking down my meals by hours so I can see what I'm eating later and see if there is a trend in my weight loss moving slower. It would be better if I could just get myself out of the habit. I'm up for the challenge!
  • pri0810
    pri0810 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey all
    I just moved to the USA and after I got married I've gone Dow hill. When I'm home alone and can't stop eating junk food. I do so well during the day but in the evening I mess up. I don't know what to do :(
  • I have this problem too :/ i tend to eat the most at night. I think it's because I get hungrier after I work out, and I also have more downtime to think about parts of my life that are stressful. I tend to turn to comfort foods. However, currently counting calories has helped me cut out some of the excessive snacking at night because I almost feel ashamed to go over my maximum calories.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Find a way during the day to leave yourself some extra calories.
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    im terrible, like its embarrising.

    im in!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Yes this should go without saying but...uh...save calories for the evening? I routinely eat sweets at night. It's 2 am and I'm going for peppermint patty number 3 for today.