30 Day Shred..... thoughts

I got this DVD for Christmas and I'm not sure what to think of it. I started level 1, did that and did level 2 straight after. No probs. Today started with level 2 and just don't feel that it's enough to just do 20 mins, despite what they claim! I upped again and followed the level 2 with level 3 - I can't do all the exercises in level 3 (mainly abs), so I'm somewhere between them.

I just am not convinced by this 20 min workout idea. I thought I should feel like I've done 40 mins or more, but I don't. Anyone got any more thoughts/ discussion on this?


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you're supposed to do level 1 for 10 days straight, then level2, then level 3.
    Level 1 for ten days straight totally kicked my butt. By the third morning I could barely walk.
    I never made it through level 2 because I didn't like it.
    I still do level 1 from time to time mixed in with other workouts.

    Maybe up your weights? Level 1 with the 3 pounds got too easy after a bit so I did 5 pound weights. Tried it with 8's and almost died.
  • toludc
    toludc Posts: 49 Member
    Sounds like you have a pretty good fitness level so it may not be enough on its own for you. It was for me when I first started my weight loss/fitness journey four months ago but I now I do at least two - usually all three back to back to make a workout and add a 20-40 minute run most days. Like you I find certain moves harder than others - my upper and lower body strength are not equal at all! I had never done strength training before so those were the bits I found hardest. Because it is fairly slow it helped me to have good form on my movements which makes them more effective and prevented me getting joint pain. I also found it hard to maintain because I got bored with it. Before I started it a read a few comments on it that it didn't result in much weight loss (on the scale) but did result in loss of inches. This has been true for me - generalized toning and strength - I can use heavier weights now.

    I am going to start the Insanity workout and I think the 30 day shred has been part of getting me to that fitness level.

    Long answer to a short question!!!!
  • Manda_H
    i just got it too.. im not all that impressed so far. I have some biggest loser dvds i will use moreso and use Shred here and there. I love a work out thatmakes me sweat and so far i havent with Shred
  • Floricienta
    I love the shred although on its own it's not enough for a workout. I added it on top of my gym routine and have it as an option for those days I can't make it to the gym. I think it's nice for a little 20 min workout that you can fit in your schedule pretty much anytime. You could always do it as a warm up if it gets too easy for you :-)
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I didn't like the video for sooooo many reasons!!!

    1. The biggest reason is that I do not think it's okay to do the same exact work day after day after day without letting your body rest. If she really wanted to do it right (in my uneducated opinion), she should have thrown in a few more videos - so level 1 would have 3 videos, all working different muscle groups. Level 2 would have 3 videos, etc. This way, you really could do it every day and really get stronger and better. All I get from this is to train my body to find those particular moves easier - I'm not gaining much since my body doesn't get the rest it needs to build things back up!

    2. Then - I think it really needs more cardio. I don't think 3 minutes of cardio stuffed in the middle of strength work is going to do it for most people who are really trying to lose weight. I think strength is very important - but where's the cardio!!

    3. I also cannot stand (and this is a big show stopper for me) that she doesn't move to the music - what?????? It's the oddest thing I've ever seen!!! I just really bothers me LOL!! I just ignore them and go with the music, but it's just soooo distracting!

    4. Outside of those things - she bugs me - the contstant chattering and repeating and saying things that just make me want to tell her to shut up. It's so distracting. I'm trying to do pushups - which are very hard for me - and she is yapping away (not even doing the workout herself, by the way - yet another thing that bugs me) telling me stupid crap. I know that this one may just be me - but I am on who works hard, and I don't talk when I'm working hard and I find it hard to listen when I'm working hard. I sometimes think she talks just to hear herself talk!! And I think she talks like we are children!! There's a difference between cueing the next moves or simple instruction or tips other videos do during workouts and Jillian's contstant yapping.

    5. Ok, and just one more thing and I'll be done :-) I really don't like how they stand around for so long during the transitions to the next move. Keep us moving for crying out loud. In 20 minutes, you need to make us move every single second - and she doesn't. When I do it, I don't stop and stand there waiting like she does - I just move on and let them catch up to me LOL!!

    I actually do think that a really great 20-minute workout 6 days a week can really help someone lose weight. I've actually done it. About 15 years ago, I put on a whole bunch of weight. To get it off, I did The Firm videos 6 mornings a week (I also think doing the 20 mins first thing in the morning was key for me) and they were all right around 20-25 minutes long. I'm a big fan of the way The Firm videos combine strength with cardio to get a really good workout in. I dropped the weight really fast and I looked fabulous. Of course, I was much much younger! And I gained it back when I quit working out and eating well. This time around, I seem to have to work a whole lot harder - I've been doing 60 minute workouts instead.

    So anyway - so many people seem to love the 30ds, so it was fun to give my negative thoughts!!! Can't wait to read the rest! I might use the videos to get some strength work in, because it's something I want to focus on more right now. When I get back to doing it again, I'm going to add it to my regular workouts and I'm going to do it on my own terms - meaning I will not do it every single day. I think it's important to have variety in what you're training your body to do and rest for the parts you worked and doing the 30DS as you're "supposed to" just doesn't give me that.