Who is ready to work off the holliday food?!



  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Hopefully to the gym tomorrow, if I can get through the blizzard that is hitting Boston. If not I've got the new WII dance game which is a blast, and a new 15 lb kettle bell that I wanted but have know idea what to do with it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    And to you :-)
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i took yesterday off and ate whatever i wanted...yet only went 58cals over my goal!! whoop!!! got back on track today with 30day shred but am going away to family in the morning so won't be properly back on track until new year!
  • superstu80
    I am. I was so stoked to get back to the gym today!
  • Fineraziel
    I started with 45 minutes of Zumba Wii for me! :D ... and Im about to try my new Michael Jackson dance game! ;)
  • NicholasMongold
    I'm going to do some p90x plus this week with some insanity.
  • 164fit4me
    164fit4me Posts: 9 Member
    Getting ready to go give my new Biggest Loser Challenge a whirl!!!!