Evening Snackers?



  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yes this should go without saying but...uh...save calories for the evening? I routinely eat sweets at night. It's 2 am and I'm going for peppermint patty number 3 for today.

    Junior Mints. :love:
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    I'm going to try no unhealthy snacks after supper....only celery and dip if I must snack....I will not sabotage myself today...I will not sabotage myself today....I will not...
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Yes this should go without saying but...uh...save calories for the evening? I routinely eat sweets at night. It's 2 am and I'm going for peppermint patty number 3 for today.

    Junior Mints. :love:

    I would recommend this mindset to help. I like to do my snacking later when I have time to chill out and relax for a bit before bed. What this means though, is that I have to decide early on what the snack will be, and then I make sure I hit my dinner with plenty of room to spare. That way, if it is delicious (just kidding honey, it is always delicious) I have room for seconds, or if I want to grab a small bowl of cheetos I can. Give yourself the ability to succeed by giving yourself the calorie room late in the day. Best of luck.
  • changingL1sa
    changingL1sa Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in! I will give this a shot tonight
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    I guess in a big chicken because I could NOT stop snacking at night so my doctor told me to eat 5PM -5PM . So I start counting my calories at dinner. Now that I know I have all the calories I eat so much less. I have a nice dinner if I want a snack I have it and no guilt. My log looks like this.


    I know this isn't for everyone, but has saved me.
  • ddeverell1
    ddeverell1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am bad about this, and it's a boredom thing with me, too. I've found that I have to eat dinner after 6 pm (preferably closer to 7). Also, I can't keep unhealthy snacks in the house. I admit that I have little-to-no will power, so I just don't buy them. That way if I have to snack I have no choice but to eat the healthy stuff.
  • Lisacare
    Lisacare Posts: 40 Member
    I am also a notorious night time eater. In contrast to what most people are saying, I find that if I eat more, and regular though the day I am less hungry at night. Therefore it is easier to maintain the will power to not eat. I think that the night time eating is more for comfort, relief of boredom and a really bad habit. If I have eaten properly thought the day, most of my calories and lots of fruits and veggies than I feel like it's not really hunger I am feeling. The other thing I strive for is dinner at 6pm or 630pm than no food after 7pm. So I am nice and full and ready to relax. I have maintained this for over a week now and so far so good :) .
  • Dkenyon1
    Dkenyon1 Posts: 2
    I'm serial snacker.... I try to entertain myself doing things to keep it under control it get out the habbit as well as not having stuff to snack on in the house, try painting your nails or brushing your teeth earlier.
    Sounds stupid but have you ever tried eating a bag of crisps with wet nails? :)
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    OMG!!! My life = night time snacking seriously!!! I can't even express how much I can relate to this topic!! My peek snacking hours are usually 830pm-12am... I just cannot stop thinking about food lmfao. it's a PROBLEM!!Like even if I have to go to bed early I will eat dinner and then just for the simple fact I'm heading in to bed I prepare a snack and haul it into bed with me, like I swear my fav place to eat is in bed at night!!! The only thing I don't really relate to is blowing my diet over it bc I eat so much low calorie food that way I can snack whenever I want... I find super low cal foods and stuff face on that so I really eat all day. One thing I used to do is like if I was having chips, pretzels, popcorn I would only have one serving, like 12 pretzels or whatever. I would dole out one serving and fill sandwich baggies with them, that way instead of bringing the whole bag into the bedroom with me I had one serving.. which did help, and I'm not gonna lie sometimes I grabbed 2 snack bags but 2 servings is better then the 6 I would have eaten if I brought the whole bag! Another thing is my mom used to talk about not eating after a certain time which I think is pretty common... I would love to try not eating after dinner at all, I would say not eat after a certain time but I feel like if I said ok no eating after 8pm I would pile snacks in my face until 8pm lol whatev.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    Also if you start feeling that evening craving reallly really gnawing at you drink 2 big cups of water!! I know you might have to get up and pee in the night but it might make you feel less like having that snack!! Sometimes that works for me:)
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I am the same way I do fine all day then 8 pm hits and I turn into a rapid dog.lol Im only exaggerating a little. I also gym at night so I dont bored eat and so Im really tired and just go to sleep.

    Ive recently been eating every two hours something small but with a taste of whatever im craving then to gym on weekdays then INSTANTLY to sleep. I also try not to buy snacky food. So if I really want it that bad id have to prepare something and Im usually just not willing to do that lol

    Not buying snack food is really important bc let's face it after work,working out, taking care of family, cleaning or whatever else your day brings most of us can't even think about cooking an actual meal unless it's one of the 3 main dishes lol!! Good Idea!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    i know I've commented like 4 times now but alsoooo I reallly like the fiber one bars and bc they are so dense I feel like they make me feel a little more full as far as a snack goes... just a thought.. They are pretty tasty and only 90 calories :)
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I have an evening snack every night, it helps keep my blood sugar level during sleep( I have dawn effect, where if I don't eat after dinner my liver makes glucose while I sleep, it just doesn't know when to stop) I plan my day with that in mind. Some of my snacks are:
    3oz carrot dip chips and salsa with a cup of beef broth or 2 cups some nights
    3oz carrot dip chips and a snack size of hummus with broth
    Greek yogurt with .5oz walnuts and broth
    Half an apple sliced thin with 2 tbsp of PB2 and broth
    Half an apple sliced thin with a babybel cheese slice thin and broth
    It crunchy, sweet, and spicy on different nights. Good luck
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I try to save room for a nighttime snack every single day. It's usually not carrot sticks and wheat germ either...some chips and salsa, a small bowl of ice cream, or my go to: peanut butter M&Ms. Early in my weight loss efforts I had a night where I bit my husband's head off* then went to bed early because I didn't have any calories left...not my finest hour. I made a promise it would never happen again, and after discovering TDEE and increasing my exercise so I can have a decent number of calories, it never has.

    *delicious but high in calories
  • gabylewis22
    gabylewis22 Posts: 41 Member
    Two tips for evening snackers (me being one of them!).

    1. Split your dinner in two. So if your having a bowl of pasta or something, have half of it at say 7, and the other half at 9. You'll then be less tempted to snack as you wont have to sit around for hours being hungry.
    2. Brush your teeth straight after dinner. This genuinely works for me, and apparently works for people with lots of different cravings (including my Mum, who brushed her teeth everytime she wanted a cigarette!). You'll have a nice clean mouth and you wont want to spoil it with food!
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I made it through last night, so I'm officially in day two of detox! I couldn't tell which were hunger pains and which were phantom pains last night, but I netted 1300 pretty healthy calories, so I knew i wasn't going to waste away lol.

    I'm glad there are other people who have the same issues as me! I do think it is my biggest barrier to weight loss. I thought about how smart it'd be to brush my teeth earlier, but didn't do it! I chugged plenty of water, which I usually struggle to do throughout the day, so that's a nice bonus.

    I wish it were as easy as leaving room in my calories for whatever snacks I want - but mentally, I *want* the whole bag of chips, sleeve of cookies AND the chocolate bar (not that Hershey stuff, proper Dove). It's not like, oh I'm peckish, I should have a nibble on something. I think mentally I want to feel 'full' and want to maintain that full feeling all night. So cold turkey really is the only way I feel I can go to beat this thing. After this week is done I'll leave myself room for dessert once a week, but otherwise I want to change the habits that put me at 200lbs in the first place.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I've been getting better. A LOT better. I have been focusing on having something for dinner that is what I REALLY want and crave. I count/measure my portion and I also try to save calories to have a more generous dinner. I am finding if I am truly satisfied from dinner, I can better force myself to not snack. Each day it gets a little easier.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Save calories for later!
  • janicebinva
    janicebinva Posts: 99 Member
    I like to keep a stash of low-calorie snacks in the house for when I've just got to munch on something. For me, baby cut carrots work well. They are a little sweet, they're crunchy, and you can pretty much eat all you want as long as you're not dipping them in something. Same thing for other plain veggies like green beans, celery, cauliflower and such. Another big weapon for me is sugarless gum. I pop a piece of gum, and then I have something sweet to chew on for a while. Sometimes I'm amazed that that makes me feel like I've had something to eat. Also plain tea (decaf at night). Another thing I've been using lately is diet soda. It makes me feel like I'm "having" something, but no calories. I know the artificial sweeteners aren't very good for you, but I figure it's better than eating 1000 calories in snacks.
  • milkyskinn
    milkyskinn Posts: 126 Member
    I save calorie space. I ALWAYS get hungry at night, and I eat right before bed, too! I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I just get shaky and grumpy and I can not sleep with a rumbling stomach, lol.

    I just keep it healthy and try to not eat anything naughty after 8pm- I usually have my last snack at 10-10.30pm, a small serving of oatmeal with some chopped up dates or fresh fruit, and a little piece of goat cheese. Having some protein and healthy sweetness is key for me :)

    Also; teaaaaa. Drinking tea at night really helps in making me feel satisfied, too!