Is there ever a day 2?

Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
It seems like I am always on day one! Always battling the "getting started" aspects! Emotionally it is very hard to always be here. I am going to get through this and put day 1, week 1, month 1 behind me somehow. If I could figure out what is the issue with me on this one, I think I would be truly on my way for a lifestyle change. Can anyone relate?



  • atucker0821
    atucker0821 Posts: 106 Member
    i think i'm ok with staying on day one...every single day i treat it as day one...mainly because i think i do better on the first day...always motivated, going to do the right thing, watching what i eat...making sure to exercise...i suffer the most from the longevity...

    what is the hardest part for getting started for you?

    losing weight is an emotional journey for me period. i had to take some hard looks at myself and admit some embarrassing truths...and then smile, and get started...

    don't be embarrassed to start over takes courage to start once, twice...and over and haven't given up yet so use that for motivation!

    stay positive!!

    amanda =)
  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    I'm glad you asked this question because I ask that same question every day. Why is it that I'm always starting day 1, but never waking up on day 2 with a day 2 mentality? I feel like I'm treading through a lifetime of being on day 1. My problem with day 1 is that by the end of the day, I'm feeling as if tomorrow will be day 1. I need to make it through day 1 so I can move onto day 2.

    I wish you the best of luck. Day 2 is streaming just 24 hours away for both of us.

    Eat healthy.

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm terrible for this as well. I think it's mainly because I expect results so quickly, that I find it hard to stay motivated. This is especially tough when I'm trying a new workout and I can't keep up or do the moves right away. I get even more discouraged then!

    I just tell myself to do it, and to keep going. I keep it simple like that.

  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Can definitely relate as for 20 years I was always starting a diet! Late 2009 I became thoroughly disgusted with myself and added my weight loss to my prayer life and set January 4, 2010 as my "first"day for a lifestyle change, rather than a diet. I have successfully lost the 40 pounds I set out to lose and yes there were lots of plateaus and obstacles along the way. The difference was definitely in my mindset and taking each meal, each day, one at a time! They can all be first days! I agree with what hotpickles had to say: we all expect results right away, when in reality the weight we are trying to lose came on over a period of time, and it certainly takes longer to lose it than to gain it! You have to establish realistic goals and be patient with yourself. Keep focuses and keep starting as many times as it takes! Good luck to you own your journey!!!
  • dwalshb
    dwalshb Posts: 3 Member
    I have found I can get to Day 2 if I change my routine on Day 1. On Day 1, clean house, play music dance in your kitchen and sing. It is a great time for you to get your kitchen and space around you to look like what you want to see and be. Try to find some older pix where you were a size that you see as possible in a few months-then up on the refrigerator!

    Buy a case of water or seltzer, and keep it on the counter or at arms length when you enter the kitchen.

    If you get time, organize your clothes by larger sizes to smaller, and keep those smaller sizes at a reachable distance. Get another picture on the inside or outside of the closet....and keep the music going, dance sing, pour a seltzer with a lemon slice or a touch of lemon juice and toast- find inspirational songs that feed your soul.

    Most importanlty stay away from those helpful loved ones and friends who love you just as you are and don't think you need changing....if you want to make a change in your life-you can. Let everyone see how happy you are you are beginning a new journey, one day at a time. Every day is is your day to make your dream work for you.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I feel the same way, I get very discourage when I don't see results or I want to see more results faster. I'm also starting over again w/ more of a postive attitude for the new year. Just don't give up & keep trying, Good Luck:)
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Thank you all for your input and encouragement. Everyone had very good ideas. For the question of what I think is the problem... I don't know! I KNOW everything I need to do. I LOVE working out wants I am into it. But it seems like I can't get the consistency down.

    So that is going to be my motivation for when I start. I am setting a date that my life changes and I am soul-searching right now as to my goals, my pitfalls, my options and all and I REALLY want to do it this time.

    I saw a relative of mine not too long ago (we never got along) and she use to be my size and lost all of her weight. I was happy for her but couldn't understand why I never have my "turn". I have been overweight my whole adult life, since babies arrived! Then I saw her again and she was still small. (In past times she had put the weight back on.) Well, it hit me, yes she disciplined herself, found consistency, etc and got the weight off, looking great! But now she is maintaining and the only way to do that is to not return to the old eating habits that got her there in the first place... the ones that I think will end my life it I don't let them go. The truth is just the opposite.

    So, I truly need to look at this as a life-style change b/c once I am thin and a beautiful me....I am going to want to stay that way! I know I am an emotional eater and need to break the cycle!

    Thanks again for responding. From past experiences, support is a huge factor for me!!!

    Happy New Year!
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