Struggling through this plateu

Hello everyone,

Before I get started I think I should fill everyone in on a little background about myself. Ever since I hit puberty I've always been overweight. I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago at my highest weight of 189 lbs at the age of 18. It started out in a not so healthy way. I quickly developed an eating disorder and lost 20 lbs while doing extreme damage to my body. I then, with the help of my boyfriend, tried losing weight the healthy way and lost another 10 lbs. Then my eating disorder took over again and I lost 17 lbs bringing me to my lowest weight since pre-puberty at 140. I then begun treatment for my eating disorder and through treatment and working 2 jobs and other personal problems I gained 15 lbs back. I started using MFP once again and have managed to get down 5 lbs in the last month the healthy way.

The problem started 2 weeks ago after I had a partial cheat day and the next day was my weigh in day and I was surprised to know that I had lost 1.5 lbs and then last week I weighed in and had gained the weight back, which I couldn't understand because after my cheat day I have been making sure I have been staying within my calorie goals. But now I can feel my ED self taking over again and I feel guilty if I even get remotely close to eating 1,200 calories. I feel like I have to eat 700 cal or less and if I eat more I feel like the next day I have to starve myself so it will balance out. Before anyone get's on my case about this not being healthy. I am aware that it's not healthy and it's not something I'm proud of. I want to get through this, but I just wanted to know if anyone sometimes goes through the same thing? How do you overcome these types of feelings? I really NEED SUPPORT you guys. I don't need anyone putting me down and attacking me because I have an unhealthy relationship with food and a poor body image. I am already aware of these things which is why I was in therapy in the first place.


  • Realizing the more days I do this the worse it gets...I'm not hungry as much
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Biggest step for me was getting rid of the goddam scale. Seriously. It's about the worst thing you can have.

    Weight fluctuates pretty easily by 3 pounds or more in a given day. It's normal and natural. If it drives you bonkers, step off.

    Take progress photos instead. Go by how clothes fit. Whatever else you want to do to track HEALTH. Are you losing weight to weigh less or to be healthier? Are you losing weight to weigh less or to look good in a swimsuit?

    So use those things instead. Try tracking your resting heart rate, and do things to improve that. Check your BP and get that healthier. Can you make those your goals? It really helped me.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I think the best thing for you is to resume your therapy.
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    I agree that it may be in your best interest to seek professional help concerning your ED. Personally I suffer from binge eating and emotional eating; it was not until I dealt with the problems that were stressing me out that I was able to escape the mental prison of these disorders.

    The scale can be your enemy; if you feel that you are relying too much on these numbers, it may be better for you to take measurements instead such as your waist and hips.

    Remember, if you do not eat enough calories your body will begin to store everything you eat as fat. You can always substitute healthy alternative such as fruit, veggies and nuts to ensure you are meeting your daily calorie goal. MFP is setup to include your activity level as well the information you input regarding your workout routine, so make sure you are meeting your goals to guarantee weight loss.

    I have hit several plateau and understand your frustration. Just keep reminding yourself that you want to do this the healthy way and that it will pay off in the long run. I find that if I focus on my health in comparison to weight loss, that I have more motivation.

    Good luck! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I think the best thing for you is to resume your therapy.

  • Biggest step for me was getting rid of the goddam scale. Seriously. It's about the worst thing you can have.

    Weight fluctuates pretty easily by 3 pounds or more in a given day. It's normal and natural. If it drives you bonkers, step off.

    Take progress photos instead. Go by how clothes fit. Whatever else you want to do to track HEALTH. Are you losing weight to weigh less or to be healthier? Are you losing weight to weigh less or to look good in a swimsuit?

    So use those things instead. Try tracking your resting heart rate, and do things to improve that. Check your BP and get that healthier. Can you make those your goals? It really helped me.

    This had crossed my mind but I never saw it in this perspective. Thank you. I guess I focused on the number because when I'd go to the doctor that's what they would always tell me that I had to weigh a certain amount. Not more or less. But yes my goal is to be healthy in the end. Not do further damage to myself. Thank you! :)
  • I agree that it may be in your best interest to seek professional help concerning your ED. Personally I suffer from binge eating and emotional eating; it was not until I dealt with the problems that were stressing me out that I was able to escape the mental prison of these disorders.

    The scale can be your enemy; if you feel that you are relying too much on these numbers, it may be better for you to take measurements instead such as your waist and hips.

    Remember, if you do not eat enough calories your body will begin to store everything you eat as fat. You can always substitute healthy alternative such as fruit, veggies and nuts to ensure you are meeting your daily calorie goal. MFP is setup to include your activity level as well the information you input regarding your workout routine, so make sure you are meeting your goals to guarantee weight loss.

    I have hit several plateau and understand your frustration. Just keep reminding yourself that you want to do this the healthy way and that it will pay off in the long run. I find that if I focus on my health in comparison to weight loss, that I have more motivation.

    Good luck! :)

    Thank you. And I do try to eat healthier options because if I eat junk even for just a day I get really sick the next day and I feel sluggish. Not a fun feeling!
  • YolandieVenter
    YolandieVenter Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly how you are feeling. These last 4 weeks I have worked hard, exercising and eating right only to discover I only lost 200g. But what keeps me going is that 3 months ago I couldn't run more than 1km, now I can do 5km and cycle 10km. It's hard work to stay positive but the bigger picture says there is progress, we must just realise it is a work in progress, it takes time. My overall health has improved dramatically so I try to focus on that.