Why pay for Weight Watchers Online?!



  • servicedograiser
    servicedograiser Posts: 38 Member
    I went to weight wathers (twice for 6 months each), and paid for a year online. At the meetings I wasn't interested in learning how to make low calorie candy bars or foods people missed most. What I did develop was scale anxiety, and focusing on getting a low scale reading.
    On MFP I can concentrate on getting nutrients in, and can choose how to use my scale (recording numbers I will never see again!)
    Feeling much healthier, physically and mentally!:heart:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    The problem with Weight Watchers is it doesn't teach you how to eat well and maintain your weight after you reach your goal. After WW, I got down to my skinniest ever, but it was unsustainable and I didn't develop better eating habits, so I quickly gained it all back and more. I love MFP's emphasis on maintenance and nutrients.

    actually it does, hence becoming lifetime member. but it does not help you if you just stop cold turkey so yeah mfp is way better and easier.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I was a WWer for ages and had considered going back, but it is SO expensive and their website hasn't been updated since the 90s! Their forum is also very quiet and boring because they don't promote it as a tool at all.

    They have a real preoccupation with selling you their processed (expensive!) crap, too.

    I notice their prices have gone up again, too. I'll stick with MFP.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    Who Needs Weight Watchers? I've accomplished my goals & more utilizing this website & self determination! :)

    You can do it also :):):)

  • Sheri3851
    Sheri3851 Posts: 70 Member
    I too am a weight watcher lifetime member from back when I was 20 years old. I always felt like weight watchers did a good job of teaching healthy eating and really focused on portion control. I have went back twice and been successful. Lately though it seems like they are really pushing their products and that I'm not interested in. With teenage children and a child in college I'm also not interested in paying every month to lose weight that I know exactly how to lose. For me MFP does exactly what weight watchers does . . . makes me accountable. But this time I'm accountable to my friends and to strangers. So glad I found this site and I hope to be a lifetime member of MFP :) Good luck to you all!
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I did WW online a few years back on the old system. I lost about 30kg over 2.5 years because I wasn't in a rush. I have put it back on, and now have about 16kg left to lose.

    'Oh well, you put on weight so it doesn't work' - What rot. Get off your high horse.

    I went from knowing nothing about nutrition to knowing a fair but more about portion control, recipes etc. from WW. It helped me track my diet in easy, small numbers on the old points system.

    Why did I regain the weight? Life. Things beyond my control. My decisions at the time and a lifestyle that didn't support meal preparation and time to excercise. I looked really hard at affording WW online again, but it just couldn't be done.

    I like MFP because it's free, and I am learning more about 'real world' calorie decisions. WW eased me into learning about food, and if I hadn't done that, I am sure using MFP would have been so daunting and an uphill battle that I wouldn't have tried for long.

    Different strokes for different folks.
  • campdawson
    campdawson Posts: 69 Member
    I'm glad you're excited by it... just don't get disenchanted if you don't end up weighing "XX lbs in 5 weeks." Weight loss is rarely linear so you may not see that number 5 weeks from now. That's my only advice. Now, carry on!

    Very sage advice--
  • brian_the_student
    Hi everybody,

    I am also trying to figure out the pros and cons of WW vs MyFitnessPal. The issues seem to be price and features, but its also important that WW has worked for so many people over the years.

    After thinking about it, I actually decided to do a study on Weightwatchers for a class in my university.

    Can you please fill out my super-quick survey on Weightwatchers versus MyFitnessPal?


    I promise it will take less than a minute and I will share the results when I get enough replies! smile

    Thanks so much!
  • thejocool
    thejocool Posts: 46
    Done ! :wink:
    Hi everybody,

    I am also trying to figure out the pros and cons of WW vs MyFitnessPal. The issues seem to be price and features, but its also important that WW has worked for so many people over the years.

    After thinking about it, I actually decided to do a study on Weightwatchers for a class in my university.

    Can you please fill out my super-quick survey on Weightwatchers versus MyFitnessPal?


    I promise it will take less than a minute and I will share the results when I get enough replies! smile

    Thanks so much!
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    This free site blows Weight Watchers out of the water. I've already lost weight using the tracking, and it's been a week.

    I love how:

    1.) Literally EVERY brand is on here which makes tracking so easy

    2.) It tells you your healthy sugar, sodium levels etc. Amazing feature that weight watchers doesn't offer.

    3.) It also tells you if you've had too few calories, and to eat more to avoid going in to starvation mode.

    4.) And this is the winner right here *drum roll*
    > It shows you how much you'll weight in 5 weeks. This for me is the motivation kicker. I absolutely love it. Smart idea.

    'myfitnesspal' you've kicked Weight Watchers butt! I hope you continue to stay free! Thank you, you've helped me feel better about myself and have helped me get back on track.

    Good luck to everyone! I hope we are all able to succeed.


    One love! :flowerforyou:

    some people find the points system easier. My roommate does WW. I, however, am a math major, and the concept of "points" really makes no sense to me. So, calorie counting it is. Also, I like that this site is free, lol.
  • danyellegbaker
    danyellegbaker Posts: 9 Member
    I agree,I am so mad I wasted all that $$$.This site is way better!
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Different strokes. As far as having MFP teach you something, honestly, that depends. I'd say if you're a person who needs to log everyday for an infinite period of time, then you've just traded one crutch for another. For me, I was able to lose weight without calorie counting, but this site gave me a sharper and objective perspective about what portion sizes were. When I lost weight, one of the best tools I learned was how to develop restraint and enjoyi things in moderation.

    So all in al I tihkn if you use the tools and apply them, then you can make a life change, but like with WW, there are many people here who do yoyo as well.
  • mynameisnotemily
    mynameisnotemily Posts: 42 Member
    I started out with WW Online. It worked really well for me, because it simplifies things a lot. It's true that there comes a time when you need to make a more balanced and educated look at nutrition, but a site like MFP would have been too overwhelming for me at the beginning. And while the huge database is great, the downside is the huge number of duplicate & incomplete/wrong user-created entries.

    And the weekly points take a lot of stress off of a beginner and make it easier to budget for a bigger than usual treat.
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm three weeks into really using MFP vs WW online. My wife has great success with WW (still does - lifetime member), and so did I, truthfully.

    But then I stalled out, and couldn't make any real gains (losses). Three weeks ago I cancelled my subscription there and started using this full time. I'm already thrilled that I did. I've lose a few lbs already, feel great, and calories rather than points makes much more sense to me.

    And as others have said, this is free, and a much better community.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I think.. .much like most other things in life.. if you want it simple, you'll pay for it.. WW boils it down to the easy, here's your points and a burger, etc is XX points.. they do the work/calc's for you, but you'll pay for it.

    MPF, here's a burger, figure out your own cals, protein, fats, etc and enter it in, but its free. you need to do a bit more legwork and educate yourself on what your doing, but you're saving money.
  • kraft_kris
    kraft_kris Posts: 157 Member
    I pulled the plug on WW also, after being a member on and off again for most of my adult life. I think that anything will work if you work it, but I had gotten to the point where I was not going to meetings and not tracking so I decided to save myself the monthly fee.

    I would have to agree that the support on MFP is more awesome-er than with Weight Watchers.

    I do wonder how MFP can offer such an awesome tool for free. I know they have the ads and stuff...I guess that is enough to sustain it? Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth though, I really like MFP.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I love MFP for all the reasons you listed.

    In fact, it bothered me that MANY many years ago, WW was more focused on what servings you had of what food groups - how man proteins, how many carbs, etc. etc. When they severely veered away from that to try to make it more "friendly", that's when they lost me. I know - oxymoron - make it simpler, and lose the people who liked it being complicated! LOL Anyway - I never knew enough about nutrition to really grasp why lower fat, higher fiber, higher protein sorts of things were important - or that that meant you got to have more quality food by focusing on that. Don't know why - but I guess being really stubborn had something to do with it! LOL

    I also love that it syncs with my Fitbit.

    I do have a membership to WW only for the "social" aspect of it - to actually be around "real live people" who are also trying to lose weight. You never know who might have a tip you haven't considered before.

    It's also an extra measure of accountability to go weigh in once a week - to actually have another person do the "weigh-in" who likes to see people lose weight.

    One other thing: on WW, you actually get a little more food than MFP gives you...the range is a little higher. That way I know I have my low (MFP) numbers to high (WW) numbers, and if I hit in between, then I'm going to lose weight.

    It's all just a matter of perspective.
    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    I joined WW about 10 times over 7 years, and I never managed to make it work long term for me. The huge problem I had was that if I had a bad week, I'd make excuses not to go... then that bad week would turn into two, then three, then I'd be too embarrassed to go at all and cancelled it. Cost me a fortune!

    With MFP, I find it easier to track AND although this week I gained 1lb, I still 'checked in' without feeling embarrassed. I think the anonymity definitely helps me :)

    One good thing about WW for me is the ready meals in Farmfoods for 79p. Granted they're loaded with sodium, but the WW chicken curry has literally just saved me from buying a £20 Indian takeaway and massively binging!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    The problem with Weight Watchers is it doesn't teach you how to eat well and maintain your weight after you reach your goal. After WW, I got down to my skinniest ever, but it was unsustainable and I didn't develop better eating habits, so I quickly gained it all back and more. I love MFP's emphasis on maintenance and nutrients.

    EX-ACT-LY!!!! But you can't tell the WW people that. They get all in a tizzy. I'm learning to shut me mouth.