Baby weight mama! Who else? Any tips?

Just had a baby mid-Feb and gained about 50lbs during my pregnancy. I've lost 20 and need to ditch this final 30lbs! Hopefully this app can help me stay on task. Are there any other new moms trying to lose baby weight? What have you found to be successful? How do you account for breastfeeding with this app? Help, help, help!


  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my baby is coming up to being two this summer. I didn't actively try to lose weight until he was about 9 months old, but once I started the weight started coming off. Sounds like you are off to a good start. I don't know how to account for breastfeeding here because I lost my weight with Weight Watchers Online and switched to here after. I think you need to add about 500 calories, but that is just what I think I've read so don't quote me on it. You definitely want to make sure you are getting enough for you both. I am not at goal yet. The first 30 pounds came off easily, the next 10 took a bit longer and I want to lose at least 10 more pounds, but this last stretch has been the toughest. I weigh less now than I did prebaby. I was around 150 when I got pregnant, I got into the 190's during my pregnancy, got to 177 lbs after and stayed there until I tried to lose the weight. I am currently fluctuating between 130 -135, but would like to be 120 - 125 lbs. I'm 5'3.
  • liannecatherine
    liannecatherine Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Mama(s)! I too am working on losing my baby weight. My son was born on Christmas and I also gained about 50lbs total. I have about 10 more to go, so back on MFP. :) I lost the baby weight with my daughter just by counting calories. I actually got down to below my prepregnancy weight using MFP last time so really hoping to have the discipline to do it again. Would love to be friends if you're interested!

    Good luck, and congratulations on your baby!
  • livimami
    livimami Posts: 2
    Wow! You guys did pretty good with the weight loss. I'm starting counting calories tomorrow and I hope it works for me! It's so hard to get to the gym, but I guess it's only a couple months after she was born so I'll try to give myself a break.
  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    I usually exercise when my son is napping. I either go on the treadmil or do a Jillian Michaels DVD. I also love walking even though I don't burn as many calories, but if I don't feel up to working out I will try to get out for a longer walk with him in the stroller and then I'm at least getting some exercise in. Also drink lots of water, it definitely helps.