Cheat Meals/Days: Are they worth it?



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    It's important to do what works for you. I don't really use the term "cheat days", because that implies that I'm doing something bad, and also that I'm on a "diet". But I do owe a huge part of my success to allowing myself to indulge on the weekends, but some people find it easier to avoid temptation all together.
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    My daily calorie goal is 1,500. The week before last, I had a cheat meal and it triggered bad habits. I went two days in a row eating bad, then I did well the 3rd day. But the 4th & 5th day, I did horrible.

    This weekend I took one day off on Sunday and I exercised well mostly all week long and I didn't eat those calories back.

    My point is that I feel terrible. I feel like all my hard work goes down the drain. Should I avoid cheat days/meals altogether? Should I just work it into my calorie goal? I know alot of people take those days off but maybe it's not for me?!

    Im having the same struggle. Went out with some friends for a few drinks on Saturday after an awesome week of eating well and busting a sweat at the gym all week! Weigh in day was a total disappointment! Feeling as though it isnt even worth it because I have to work 3x harder to get back to where I was and past it!
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    Well, I must say that I screwed up.... kind of. My husband and I had a planned anniversary get away to a place that's known for good food. It was for 2 days and nights. I planned on splurging but carefully. I watched my portions and we walked and walked and walked and I even went swimming. Still, I gained 4 pounds back in those 2 days. I cant believe how fast I gained it back. I must be super susceptible to gaining weight. So, I guess I will be digging my heals back in hard. BTW....our weekend was so fun and I think it was sort of worth it. 20 years with my husband is worth a pound or two ;)

    To put on 4 pounds of fat, you would have had to have eaten 14000 extra calories in those 2 days.

    What you are seeing is water and glycogen. Drink a healthy amount of water in the next couple of days, and those 4 pounds will disappear.

    This happens to me almost every weekend. I'll jump up 2 or 3 pounds on Sunday, and then it all goes away (plus my 2 pounds to lose) by Friday. I eat saltier food and drink less water on the weekends, typically.
  • DeboraW_55
    DeboraW_55 Posts: 95 Member
    Some times when my daughter and I go eat Mexican, I will have a Stomach ache and be sick. So a Cheat day is not for me
    It is hard to eat healthy again.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    It may not be for you. Or it may not be for you NOW, but someday you'll be able to "cheat" without it derailing your efforts.

    I think it's a mental thing. When I started logging my food here, I decided that at least one day a week I would eat closer to, or above, maintenance. I call it an "eating" or "treat" day/meal, which to me sounds less negative than "cheat." I'm not cheating. I'm making a conscious decision to do this. Yeah, I fit treats into my calories most of the time, but if I dine out or go to a family party or go away for the weekend, it's not always possible to estimate calories or I just need the break for my sanity.

    Since doing this, I haven't fallen off the wagon after treating myself. I keep right on going, and maybe it's slowed my progress a little, but I want this to be a relatively easy-feeling process instead of a chore. Before doing this, cheats would derail me terribly. One "bad" meal on Friday night, and I'd be all, "Welp, might as well eat brunch and pizza nonstop until Monday."
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    If you just can't fit your treats in your programme, yes it is better to eat badly once than give in and eat badly for a few days!
  • ElizaKat001
    ElizaKat001 Posts: 28 Member
    For me, it’s all about balance. I don’t want to completely derail my progress, but I also want to enjoy social events, eat foods that I love, and keep my sanity. If I know that I’m going out to dinner or to a party, I try to pre-plan what I’ll eat and work it into my day. That being said, occasionally I’ll go over a couple hundred calories – and that’s okay! I’m under most of the time, so it balances out. Indulging once in a while doesn’t hurt, and it keeps me from binging down the road.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    Yeah, theyre worth it if you dont overdo it. & sometimes you need to take a cheat day so you dont cave in & binge all at once. That could have been your problem...& try to stay within your calorie goal when you do have a cheat meal.
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    I've found that I'm okay with a cheat meal once I'm WELL on my way. The first time I did the "get in shape" thing I started allowing myself 1 cheat meal per week once I'd lost 40 pounds.

    This time I had a month of success so I gave myself a cheat meal. It spiraled and I ate poorly for 2 months. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't have the willpower to get back on track until a week ago.

    At this point I'm not taking the risk until I'm nearing my goal.

    ***The other time a cheat meal has helped me is when I am stuck on a plateau for a couple weeks. I have a cheat meal and for some reason it allows my body to start losing weight again. *shrugs*
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member

    Im having the same struggle. Went out with some friends for a few drinks on Saturday after an awesome week of eating well and busting a sweat at the gym all week! Weigh in day was a total disappointment! Feeling as though it isnt even worth it because I have to work 3x harder to get back to where I was and past it!

    Just remember that some foods/drinks make you retain water. After I eat certain foods (even if they're within my calorie goal), I "gain weight." It sticks around for a couple of days, but after 2-3 days of higher water consumption, the water flushes out and I drop the weight again. (for me, popcorn = the biggest culprit).

    The scale doesn't tell the whole story because of water issues. Also, sometimes, it has nothing to do with food and can be hormone/cycle related - so cut yourself some slack - don't obsess over the number on the scale, and know that (unless you've got some medical issue going on), if you eat at a deficit, you're going to lose weight over time.
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    The only cheat days I take are holidays or birthdays. I can't handle a regular cheat day, once I have bad things I begin to crave them more.
  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    I find that if I don't track on my cheat days it can lead to continued bad behavior but if I do track than it stays just one day and I don't do as bad. I think it helps to set parameters for a cheat day too. Like rather than being a free for all maybe just give yourself 1000 calories more than you usually have. That way you are still keeping track of what you eat, you are still being accountable to yourself, and you don't feel guilty because you are working within your plan.
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Well, I must say that I screwed up.... kind of. My husband and I had a planned anniversary get away to a place that's known for good food. It was for 2 days and nights. I planned on splurging but carefully. I watched my portions and we walked and walked and walked and I even went swimming. Still, I gained 4 pounds back in those 2 days. I cant believe how fast I gained it back. I must be super susceptible to gaining weight. So, I guess I will be digging my heals back in hard. BTW....our weekend was so fun and I think it was sort of worth it. 20 years with my husband is worth a pound or two ;)

    To put on 4 pounds of fat, you would have had to have eaten 14000 extra calories in those 2 days.

    What you are seeing is water and glycogen. Drink a healthy amount of water in the next couple of days, and those 4 pounds will disappear.

    This happens to me almost every weekend. I'll jump up 2 or 3 pounds on Sunday, and then it all goes away (plus my 2 pounds to lose) by Friday. I eat saltier food and drink less water on the weekends, typically.

    So, how does drinking excess water get rid of water weight? Can I count coffee, there's water in that? I see 3lb. swings some days that cannot be related to what I ate.


  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    If I have a cheat meal/day I'm more likely to continue to eat things that aren't good for me. Plus, then I'll have to work harder to burn more calories to get back where I was before the cheat. Why should I do that to myself? Even though we usually go out one evening during the weekend, I still try to make good choices and come in around my calorie goal by planning ahead of time what I'm going to eat and drink. Even if I go over, I still think I make better choices than if I blow my calories completely.

    And sometimes those cheats make me crave crap even more. Last night I had an Italian ice, pure sugar I'm sure, but I had the calories for it so I ate it. Today I'm craving sugary things. Usually I don't have a problem with those cravings when I don't eat a lot of sugar. So even with the calories to spend yesterday, I'm still suffering today. No, not worth it.
  • Lindsayryk
    Lindsayryk Posts: 71 Member
    I can't do cheat days. Sometimes I can do cheat meals, but the guilt is overwhelming and not worth it. I find myself using unhealthy ways to try to compensate.
  • LaLaVee13
    LaLaVee13 Posts: 54 Member
    If you don't have the willpower to jump right back on track the next meal/day you should probably not cheat yet! Eventually, though, you wont be used to 'cheat foods' and they will make you feel sick if you eat them so you wont want to cheat anymore :)
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    Sean, do you weigh yourself at the same time each day, preferably first thing in the morning? You'll have the least water weight swing then. But don't let the difference bother you, it's all about the downward trend. That's why a lot of people only weigh themselves once or twice a week.

    The water helps make all of your organs run more efficiently and with good fiber, helps to make the food go through you more efficiently. If I don't drink the water, I won't lose as much weight, and I don't feel as good. I did Weight Watchers (successfully) years ago and our group leader used to have a formula for how many "points/calories" over your goal you were, and how much water you had to drink to help drag the food out of you by the weigh in. Sounds silly but it actually worked. I can't remember the equation though.
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    I take Jillian Michaels advice! Eat healthy 80% of the time, and eat whatever you want 20% of the time. I don't have a specific cheat day, I just fit in a little treat whenever I feel like eating it. If I go over, no big deal. I just try to keep in mind that I am STILL eating wayyyyyy healthier than I was when I gained all the weight.
  • starsandowls
    starsandowls Posts: 55 Member
    I've tried a variety of "cheat" options. Giving myself a whole day off is bad news for me - it led to binging and giving up on trying to change.

    Personally, I manually set my net cals to 1300, and what I actually aim for is 6 days in the 1200-1400 range and one day in the 1200-1800 range, each week. That's basically a small dessert once a week or going out for a burger and fries instead of soup or salad and fruit bag lunch.

    I think learning how to handle days when your calories fluctuate is important, and I don't call it a cheat day. I don't like the implications of the word "cheat" because it implies that there is restriction the rest of the time. Life happens: holidays, birthdays, work lunches, etc. Learning how to work in higher calorie days without going crazy is important to making this a true lifestyle change. Good luck!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    cheat/tʃit/ Show Spelled [cheet] Show IPA
    verb (used with object)
    1. to defraud; swindle: He cheated her out of her inheritance.
    2. to deceive; influence by fraud: He cheated us into believing him a hero.
    3. to elude; deprive of something expected: He cheated the law by suicide.
    verb (used without object)
    4. to practice fraud or deceit: She cheats without regrets.
    5. to violate rules or regulations: He cheats at cards.
    6. to take an examination or test in a dishonest way, as by improper access to answers.

    So how does your eating style correlate to "cheating"?

    I eat everything I want in moderation on any given day. I don't want to "cheat" myself out of foods I enjoy!