what does everyone think of body pump?

I decided I was going to take up as many forms of exercise as possible to work out my entire body, I've recently started spin classes, I'm training for a half marathon and yesterday did a yoga class followed by body pump.

I absolutely loved body pump HOWEVER I am in agony today!!! My legs from hip to ankle feel like they're ripping, my bum cheeks are killing!!! I can't get up and down the stairs and am grunting even getting in and out of the car! I was thoroughly stretched and warmed up prior and cooled down after it, today I've done lots of yoga stretches and soaked in a hot bath but the pain is mega!

Has anyone else done it and been this sore? I'm used to weights and hard exercise so thought I'd be fine! I'm doing it again though, it must make thighs and buns of steel!! Ha ha


  • sarahmania
    sarahmania Posts: 16 Member
    The first time I did body pump I thought I was relatively fit, but I was stiff for a week afterwards! So I know where you are coming from. I love love body pump and more than 10 years later I'm still doing it. I also swim, run and do weights as part of my gym program. I think it's an excellent class and great fun too; you can get good results from it too. Maybe try to have a hot bath and rekax a bit or go for a swim in the next few days. You'll soon recover :happy:
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    I'm just now joining the YMCA...I'm nearly 45 years old and until now, for years have only used my elliptical or walked. I haven't strength trained in probably 8 years. AND I"m far from consistent with my Elliptical. I do really well, then I slack, which is why I joined the Y....holding myself accountable and finding friends to help along the way. Anyway. Body Pump yesterday. Today.....I cry like a little girl going up and down my stairs...I live in a split level. AND....AND, I'm was going to try to go back again tomorrow night....if anyone can give me any tips.....I'd be grateful. I mean assuming I'm a little better tomorrow....I'll go, but for right now, I know for a fact I couldn't do a squat if someone PAID ME :) What is a good amount of an overall body work out like that per week....2Xs ....3Xs??? I was thinking of doing 2 times and cardio 4 or 5 (on a good week) But if anyone has insight, I'm all eyes :) TIA
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    You will find this hard to believe, but it will get better. I do body pump 3x a week, and I experienced the same pain and discomfort that you are referring to. Your muscles will get used to it, continue to up your weight, and the time will come when you have very little discomfort.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Not a big fan of body pump because I prefer to lift heavier for less reps. But I do combat and the first time I did combat I literally couldn't move the next day, now, three months down the line it doesn't affect me at all because my body is used to it. I went to pump a few weeks ago and it didn't bother me this time because again my body is used to moving and lifting.

    Stick at it and your muscles will be fine.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    THREE MONTHS......I'm going to cry some more...LOL. I'll give it a go tomorrow night again.....I'll do what I can. Thanks for the insight....I know it will pass, I just want it to NOW :) that's what I get tho. Better late than never ...not quitting now :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You do realize that rest is also an incredibly important part of the equation right?
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    They were quite coy this release - burn burn burn on the lunge track? How cute >:( I always up my weights whenever I can get through a section without stopping to take a break, but I've never been so sore I couldn't move the day afterwards. Does the instructor correct your form? Poor form could lead to aches and pain.
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    I really believe I'm just that out of shape.... Unfortunately & he told me at the end that he wished everyone stuck to very light weight as it was the repetition that was most important. He did correct me on a few things as we went. And Rest .... Yes... That's why I was asking. I've lost 30lbs since August, quit smoking in January & now need to lose about 40 more. I've been up and down since quitting lost my forward momentum. I was just trying to get an educated guess or two on the whole package :) how much of what & how often.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Body Pump truly changed my body and my life. Take a look at my transformation pic. It's the best thing since sliced bread! I'm thinking about becoming an instructor.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Oh and for those asking:

    1. Yes, it will get better!

    2. You can do BP a maximum of three times a week. Take at least one day off in between classes. So, I go Tu, Th and Sa. I also do cardio on those days and then the other 4 days of the week I do cardio only.

    3. It takes time to build up. It's okay to start at very light weight and work your way up in weight; in the beginning, focus on learning counts, ranges of motion and proper form.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I'm a fan! I like to lift as heavy as I can to failure, but twice a week I do power pump classes (same thing, different name). I can say that it kicks my *kitten* every time! It's a great feeling though!
  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    I was Very Pleased to find that after my second class, only two days later, I was only in Half the pain, and recovered quickly. but now unfortunately I have a sick daughter and it will be a full 7 days between classes.....UGH. I'm so bummed and more afraid it will be like starting all over. Oh well.....I'm doing squats and lunges at home and my elliptical until then. Wish the Y was open EASTER....but I guess the day is more Important than my thighs......LOL. Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Be Blessed <3
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    While there is nothing inherently wrong with bodypump classes, it does lack specificity. IMO, if you want to lift then lift and if you want to do cardio then do cardio, don't muddle them up. Remember, when you train you aren't just "working out" you are attempting to elicit a specific adaptation to the imposed demands (training stimulus). By mixing different types of exercise, you reduce the specificity of that adaptation and; in doing so, reduce the efficacy of the imposed demand drastically. If you want to get your cardio in while lifting I would suggest doing HIIT with heavy barbell circuits or heavy weighted carries. You will burn more fat and build more muscle this way. You probably won't get as sore either which is a plus.
  • lecounth
    lecounth Posts: 42 Member
    I like Body Pump. When I started, I was as sore and in pain as you described. And it does get easier/better. I just did a 60 minute spin class follow by Body Pump. A year ago I would have fallen out -- today I came home and started the laundry!

    Keep with it!!!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You're sore because you did something you're not accustomed to doing. If you repeat a similar workout frequently enough, you'll no longer get sore from it. Being sore is not a measure of the effectiveness of a workout.

    Bodypump is mediocre cardio and is very poor strength training though. You could do a lot better.
  • momxs2
    momxs2 Posts: 173 Member
    I love Body Pump!! The more you do it the stronger you will get and the easier it gets!! Great workout! Stick with it!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    While there is nothing inherently wrong with bodypump classes, it does lack specificity. IMO, if you want to lift then lift and if you want to do cardio then do cardio, don't muddle them up. Remember, when you train you aren't just "working out" you are attempting to elicit a specific adaptation to the imposed demands (training stimulus). By mixing different types of exercise, you reduce the specificity of that adaptation and; in doing so, reduce the efficacy of the imposed demand drastically. If you want to get your cardio in while lifting I would suggest doing HIIT with heavy barbell circuits or heavy weighted carries. You will burn more fat and build more muscle this way. You probably won't get as sore either which is a plus.

    yep it's a cardio class with weights.

    will not get exceptionally stronger- you'll just get better at moving small weight around for a long time- which I guess if you worked at the post office- that's a super good thing to train.